The hashtag was started because of Labour's direction re self-id/proposed changes in the GRA, but it gets used by all manner of point-scoring types (e.g blairites, remainers, tories). You have to be patient to wade through it. Women have been tweeting screenshots of their letters ending their memberships and this is, of course, not helpful because it just makes other women within Labour but who also have misgivings feel more isolated.
I was at the meeting too. The meeting did not feature only Labour women. WEP women were there (inc. Sophie Walker who intervened to justify WEP's actions against Heather Brunskell-Evans who was also there to respond), Mumsnet women of various political persuasions were there, women belonging to all manner of ethnic minorities, trade-unionists as well as Labour women.
Anne Ruyzlo made a point about CLP's up and down the country passing anti-transphobia motions that in effect silence women (much in the same way as Bristol uni students have just voted for a banning of TERFs) without a clear definition of transphobia and without people having an understanding of the aims behind those motions.
The meeting was fraught and shouty unlike other meetings by the same organisation. Several reasons for that - the nature of this particular meeting (the aim was to urging a stand to be made); didn't help to have protestors shouting abuse at women as they entered and Bergdorf's being asked by Labour as an LGBT advisor just the day before did not help and women felt it like another slap in their faces and women's views are becoming even more entrenched (I suppose this comes with being on defensive mode, especially lesbians who are bearing the brunt of gender scientism
going mainstream)
No answer has come from Labour because 1. they didn't think it through to start with and now it's become a hot potato and 2. some higher ups within Labour (Momentum, in particular) are heavily invested in a sex politics that dismisses women's exploitation and structural sexism (approaches to prostitution as "sex work", to give an example).
#WPUK is usually used to give updates on the meeting to those who couldn't attend. I haven't seen how that went but it should be good.
Latest big development is the BACP's apology for publishing a letter by
Stephanie Davies-Arai and asserting their commitment to affirmative therapies in that apology.