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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

Got to say there was a lot of rubbish dumped in the parts of London I was visiting last weekend. Really put me off visiting again
It doesn't help the quantity of dumped 5h1t around here that the rubbish / recycling skips are
a) only open on restricted hours
b) the little sh1tler than runs the operation is a major twunt.
c) the site is badly organised - not enough space and so access is really difficult.
d) the rules on what you can / can't deposit are labyrithian in the extreme [hence b) !]
e) council has charges & rules for large item collections
It doesn't help the quantity of dumped 5h1t around here that the rubbish / recycling skips are
a) only open on restricted hours

d) the rules on what you can / can't deposit are labyrithian in the extreme [hence b) !]
e) council has charges & rules for large item collections
Yes I was surprised at the limitations when I paid £400 for a skip in 2021 ...
Mattresses especially...

I had some arsehole leave half a can of grey masonry paint on my garden wall,
I have a shitload of that sort of stuff to take to the dump at some point so I took charge of it - mostly to prevent it ending up spilled on the pavement / road - sod's law I will manage to spill it before it gets to the dump.

More recently it was a quarter sheet of plasterboard.
Doubtless cowboy builders offloading something you can't legally put in hired skips or wheelie bins.
I don't know if they were the builders who did it, but there was some building activity up the road so I dumped it up there ...
Where I live there is plenty of whining about the environmental/recycling details, but at least they keep the rubbish off the streets, the hours for the recycling place are fine, there's rarely a big queue and you can go when you like. :(
I'm still finding it difficult to ignore vapes I find.
I spotted one of these in the park yesterday and having looked online to confirm what it was, will struggle to not collect it.
Thankfully I'm not deliberately looking in the sorts of places where they might easily be found - or perish the thought, asked the local street-cleaner to keep them for me...

I'm now up to 4 cells and 2 amp-hours so I could start to build a 12 volt "power wall" - somewhere I have a very old and inefficient parcel-shelf solar panel I could use to create a front door discussion-starter...

One for Epona to comment on I think but I am happy to grumble about both litterers and the systems that mean we have to much

That's an excellent article, thanks for the link!
I do think that individuals who litter shouldn't be completely let off the hook in a moral sense (I mean just because someone is disenfranchised wouldn't make it OK to go and kick a heron) but yeah most of the blame lies elsewhere and that article is actually pretty good and on point about society, disenfranchisement, alienation etc.
You couldn't kick a heron, could you? Not that it had ever crossed my mind to approach one either in hostility or friendship, but I'd assume it would fly off, whatever I was thinking.
You couldn't kick a heron, could you? Not that it had ever crossed my mind to approach one either in hostility or friendship, but I'd assume it would fly off, whatever I was thinking.
Would you kick a heron? No?
Then don't pirate DVDs.

Half the problem with littler is try finding a litter bin when you want one.
You hold on and on to your litter and when you finally reach one it's overflowing because a. It's serving too many customers and b. Councils can't afford the staff in Tory Britain.

I still take mine home with me as I grew up in a time where you bagged it and binned it.
But instant gratification raised gen. Yh not going to happen.
Cycling out on the Exeter to Tiverton road for the first time in ages yesterday, I was shocked at the roadside detritus scattered all the way along one length of it, right next to a local beauty spot. All of it clearly thrown out of car windows. No excuse.
Cycling out on the Exeter to Tiverton road for the first time in ages yesterday, I was shocked at the roadside detritus scattered all the way along one length of it, right next to a local beauty spot. All of it clearly thrown out of car windows. No excuse.
the solution is more bins or less packaging right? we should do a poll

One for Epona to comment on I think but I am happy to grumble about both litterers and the systems that mean we have to much

Bollocks - just hang on to your litter (put it in a bag or something) until you reach a bin. Some people literally throw stuff out of their car window. We all feel angry/resentful/pissed off at times. Doesn't generally excuse shitty behaviour, so why should it excuse littering?
The vape litter is getting noticeably worse and the packaging has replaced the cellophane and packets in terms of simply being chucked on the street or in the park ...
I hear the government is about to buy trial vapes for millions of smokers ... one chap on the radio the other day reckoned that though he was glad to have abandoned his 20 a day habit, he was now vaping the equivalent of 120 a day...
Perhaps they will insist vape shops have recycling bins ...


My neighbours opposite - in a street with very limited parking, apparently need two relatively new cars, and are constantly coming and going - admittedly they may have grand-child obligations due to their two previous families ... when they aren't playing loud music or having loud phone conversations at all hours ...

The other day they drove over a small glass vodka bottle in the gutter outside my house where they consistently park (a deceased neighbour's disabled bay) and I left it to see how long it would take them to notice (I would have swept it up for the previous neighbour and checked their tyres)
It may or may not have been them, but they didn't sweep it up, but simply moved the sharp base of the bottle up against my wall .. the rest of the glass is still in the gutter and on the kerb slowly being washed towards the drain ...

In terms of sweeping my own street I'm conscious of not taking work from the (occasional) road sweeper - but I can't walk past a recyclable item yards from my door, Further up the street there are bottles, cans and an overflowing charity clothes bin.
Maybe I will wait until the neighbour appears to sweep up the broken glass ...
In terms of sweeping my own street I'm conscious of not taking work from the (occasional) road sweeper
I don't get this. Are you seriously saying that if you were to be more active, the (occasional) road sweeper would be annoyed that they didn't have enough to do, or that their job would be at risk?
I don't get this. Are you seriously saying that if you were to be more active, the (occasional) road sweeper would be annoyed that they didn't have enough to do, or that their job would be at risk?
I suppose it's particularly on my mind because I'm hoping to emigrate to another country on a retirement visa which literally forbids paid employment (and by implication other forms of remuneration), and apart from being retired and not actually strictly needing extra income unless the UK economy crashes and takes my pension with it, I would be very cautious about applying to start some kind of business - unless it was going to fill a gap and/or provide employment for others...

I will aim to volunteer a lot over there - not least because I need to interact with other human beings - but where does it end ?
I do some basic gardening or DIY for a neighbour and take work from someone else - maybe not the usual professionals, but maybe subsidised / council employees...
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Not sure if it’s a camper van thing as they don’t want smelly rubbish in the van (eg nappy or dog mess) but spotted this at a car park in Dartmoor.


There was someone in the passenger seat of the van so I told them they had a bag there and they indicated they knew. I hope they took it home, but it felt to me like they were fixing to leave the bag of rubbish there

No bins in the carpark but as everyone should know - you take your rubbish home with you.
been trimming back the hedges on the road side of the house again, beer cans, there is a bin literally 30 feet away and another 40 feet away. Why throw it in my hedge? I don't even understand how it happens, one shop sells booze locally and you need to pass 3 bins to get here and also live up this close as its a dead end. Neighbours have please stop leaving dog shit on the road signs up, again there are bins right there. Still shit on the pavement, there are multiple people with electric chairs that need to go on those paths apart from the general disgustingness of it. There is actually a lot of bins nearby. Just seems so fucking lazy its ridiculous.

To OP on the front garden mess, I have 2 appliances and various other bits sat there but they are sheeted and waiting til I can get 4 together for a council pickup. So sometimes its just a price problem. They have refused to take a lot of types of rubbish for no reason on usual pickups. I was removing dry wall from a shed (don't ask) council person inspecting it suggested without prompting that I left it outside to get wet then bagged it up for the bin collection. Won't take MDF tho is seems.
A real pet hate of mine these days are all the hires bikes left all over the place. Not only do they leave the place looking a mess but they often block the pavements. I have heard of people vandalising the bikes in order to try and get the bike hire companies to pull out.
In Brighton they were pretty good at collecting them used to email them if I found one that the GPS wasn't working on
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