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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

Councils bemoaning the lack of car park revenue could get on this and issue a fuck ton of fines, or just leave the beach all grubby and no one will want to sit on it.
Apparently they issued nearly 600 fines in one day but cars full of people will just split the fine. It costs 12 quid to park at Sandbanks for the day so actually a fine isn’t that much more. Someone said they should issue one per hour!
All these cunts, yet no mention of the social costs imposed by the negative externalities of the business models of the wealth creators?
Apparently they issued nearly 600 fines in one day but cars full of people will just split the fine. It costs 12 quid to park at Sandbanks for the day so actually a fine isn’t that much more. Someone said they should issue one per hour!

tow anything parked illegally away, make the fuckers wait a couple of days before they can pick them up again. The inconvenience would be particularly cruel if they‘ve come any distance.
Brighton & Hove’s usual amount on a sunny & hot weekend day/bank holiday is 6-7 tonne. 50 tonne is mind boggling!! It boils my piss it really does.
Three stabbed amid Bournemouth beach chaos

BCP Council said 33 tonnes of waste was cleaned up along the coastline on Thursday morning, along with eight tonnes collected between the piers on Wednesday.

Local volunteers turned up from 05:00 to help the seafront rangers clear up rubbish left on the beaches.

Local litter-picking group Dorset Devils said they found "hazardous waste nitrous oxide canisters, broken glass, nappies, wet wipes all on the beach", and "human-made toilets and a pair of men's underpants by the shoreline."
The cunts in the countryside alliance on their last visit to London to protest for the right to hit Gerbils with mallets.

Picked up all their litter so it's not impossible.
All these cunts, yet no mention of the social costs imposed by the negative externalities of the business models of the wealth creators?

What on Earth are you talking about? Nobody forced any of those people to go to the beaches and drop their litter. The beach-goers could have hand-woven all of their packaging from sustainable materials, and they would still be fucking cunts for dropping it all over the place.

The anarcho types on this board keep saying that they're not absolving anyone of their actions, but it sure as fuck looks like they are.
What on Earth are you talking about? Nobody forced any of those people to go to the beaches and drop their litter. The beach-goers could have hand-woven all of their packaging from sustainable materials, and they would still be fucking cunts for dropping it all over the place.

The anarcho types on this board keep saying that they're not absolving anyone of their actions, but it sure as fuck looks like they are.
You don't have to be an anarchist type to know that a German beach would not be left with plastic bottles all over it.
You don't have to be an anarchist type to know that a German beach would not be left with plastic bottles all over it.

I don't think that's because German capitalists are especially conscientious about negative externalities. Plenty of plastic-wrapped crap gets sold in Germany. So I'm still puzzled by your earlier comment.
I don't think that's because German capitalists are especially conscientious about negative externalities. Plenty of plastic-wrapped crap gets sold in Germany. So I'm still puzzled by your earlier comment.
Agreed, I'm sure that the German corps would not have changed their single-use plastic business model without the imposition of the legislation demanding pfand.
Agreed, I'm sure that the German corps would not have changed their single-use plastic business model without the imposition of the legislation demanding pfand.

Pfand is a neat idea in more than one sense of the word, but it's limited to certain containers. It doesn't cover non-drinks bottles, wrappers, tubs, etc. A lot of general plastic recycling apparently gets shipped out to southeast Asia, once the German incinerator operators have had their fill. Of course I doubt the story is any better in this country, seems to be a general problem.

But it weren't just plastic bottles strewn on the beaches. Not just typical rubbish either, it looked festival-level. Shit like tents and camping chairs and other stuff that I would never consider just dumping anywhere. Even cheap that kind of stuff costs a fair bit, and they would not be so flimsy that more than one use would be out of the question. So I'm not sure that a refund of a few pennies would be much of an incentive for the kind of sociopath who doesn't care about dumping cheap tents on the beach.
Pfand is a neat idea in more than one sense of the word, but it's limited to certain containers. It doesn't cover non-drinks bottles, wrappers, tubs, etc. A lot of general plastic recycling apparently gets shipped out to southeast Asia, once the German incinerator operators have had their fill. Of course I doubt the story is any better in this country, seems to be a general problem.

But it weren't just plastic bottles strewn on the beaches. Not just typical rubbish either, it looked festival-level. Shit like tents and camping chairs and other stuff that I would never consider just dumping anywhere. Even cheap that kind of stuff costs a fair bit, and they would not be so flimsy that more than one use would be out of the question. So I'm not sure that a refund of a few pennies would be much of an incentive for the kind of sociopath who doesn't care about dumping cheap tents on the beach.
Fair points.
I suppose I was reacting to the high number of cunts comments that appeared to absolve those businesses that facilitate such a disposable mind-set. My impression of the state of the beaches is formed entirely from what I've seen in the media but I'm aware that I'm coming at this issue with some baggage as I work at festivals doing the litter.

Pictures like this one suggest that a fair amount of what was left was of the single-use variety and maybe (?) the presence of bagged rubbish indicates that the bins were insufficient/already full?

Was brought up under the theme of do what you want, as long as it didnt fuck up anyone else. Littering on this scale is the mark of twats. I blame thatcher

I remember challenging a client I used to work with who dropped litter in my presence. He claimed it was "helping to keep people in jobs", which pissed me off even more.
Whilst I agree that insfficient bins to cope with unprecedented numbers of visitors is at least part of the problem, I know damn well that I would take my rubbish away with me rather than just leave it behind. It's a contributory factor but it's not an excuse.
Yep, but getting pissed alters things. When you work the festivals you can see how littering behaviour changes as the day wears on.
Fair points.
I suppose I was reacting to the high number of cunts comments that appeared to absolve those businesses that facilitate such a disposable mind-set. My impression of the state of the beaches is formed entirely from what I've seen in the media but I'm aware that I'm coming at this issue with some baggage as I work at festivals doing the litter.

Pictures like this one suggest that a fair amount of what was left was of the single-use variety and maybe (?) the presence of bagged rubbish indicates that the bins were insufficient/already full?

View attachment 219654

While I'd agree that consumerist culture has exacerbated the situation, I also think that right now the beaches are a major cunt magnet. It's not classified information that the capabilities of local areas for dealing with large crowds are limited by factors outside of their direct control. It's not arcane wisdom that right now it's a good idea to socially distance. Transmission might be less likely outdoors, but it's by no means impossible. So sure, go out, but avoid crowds. Sensible people know all these things and for the most part, they have applied them. But the dickheads don't care, so they'll all crowd together and make a mess. Some people will go along with the dickheads because of crowd psychology, adding to the numbers.

The reports of cars parked all over the place indicates that most of the beach-goers took their own transport. If you're the kind of car owner who drives into a town hoping for a nice day out during this pandemic, and who doesn't immediately turn around and head somewhere else upon seeing the chaos wrought by hundreds or thousands of other drivers, then you're a dickhead. So this might not even be a circumstantial concentration of standard-issue dickheads, but one of the kind who are rich enough to afford their own wheels.
As I have said before ...

These litter louts lugged these items, like full water bottles, all the way to the destination. That would have weighed far more than the empties.
So it is down to lazyness and an uncaring level of sheer ignorance (I've had a good time, why should I think about who comes here next) - perhaps they are just too greedy and self-centred to care...

It worries me, the amount of plastic left on beaches, especially in the intertidal zone. The incoming tide will sweep that rubbish up and off it floats to be even more of a hazard to wildlife and the environment. Bad enough on land, when wind is the motive power ...

Last summer, we were out at sea, almost in the middle of the Solway Firth : the amount of plastic and other rubbish was distressing (not ridiculous, litter is no laughing matter for the animals that get trapped in beer can rings and the like, or swallow carrier bags thinking they've just snacked on a jellyfish ...).

I make a point of picking up at least three bits of trash each time I go onto a beach or for a walk in the countryside - and I'm gradually reducing the plastic bits count on the patch of land I own. Even the roadside verge is litter-picked as often as needed (with gloves and a pick-up grabber, of course).
If suitable - it goes in the recycling bin otherwise landfill / incineration ...
Still not sure that's sufficient excuse. Most people wouldn't have been pissed and certainly not at festival levels.
I'm not attempting to excuse anything; merely exploring the causal factors beyond the notion of cuntery & dickheadishness, especially the sort of corporate business models & their negative externalities that lead to situations like these.
I live in a beautiful place and I’m pleased people want to visit here. I am worried that because people can’t go abroad that we’re going to have an unmanageable level of visitors here and I don’t think it’s unreasonable that people want to be able to use their local parks and beaches and at the moment the overwhelming majority of people I speak to feel like they can’t. They don’t want to add to the overcrowding and want to feel like they can safely distance.
I bumped into a colleague earlier, sensible, not one for drama or overreaction and she feels like we’re more restricted than we were and we’re stuck at home.
I have a friend who lives 2 mins from Alum Chine who feels like she's basically confined to her flat. Their cars get blocked in, they can't take the dog out at sensible times of day, they can't use the beach easily because of the huge crowds of people on narrow walkways and paths. I really feel for her. She posted on Facebook a few times last month about it when the weather was lovely and loads of people started to come to the area, she got really horrible reactions from people. God knows what people have said about what's happened this week, I had to come off Facebook as the general idiocy was getting to me.
I'm not attempting to excuse anything; merely exploring the causal factors beyond the notion of cuntery & dickheadishness, especially the sort of corporate business models & their negative externalities that lead to situations like these.

Its like drink driving. Theres the risk of getting caught and social acceptability. Sure you can add in the availability of alcohol and cars if you want, but they aren’t primary factors.

People selfish enough to litter will do so if they won’t get caught and lots of other people are doing it. If they will get caught and everyone else disproves it won’t matter how many plastic single use items you give them, they won’t litter.
Its like drink driving. Theres the risk of getting caught and social acceptability. Sure you can add in the availability of alcohol and cars if you want, but they aren’t primary factors.

People selfish enough to litter will do so if they won’t get caught and lots of other people are doing it. If they will get caught and everyone else disproves it won’t matter how many plastic single use items you give them, they won’t litter.
I see what you're getting at but I don't really think that dropping plastic bottles is like drink driving. Obviously it would be better if neither antisocial practices happened at all, but dropping a plastic bottle is a potentially reversible process; drink driving not so. With an effective pfand system in place the bottles left behind by the antisocial/pissed provide an income source for the under-employed.
I see what you're getting at but I don't really think that dropping plastic bottles is like drink driving. Obviously it would be better if neither antisocial practices happened at all, but dropping a plastic bottle is a potentially reversible process; drink driving not so. With an effective pfand system in place the bottles left behind by the antisocial/pissed provide an income source for the under-employed.

So you'd be happy with the littering of deposit-paid plastic bottles because local poor people could get some money by acting as litter pickers? Don't you think litter pickers should be employed, rather than self-employed with their income highly variable and based on the amount of litter dropped? And how does a deposit system account for all the other shit people litter?
So you'd be happy with the littering of deposit-paid plastic bottles because local poor people could get some money by acting as litter pickers? Don't you think litter pickers should be employed, rather than self-employed with their income highly variable and based on the amount of litter dropped? And how does a deposit system account for all the other shit people litter?
Not really a case of being happy about any of it, really...just that with enough imagination & political will it should be possible to drastically reduce the impact of the antisocial behaviour that arises from the present business models in which the social costs of negative externalities don't impact on corporate 'bottom lines'.
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