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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

The rubbish is bad enough. It's not fucking hard. If the bin's full, take it home. But what sort of scumbag shits on the floor and leaves it there.
The arguement of every authority that removes litter bins.

While I've no doubt that many councils are experiencing a mixture of underfunding and indifference that ensures inadequate provision of waste disposal and cleaning services, I think what we've seen on the beaches of late would have still overwhelmed even the best-prepared local authority. The pandemic has meant that a lot of foreign holidays have gone for a burton, and I'm wagering a whole bunch selfish shitcunts who would have otherwise gone to other countries and leave their crap for the locals to clean, have instead decided to shit closer to their own doorstep this time.

The vast majority of the country have stayed away from the beaches, but they're also a good place to concentrate the country's minority of truly selfish idiots.
The lack of provision was disgraceful. The car parks in Bournemouth were full at 08:00. In the past that fact would have been noticed and trigger a well established plan inc overflow carparks, overtime for cleaning crews, traffic Marshall's etc. This didn't happen although the 30c plus weather was predicted for a week.
They have staff off sick/shielding.
The summer recruitment has been fucked up by Covid and it’s not the holidays yet.
I’m not saying the council have done everything right but I think they are trying.
They’re seeing unprecedented numbers of people here for this time of year, all councils have huge budget pressures because of covid and you can’t just magic up staff with a few days notice.
Those staff they do have don’t deserve to be abused and feel unsafe and in a situation which feels unmanageable.

When you get to a beach and the car park is full, you go elsewhere or park further away and walk. What you don’t do is block people in, park over drives, in bus stops and over access roads. You don’t park so dangerously that emergency vehicles can’t get though.
When you take a picnic somewhere you bag up your shit and put it in a bin or take it home.
You don’t leave your bottles, cans, wrappers etc strewn over the fucking beach or park.
If a council worker asks you to put out your bbq you don’t shout and swear at them.

You don’t have fucking drunken brawls where families are trying to enjoy their days too.

Basically you don’t act like a prick and you also remember that there is still a pandemic.
It’s not about class, you brought that in and you’re wrong.
It’s also not about visitors not being welcome. I like town when it’s buzzing in summer, I don’t mind a busy beach. I think the council should do more in summer to manage increased pressure on public transport etc but mostly I have no issue with tourists.
I live in a beautiful place and I’m pleased people want to visit here. I am worried that because people can’t go abroad that we’re going to have an unmanageable level of visitors here and I don’t think it’s unreasonable that people want to be able to use their local parks and beaches and at the moment the overwhelming majority of people I speak to feel like they can’t. They don’t want to add to the overcrowding and want to feel like they can safely distance.
I bumped into a colleague earlier, sensible, not one for drama or overreaction and she feels like we’re more restricted than we were and we’re stuck at home.
FWIW littering is proportional to the no. of people using the park. We can all agree on that. It hits 30C and everyone's there and the litter goes up.

These extra park users wouldn't dream of going to the park if it was 20C , curious but true.

"You need to pick it up" - Wheatley sends up the angst ridden middle class in Sightseers!
FWIW littering is proportional to the no. of people using the park. We can all agree on that. It hits 30C and everyone's there and the litter goes up.

These extra park users wouldn't dream of going to the park if it was 20C , curious but true.
That’s mad. People will rather go out in intolerable heat that burns than go out in pleasant warmth
Councils bemoaning the lack of car park revenue could get on this and issue a fuck ton of fines, or just leave the beach all grubby and no one will want to sit on it.
Litter is pretty much the best argument against us having USA style gun laws. If I was allowed to carry a pistol an awful lot of people would be dead. I’m really not joking. It’s just the most utterly disgusting, selfish, shitty thing to do.

A punch in the face, a kick up the arse, or a hefty fine....you’re off into Spymaster territory mate! :D
FWIW littering is proportional to the no. of people using the park. We can all agree on that. It hits 30C and everyone's there and the litter goes up.

These extra park users wouldn't dream of going to the park if it was 20C , curious but true.

"You need to pick it up" - Wheatley sends up the angst ridden middle class in Sightseers!

Edited, never mind I did misread.
Gotya, the film.
Brighton & Hove’s usual amount on a sunny & hot weekend day/bank holiday is 6-7 tonne. 50 tonne is mind boggling!! It boils my piss it really does.
Seems to me that if all the pubs and cafes and arcades and fairgrounds and the rest of the seaside attractions were open, a lot of that litter would be in those places. Once 4th of July comes round and there is substantially less crap on all the beaches, it won't be because people have wised up and realised that they have been selfish bastards; it will be because they are now eating and drinking in places where there are people pick up after them.
Seems to me that if all the pubs and cafes and arcades and fairgrounds and the rest of the seaside attractions were open, a lot of that litter would be in those places. Once 4th of July comes round and there is substantially less crap on all the beaches, it won't be because people have wised up and realised that they have been selfish bastards; it will be because they are now eating and drinking in places where there are people pick up after them.

Regardless of what’s open, cunts still leave 6-7 tonnes of shite on the beach in Brighton.
The arguement of every authority that removes litter bins.

Yep, they’ve even removed some of the bins from the motorway services on the A19 that we use to remote debrief at (leave undelivered parcels with debrief driver at end of shift). You’d think they’d put the bins back out now it’s partly open with McDonalds and KFC running in a scaled down fashion but no - and the rubbish is starting to build on the grass verges now.
Litter is pretty much the best argument against us having USA style gun laws. If I was allowed to carry a pistol an awful lot of people would be dead. I’m really not joking. It’s just the most utterly disgusting, selfish, shitty thing to do.

Dog shit is pretty bad too if not worse.
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