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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

Going back to the 1990 Gateshead garden Festival, one of the management aims was to have zero litter. There was a team of rangers constantly litter-picking and keeping bins emptied. For a member of staff to deliberately drop litter, this was a serious "talking to" event.
You would think that six months of "proper" non-littering behaviour would have some influence on people, wouldn't you ...
Nope, as soon as the festival was shut, a lot of the staff were smoking and littering as if nothing had happened in the past six months to change or educate their behaviour ...
Interesting article from Mother Jones in 2006 on the subject of litter: The Origins of Anti-Litter Campaigns

In 1953, the packaging industry—led by American Can Company and Owens-Illinois Glass Company, inventors of the one-way can and bottle, respectively—joined up with other industry leaders, including Coca-Cola and the Dixie Cup Company to form Keep America Beautiful (KAB), which still exists today. KAB was well-funded and started a massive media campaign to rail against bad environmental habits on the part of individuals rather than businesses. And that meant cracking down on litter. Within the first few years, KAB had statewide antilitter campaigns planned or running in thirty-two states.

In essence, Keep America Beautiful managed to shift the entire debate about America’s garbage problem. No longer was the focus on regulating production—for instance, requring can and bottle makers to use refillable containers, which are vastly less profitable. Instead, the “litterbug” became the real villain, and KAB supported fines and jail time for people who carelessly tossed out their trash, despite the fact that, clearly, “littering” is a relatively tiny part of the garbage problem in this country (not to mention the resource damage and pollution that comes with manufacturing ever more junk in the first place). Environmental groups that worked with KAB early on didn’t realize what was happening until years later.

I suspect this is merely one facet of a wider corporate push to shift the blame for waste entirely onto the shoulders of customers.
be jebus ... people (or some of them) are such dicks ...

this isn't just a Welsh problem.

What I can never understand, is that these louts/dickheads/twats have carried the heavier full bottles, packets fruit etc to the beauty spot, which then is despoiled by the junk left behind. As for pissing up walls and doors ... words fail me !

It's not rocket science - take the containers / peel etc home with you to dispose of properly (and have a crap before you leave home, you dirty b*****ds)
Weather, or at least the wind, is definitely not helping for several weeks now. Currently, Storm Dudley, is being a PITA.

Last week, the wind blew over the recycling bin from our sole neighbour, and spread much of the contents along the road.
Strangely, not ours, which was fuller than normal.
Have we had disposable vapes yet ?
Once you get over the hygiene issues, they have usable half amp hour rechargeable Lithium cells in them - though you need to add charging electronics...
I only see a scattering of them here, but apparently its rife in some places - it's more NOX bottles near me ...

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Gang shootouts are one thing, but the number of spent shell casings lying about is getting ludicrous. They act like tiny rollers and it’s only a matter of time til someone breaks a hip.

Maybe the road sweeping machine should have a really big magnet fitted… 🤔
Gang shootouts are one thing, but the number of spent shell casings lying about is getting ludicrous. They act like tiny rollers and it’s only a matter of time til someone breaks a hip.

Maybe the road sweeping machine should have a really big magnet fitted… 🤔
Maybe they should. But it wouldn't pick up the brass or aluminium casings
I've started picking up vapes for recycling - 3 so far.
I'm not sufficiently keen to speak to the street cleaner - doubtless he deposits them in a WEE skip ...
Since I already have quite a stash of Li-ion batteries, my only thought so far is to augment the one in my solar garden lights - though I doubt the solar cells can deliver sufficient excess energy to be usefully stored for a dull day ...


well that was annoying.
It has a low voltage solar cell, a NiMH cell and a voltage booster to drive the LEDs .. :p
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What are you meant to do with vapes? I'd always put the few I'd found in the regular rubbish bins.
They ought to go in with electronic scrap.
It ws bad enough when people were just chucking fag ends on the ground...
There was a whole cream dispenser in the gutter near me the other day along with the usual NOX carts and balloons...
Not to mention the hypodermic needle in my garden and several used syringes under a bridge over a local cycle path ...
I'm well overdue moving to a very different place and kind of life ...
my traffic warden route is Stanmer Park.
Which is a brilliant most of time.
Pretty sick of poo bags hanging from the trees.
I think it comes from the same place as those bellends who'd go round the supermarket with their nose poking out of their facemask when a thousand people a day were dying of covid.

That was def weird. Even more so when it was medical staff doing it.
Poo bags hanging off trees really annoys me.

It is actually better for the wildlife if the dog poo [assuming worm-free] is flicked under some bushes. Even the "biodegradable" ones don't disintegrate fast enough in the open environment and the plastic ones ...

Out vet was telling me that he operated on an animal recently, and removed several poo bags from it's digestive tract. If he hadn't done that, it would have developed a real blockage in either the stomach or the lower gut [or a torsion ?] and probably died.
Dropped my kids off today at their mums. On their street, 3 soiled mattresses, piles of fence wood, rubbish blowing in teh wind, a sofa, loads of paint pots. I hate the fact that they have to walk out into it each morning. How to destroy an environment, just sling rubbish into it. Could be such a nice quiet street too. People just drive up, "oh this place looks a bit of a shit hole, lets use it as a dump" - unload van. not their kids who have to walk around it adn grow up around it. It's an act of violence. I hate it. Yes I know it's linked with deprivation and poverty and shitty landlords, but allow me the anger of seeing my kids street an absoloute rubbish tip at times. Oh there's far bigger problems and injustices in the world, i know that, okay let me direct all their shit outside your front door.

sorry, rant over.
My friend did once tie a poo bag to a tree but that was because we had just started the walk and she didn't want to carry it all the way there and back. She picked it back up on the way back and deposited it in the dog poo bin at the entrance to the park on the way out.
There's a path round the top of our estate, runs between the backs of all the houses and flats and the open fields beyond. Hedgerows either side. Peaceful, traffic free, lovely place for a stroll with the dog. Except it's impassable for all the piles of decomposing fly-tipped shit. Mattresses, lots of paint, all the usual stuff.

It's not even easy to get to. High banks either side of the path and no vehicle access. Someone did a job of work that would have been a lot more effort than driving to the tip two miles away or putting it out on the street and booking a council collection to get all that shit up there. And either there's lots of these cunts or one cunt made several trips.

I just can't fucking comprehend it at all, it is as BigMoaner says an act of violence.
My friend did once tie a poo bag to a tree but that was because we had just started the walk and she didn't want to carry it all the way there and back. She picked it back up on the way back and deposited it in the dog poo bin at the entrance to the park on the way out.

Why hang it on a tree though? If she absolutely has to leave it somewhere, why not leave it in a bush and pick it up later?
one of my 6 car parks didn't have a poo bag bin because one council worker decided it was too dangerous to empty :confused:so they removed it something about ash dieback. none of the dog owners took any notice So as I was visiting the carpark twice a day started filling bin bags with poo bags and taking them away on my bicycle🤮 which is as vile as you can imagine.
one of the festivals left a bin behind so I placed that up there.
It really is a quick sure way of destroying an area/street. Forget socio-economic explanations etc for one moment. park them. Take Any nice field, street, river - fill it with rubbish, even just a splattering - ruined.

It's such a simple formular, so obvious, so why do people do it?
There's a path round the top of our estate, runs between the backs of all the houses and flats and the open fields beyond. Hedgerows either side. Peaceful, traffic free, lovely place for a stroll with the dog. Except it's impassable for all the piles of decomposing fly-tipped shit. Mattresses, lots of paint, all the usual stuff.

It's not even easy to get to. High banks either side of the path and no vehicle access. Someone did a job of work that would have been a lot more effort than driving to the tip two miles away or putting it out on the street and booking a council collection to get all that shit up there. And either there's lots of these cunts or one cunt made several trips.

I just can't fucking comprehend it at all, it is as BigMoaner says an act of violence.
Mate my whole kids area is like that. It makes my blood boil. I would honestly laugh if they got sentanced to a year or so in hard time. seriously. your lovely little alley that should be a little refuge for all, destroyed.
At the end of my block are some stairs to both the floor above and a neighbouring block. Right now it's clean, rhw caretaker must have done it today but I lay money that it'll be full of household rubbish by Christmas eve. It's also used as a handy toilet by passers by, the stench of urine is eye watering! On more than one occasion I've seen people having a shit there. Less than 50 yards away? A kids playground!
Mate my whole kids area is like that. It makes my blood boil. I would honestly laugh if they got sentanced to a year or so in hard time. seriously. your lovely little alley that should be a little refuge for all, destroyed.

It does seem like there are areas that get targeted by fly tippers and they're the same ones the council doesn't give much of a shit about. Once people see one thing that shouldn't be there they suddenly think, oh I guess it's fair game here then. Better nip home and get all my broken chipboard furniture, baby buggies and bin liners full of miscellaneous crap and drop them off here.

On my row the bin men don't collect the bins from the houses because they're up some steps and not directly accessible from the road. And most people don't bother bringing their wheelie bins down to the road (some elderly and disabled neighbours physically can't) so they just put out bin bags. These are immediately shredded by seagulls and the contents; rotting food, nappies, medical waste etc; get scattered all down the street. None of this was a problem before the council cut the bin men's hours to save a few quid.
it's like one of teh greeks said, you can measure wisdom. the first rung is care for yourself, the second rung is care for yourself and your friends and family, the third rung, the highest and the peak of wisdom, is to care for yourself, your friends and family, and the communities you live in. for whatever reasons, multitudeness and complex, some people never get to the third rung. We are all terrible in many ways, consume and destroy the world in many ways, but I just hope I have a little bit more about me than to pull up on a residental street and unload the contents of my garden on to it.
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