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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Language learning must help a lot, as a first step. I mean even those boys we read about who were arrested on NYE with "nice tits can i have sex with you' written on a piece of paper in arabic & German, it is just about conceivable they might actually get lucky in a few months time if they were able improve their chat-up routine considerably.
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Anti-PEGIDA demonstrators as well as women rights' groups claim that the violence against women has anything to do with the origins of the assailants, arguing instead that women are facing these kinds of assaults and harassment on a daily basis, regardless of who's committing them.

Francois Maiorano is the organizer of the 'Women's Walk'

"Like in every society, every religion and every country – there are good people and there are bad people. You can't stigmatize an entire group or an entire religion based on what happened during that night," says Francois Maiorano, a 42-year-old photographer and the organizer of a "Woman's Walk" planned this Sunday in Cologne.

She says she got the idea for the walk after talking to a couple of friends about how women are being treated at parties in which she sometimes works as a singer.

The Cologne attacks are affecting everyone | Germany | DW.COM | 15.01.2016

Again, I admire her doing this and not blaming whole communities( it is looking like Syrians were not significantly involved), but again imo she seems to be equivocating on blame, etc and generalising it to all men, even with the examples given here, such mass sexual assaults on that scale are unprecented.
Thousands in Germany demonstrate racism, attacks on refugees
Thousands of people have gathered in the German city of Stuttgart to protest racism and violence against refugees. Tensions have heightened recently following the events that occurred in Cologne on New Year's Eve.

Thousands in Germany demonstrate racism, attacks on refugees | News | DW.COM | 16.01.2016

Great, but why haven't they marched against the sexual attacks as well, all this will end up as recruiting sergeants for the far right.
German finance minister calls for option to deploy troops in wake of Cologne attacks
In light of the New Year attacks in Cologne, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has demanded the option of deploying Bundeswehr troops at home. He also reiterated his support for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

All over the web, apparently three north africans stoned two transpersons(right phrase?) in Dortmund.

won't link as right wing sites(as well as you tube) at moment till mainstream sites pick it up

update, approach with caution, may be stirring.
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Tbh, there is stuff all over the web about Germany and these encounters: apparently the 'Welcome Refugees' party in Bonn was stopped for some time by the organisers(open border/anti-fa types, i think) after the invitees started to attempt to grope/fondle the women there. They are demanding this shouldn't be generalised to all immigrants, that all men are capable of this, etc but acknowledge "there may be a problem with culture, etc" as expected their social media sites sites have been bombarded by the far right, etc who they are giving short shrift to..

There were gropings, even an horrendous rape at etc at Occupy if i recall, so its not unique, its perhaps the scale of it all.

MIGRANT SEX ATTACK 'COVER-UP': Welcome party for Cologne refugees turned into mass groping

update, link here, think i will leave it there, it looks like the media will be scouring for these type of stories now. Btw, this is Bonn in the Cologne wider region and i think it was organised by young female students.
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Ok, but any comment on the story?

the organisers FB have responded, its not made up.

In the 90's I attended an anti racist meeting with various groups including a few trotskyists. A girl from an NGO spoke briefly about being groped at a morrocan immigrant celebration in town. The room fell silent. When she left the room the militants relieved the tension by saying; "Did you hear that? What a fucking racist". It was a shit reaction then and it's even worse now.
Again, I admire her doing this and not blaming whole communities( it is looking like Syrians were not significantly involved), but again imo she seems to be equivocating on blame, etc and generalising it to all men, even with the examples given here, such mass sexual assaults on that scale are unprecented.

Sadly not true rember rge recent alegations about British troops in Kenya and the behaviour of occupying troops from all the allied poers in post war Germany itself was vile.

Rape during the occupation of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. troops Edit

In Taken by Force, J. Robert Lilly estimates the number of rapes committed by U.S. servicemen in Germany to be 11,040.[52] As in the case of the American occupation of France after the D-Day invasion, many of the American rapes in Germany in 1945 were gang rapes committed by armed soldiers at gunpoint.[53]

Although non-fraternization policies were instituted for the Americans in Germany, the phrase "copulation without conversation is not fraternization" was used as a motto by United States Army troops.[54

British troops

Many rapes were committed under the effects of alcohol or post-traumatic stress, but some cases of premeditated attacks, like the attempted rape of two local girls at gunpoint by two soldiers in the village of Oyle, near Nienburg, which ended in the death of one of the women when, whether intentionally or not, one of the soldiers discharged his gun, hitting her in the neck, as well as the reported assault on three German women in the town of Neustadt am Rübenberge.[56] On a single day in mid-April 1945, three women in Neustadt were raped by British soldiers. A senior British Army chaplain following the troops reported that there was a 'good deal of rape going on'. He then added that "those who suffer [rape] have probably deserved it.'[57
In the 90's I attended an anti racist meeting with various groups including a few trotskyists. A girl from an NGO spoke briefly about being groped at a morrocan immigrant celebration in town. The room fell silent. When she left the room the militants relieved the tension by saying; "Did you hear that? What a fucking racist". It was a shit reaction then and it's even worse now.

Something similar happened here in about 2003, young male iraqi refugees were invited to an anti-war benefit, all hell broke lose, with women being grabbed, nothing more was heard about it though

people can PM if they want more clarity, it did happen.
Sadly not true rember rge recent alegations about British troops in Kenya and the behaviour of occupying troops from all the allied poers in post war Germany itself was vile.

Rape during the occupation of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. troops Edit

In Taken by Force, J. Robert Lilly estimates the number of rapes committed by U.S. servicemen in Germany to be 11,040.[52] As in the case of the American occupation of France after the D-Day invasion, many of the American rapes in Germany in 1945 were gang rapes committed by armed soldiers at gunpoint.[53]

Although non-fraternization policies were instituted for the Americans in Germany, the phrase "copulation without conversation is not fraternization" was used as a motto by United States Army troops.[54

British troops

Many rapes were committed under the effects of alcohol or post-traumatic stress, but some cases of premeditated attacks, like the attempted rape of two local girls at gunpoint by two soldiers in the village of Oyle, near Nienburg, which ended in the death of one of the women when, whether intentionally or not, one of the soldiers discharged his gun, hitting her in the neck, as well as the reported assault on three German women in the town of Neustadt am Rübenberge.[56] On a single day in mid-April 1945, three women in Neustadt were raped by British soldiers. A senior British Army chaplain following the troops reported that there was a 'good deal of rape going on'. He then added that "those who suffer [rape] have probably deserved it.'[57

anything to say about the main substantive issue?
Do you think there are no violent attacks ob transgendered people here? Or that transphobia is purely a Muslim thing?

Also the stones in question were gravel, not nice, but not the rocks of the Orientalist cliches.

I've posted the story for discussion, not made any comment on it except to state the usual provisos, but i am not going to equivocate about the substantial issue, the events across germany unlike some on here.
anything to say about the main substantive issue?

What that male sexual violence is a universal problem. I know that three female members of my family, from different generations, have been raped. In none of the cases was the rapist from your target ethnic background.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't detract from the substantive point, your equivocation , much displayed by liberals/radicals in Germany: Anti-fa, No Borders, etc, is tired and will ultimately play into the hands of the far right as so many posters have explained.
Are you claiming that there is no evidence that the sites from Anders Brievik's bookmarks were screaming about refugee rape gangs and liberal cover ups for months before NYE?

'Cos Google says different.

... Or are you just saying that people should keep quiet about it?

Are you saying these things weren't happening just because the right were " screaming " about them ? They were . And with this case it's been comprehensively proven mainstream media have been keeping this stuff covered up for political reasons. From Rochdale to Cologne, the same rotten cover up .

The big question the left need to answer is why their sites weren't talking about them . But the answer to that is perfectly obvious . Dismissing those previous rapes as a right wing conspiracy , Just as its been attempted with this latest wave of mass assaults against women , is absolutely disgraceful .

And keeping it quiet has only encouraged further attacks . That's also perfectly obvious . It's what happens EVERY time in any society when industrial scale abuse is covered up , it encourages it . We've got more than enough examples of that happening . We knew this already but still it was covered up to cover political backs and more people suffered .

It won't be covered up any more though . You're going to have to dismiss everyone as a nazi conspiracist from here on in .
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This is what I'd understood - that the Saudis have been distributing money through mosques to people in many arab countries where there's poverty but no help from the local government.

The resulting gratitude makes people open to the package of extremist Islam which comes with it. As it would, and so one of 'our' major allies has been funding extremism using our own money.

How much of a factor is this?

Very often they're funding the mosques themselves , and the bigoted , backward preachers who direct them . I read something a while back about a country in Europe...can't remember which...which has banned the funding of local mosques by foreign sources . Which strikes me as a good idea . But along with that mosque and school funding goes global Islamic media..satellite tv stations and Internet that spews this stuff out 24/7. They're the head of the snake, a swamp that badly needs drained .

But stuff I've been reading indicates that these attitudes towards women are even a problem in downtown Damascus , probably ..definitely..the most liberal Arab capital in the world when it comes to women's rights . It has a thriving bar, nightclub and cafe scene , women dress how they want and stay out as late as they want . The government actively encourages this . But they still encounter routine verbal harassment and opportunist groping the second they set foot out the door . Despite a determinedly secular government that's long been hostile to the Saudis .

It strikes me that this is primarily a " men thing " , and the roots of it are generational, deeply ingrained , multi faceted and complicated . And the notion that a few instructional chats from a social worker ,to almost a million geezers a year flooding across the border ,is going to make one blind bit of difference is just bloody laughable . If its a female social worker they'll just be looking at her wondering if theyd get away with raping her .
Again, I admire her doing this and not blaming whole communities( it is looking like Syrians were not significantly involved), but again imo she seems to be equivocating on blame, etc and generalising it to all men, even with the examples given here, such mass sexual assaults on that scale are unprecented.

Yup . Women are plainly not surrounded, Forcibly stripped naked , beaten and robbed , and raped at the parties she attends . The comparison is facile , idiotic and dangerous . Also these guys could not give one shit about a " women's walk " . If this is the response to them they're pissing themselves laughing . As are the fascists .
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