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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

The Singaporian approach public caning for littering :D.
Admiitidly possession of chewing gum, pornography, excessive facial hair ,overly tight trousers, non approved thoughts, etc etc results in public caning:eek:.
Harsh but fair but mostly batshit
Yep, but getting pissed alters things. When you work the festivals you can see how littering behaviour changes as the day wears on.

Festivals are something else altogether. A mate used to take his transit van up to Leeds fest/ V fest when it was all over and fill it with all the abandoned unopened booze that people couldn’t be bothered taking on the long walk back to their car on the morning after. Crates and crates of it, their shared house of half a dozen people basically wouldn’t need to go to the offy for a number of months after, and were generous about sharing it out to others.

Sometimes I think it’s a generation thing. Not a class thing, having seen the absolute shit tip that middle class students would leave on Woodhouse Moor and the mess they’d make moving out at the end of term.
This has nothing to do with anything current really, but, last year when I was traveling internationally most things were un-littered.

But when I got the plane from Amsterdam to London in May, the morning after after a big European soccer match I was astonished at the amount of rubbish just left on the plane when it arrived at Gatwick. It was knee high! And iirc the flight was less than an hour long!

Now this was about the 12th flight I'd caught internationally in six weeks so it left an impact on me. All I can honestly put it down to is laziness, no pride, no self awareness, absolute selfishness and a complete blind-spot and lack of care and relatedness to the workers who had to clean it up.

No solidarity at all & no respect
One thing to consider, when I have been over to other European countries I see a lot more street cleaning going on, in Barcelona they’d have machines out washing the pavements every morning in the centre. Places look cleaner because they employ more people to tidy up and fix stuff. Realise this isn’t the case everywhere and outside of tourist areas bits can be quite scruffy, but generally stuff is looked after a lot more.

Decades of cuts to local services in the UK has left us tatty and poorly maintained, so places looking shit and strewn with rubbish has been normalised, some people get used to living that way and don’t see the point in respecting their surroundings, if they even bother to consider it at all.
Last year in cleethorpes I saw a kid throw rubbish out of a parked car. I picked it up and binned it. His father saw me do it, came out of the shop he was in and bollocking the kid so hard I felt sorry for the kid. But what struck me was that the other adults in the car did and said nothing to the child.

All adults need to recognise that they should teach kids littering is wrong and unacceptable. They should do through actions and words.

As an aside I don't see the same problem on the beaches. Perhaps because there are so many bins on beaches and crews are emptying them through the day.
My mate was in the park with her baby and dog and this guy finished a can and lobbed it in the pond. She was about to have a go at him but thought better of it, then her dog jumped in the pond, got the can and dropped it at the bloke’s feet. 😄 His partner then got them all to clear up the rest of their litter. 👍
Tynemouth longsands ...

And that's with over 200 bins emptied 8 - 10 times a day and the covidiots / cockwombles still leave the place looking like a tip ...

Sometimes, I wonder what their houses (and gardens - if they have one) look like ...
Tynemouth longsands ...

And that's with over 200 bins emptied 8 - 10 times a day and the covidiots / cockwombles still leave the place looking like a tip ...

Sometimes, I wonder what their houses (and gardens - if they have one) look like ...

A lot of gardens are fucking filthy tips so presumably these people are net exporters of horribleness
I see littering (mostly fast food packaging) on my estate all the time...even though there are 2 (empty) bins less than 10 feet away from the steps where many people like to sit and eat (and walk away without a backward glance. There are so many possible reasons but it just feels like we are overwhelmed with crap and people just don't even see it. It has been a slow cultural change. I used to have to empty my kid's pockets because every sweet wrapper was stashed, unless there was a bin. It was simply not fucking done...to dump shit all over the place.

Totally working class here.
I see littering (mostly fast food packaging) on my estate all the time...even though there are 2 (empty) bins less than 10 feet away from the steps where many people like to sit and eat (and walk away without a backward glance. There are so many possible reasons but it just feels like we are overwhelmed with crap and people just don't even see it. It has been a slow cultural change. I used to have to empty my kid's pockets because every sweet wrapper was stashed, unless there was a bin. It was simply not fucking done...to dump shit all over the place.

Totally working class here.
Oh yeah, I don't think it's a class thing at all. Just an ignorance or not giving a fuck thing.

But there's still a bit of a difference between dropping a sweet paper and doing a shit on the beach.
The wind has deposited a "few" bits of crap for me to pick up later from the roadside. But not yet, still wet and windy !

I'm glad I don't live downwind of a landfill site - even with netting and fences, one of the Tyneside sites was notorious for the amount of debris the wind could shift.
Outrage as crowds of London revellers turn park into 'wee and poo fest'

'This is not a festival site': Residents outraged as people urinate and 'defecate on doorsteps' near east London park

Londoners forced to remove excrement off front doors after park parties, says MP


(Source: twitter)

Nothing "utterly deplorable" about these public gatherings?
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