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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

I really don't know what you're on about.
I have been totally clear on what i think of the article, you have refused consistently to say a single word about what you think, so it's hard not to assume you agree with the thing.I'm much less interested in what you think of me but that's apparently all you want to talk about.
Women and their stupid false accusations of rape, haven't they done enough damage already? Poor little swp.
I really don't know what you're on about.
I have been totally clear on what i think of the article, you have refused consistently to say a single word about what you think, so it's hard not to assume you agree with the thing.I'm much less interested in what you think of me but that's apparently all you want to talk about.
Women and their stupid false accusations of rape, haven't they done enough damage already? Poor little swp.
i'll tell you something: the swp's never had many sympathisers here. specially not after the delta case became public.
I really don't know what you're on about.
I have been totally clear on what i think of the article, you have refused consistently to say a single word about what you think, so it's hard not to assume you agree with the thing.I'm much less interested in what you think of me but that's apparently all you want to talk about.
Women and their stupid false accusations of rape, haven't they done enough damage already? Poor little swp.
This, this confused nonsense, is the use.

That article isn't appologism its denial. People who refuse to condemn that article whilst warbling on about what's wrong with me are of course free to do as they like but i'm glad the revolution isn't coming anytime soon, don't much fancy living in a utopia run by Dietmar Henner & friends.
That article isn't appologism its denial. People who refuse to condemn that article whilst warbling on about what's wrong with me are of course free to do as they like but i'm glad the revolution isn't coming anytime soon, don't much fancy living in a utopia run by Dietmar Henner & friends.
So why did you feel the need to lie about what it said to smear posters here and the wider left that's haunting your mind as rape apologists?
That article isn't appologism its denial. People who refuse to condemn that article whilst warbling on about what's wrong with me are of course free to do as they like but i'm glad the revolution isn't coming anytime soon, don't much fancy living in a utopia run by Dietmar Henner & friends.

Tune in for next week's episode of All New Scooby Doo to see bimble and the gang unmask the conspiracy of dangerous rape-denying internet lefties at the bottom of everything bad in the world...

not sure there's a funny side tbh
It's not funny haha admittedly.
I came here to say that I find that article disgusting, and have been asking people what they think of it. In return, over the last couple of pages, I've been called:
A liar, a devious shit, A fucking tit, Utterly bogus, A silly twat who believes what I've been spoon fed, Fucking obtuse.. & been accused of "promoting the idea that western women are especially at risk from rapist foreigners sweeping across Europe".
It's not funny haha admittedly.
I came here to say that I find that article disgusting, and have been asking people what they think of it. In return, over the last couple of pages, I've been called:
A liar, a devious shit, A fucking tit, Utterly bogus, A silly twat who believes what I've been spoon fed, Fucking obtuse.. & been accused of "promoting the idea that western women are especially at risk from rapist foreigners sweeping across Europe".
i see. which of those do you accept, and which deny?
I've been called:
A liar, a devious shit, A fucking tit, Utterly bogus, A silly twat who believes what I've been spoon fed, Fucking obtuse.. & been accused of "promoting the idea that western women are especially at risk from rapist foreigners sweeping across Europe".
And all that before lunchtime and without Redsquirrel's input!
I'll leave you boys to it. It's a sunny Sunday, would rather not spend it attracting further abuse from people who aren't remotely interested in expressing a view on anything apart from what sort of an awful person bimble is. Like, for instance, saying what they think of that article.

Interesting to note the headline
Women are warned not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after multiple sex attacks by ‘foreigners’

then the subheading
spike in assaults in city centre by 'men of foreign appearance'

It's not until you get way down into the story that you find the following facts on which the headlines are based
The most recent assault took place in the early hours of Sunday morning, when a woman was became the victim of an attempted rape by three young men in central Östersund. She was brought to the ground by three unknown men shortly after 1am, after which the men tried to rip her trousers off, but the woman fought back and managed to escape. The perpetrators have been described as 'tall, slim, aged 18-25 and speaking Swedish with a foreign accent'.

Just a few hours later, police received another report of a lone woman being attacked by a young man in the same neighbourhood in central Östersund. A police report states that an unknown man in his late 20s 'whose appearance was described as foreign' attacked the woman without provocation.

I deplore all eight of these attacks, not just the two which have been reported as involving attackers who appear to have been "foreigners" (which for those who are struggling to keep up means that in three quarters of cases they didn't involve attackers who were reported as possibly being foreign), but I deplore equally the warning to women not to go out alone at night, and the focus on the "foreigner" aspect as if the story is all about foreign attackers.

Both of these aspects seem to be calculated to whip up further hysteria, exploiting an already bad situation for xenophobic purposes and making it worse, exactly as we've previously seen around the attacks in Cologne on NYE.
It refers (as I would have thought was obvious given my previous post to you) to those on this thread who are repeating the same lies over and over again in the hope that people will come to believe it.

I've never said that hundreds of women who claim to have been assaulted are lying, in fact I've explicited pointed out that you and others are confusing/conflating saying the police reports were exaggerated/embellished/fabricated with saying that the women who reported being assaulted were lying, yet you still repeat the lie that I and others here are saying that.

I believe that large numbers of women were assaulted in Cologne on NYE; I don't believe the police/media narrative which has come to dominate most discussion on the subject that it was the result of an influx of foreign refugees (whose interests does that narrative serve, I wonder?) and I'm resisting the tendency of you and many others to accept that narrative, repeat it here and insist that any discussion must be conducted on those terms.

Various more nuanced arguments have been made on this thread, but they seem to have fallen on deaf ears, to such an extent that it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that many of you have pre-judged the situation in a way that fits with your pre-existing prejudices, and are now unable to re-think what might be going on, no matter what arguments are presented. Everything now for you is further evidence of lying/covering up by those terrible lefties who want to pretend that nothing has happened.

This subject clearly brings up strong feelings in many people, which is understandable, but it's a shame that so many have jumped to so many unsupportable conclusions and focussed so much on accusing others of lying/covering up so quickly, because it serves only to further confuse and muddy the waters.

It matters little if it's deliberate or merely a succession of "mistakes" on your part, the effect is the same - doing nothing to benefit the women who have been assaulted, but helping to spread prejudice about refugees and "foreigners" all supposedly being sexual predators preying on western women. Never heard that trope before, have we...

Who did it then ? German fascists with fake tan and pretend accents ? In a co ordinated pogrom against hundreds more women stretching to hamburg and Bielefeld ?

You're full of mad dogs and so's that tinfoil hat of an article. It fucking happened , the cops never made it up, neither did the media. The women did not lie . They covered it up for days afterward , and you and your pathetic circle jerk are just fucked off the cover up didn't succeed in keeping it quiet . And neither did the pathetic attempts to smother it when it leaked out by comparing it to Oktoberfest , a Saturday night out in Birmingham or your average middle class dinner party .
If anyone fits the Goebbels description its you lot .

The lot of you are so dumb, smug and entitled you can't even comprehend that this is precisely the type of behaviour from the inane sectors of the left that will ultimately make this a lot worse. This behaviour is precisely what's an absolute godsend to the far right. They don't need to make up stories about the left now , people like your mates here and that fucking website are an absolute gift to them.
Oddly enough, 'that fucking website' is one that you and your partner in crime have used in the past to back you up.
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That article isn't appologism its denial. People who refuse to condemn that article whilst warbling on about what's wrong with me are of course free to do as they like but i'm glad the revolution isn't coming anytime soon, don't much fancy living in a utopia run by Dietmar Henner & friends.

The reason it isn't and won't be coming ..ever..is because the entire European left is infested by these oddball fucks . Total oddballs . Weirdos . That the European working class would never touch with a shitty stick in a million years . And their inane reaction to WHAT HAPPENED is a perfect example why .
Who did it then ? German fascists with fake tan and pretend accents ? In a co ordinated pogrom against hundreds more women stretching to hamburg and Bielefeld ?

You're full of mad dogs and so's that tinfoil hat of an article. It fucking happened , the cops never made it up, neither did the media. The women did not lie . They covered it up for days afterward , and you and your pathetic circle jerk are just fucked off the cover up didn't succeed in keeping it quiet . And neither did the pathetic attempts to smother it when it leaked out by comparing it to Oktoberfest , a Saturday night out in Birmingham or your average middle class dinner party .
If anyone fits the Goebbels description its you lot .

The lot of you are so dumb, smug and entitled you can't even comprehend that this is precisely the type of behaviour from the inane sectors of the left that will ultimately make this a lot worse. This behaviour is precisely what's an absolute godsend to the far right. They don't need to make up stories about the left now , people like your mates here and that fucking website are an absolute gift to them.

Just as I mention whipping up further hysteria, here you are, right on cue...
Hysteria over something that didn't happen ?. Or at least was no worse than Oktoberfest or your average bourgeois dinner party .

Was the mayor of Cologne whipping up hysteria too when she issued that tremendously helpful advice to women going out for the night ? Or how about those feminists protesting against this thing that didn't really / barely happened ? Hysteria mongers ?

It's hysterical women ...all this..right ?

Hysterical women in cities right across Germany on the very same night . Whipping up hysteria over a myth propagated by the police and media...who covered it up for days . Most likely to deliberately increase the outrage by chucking in a cover up..to aid their evil plan of fanning far right hatred .

That's the line you guys are going with .
I deplore all eight of these attacks, not just the two which have been reported as involving attackers who appear to have been "foreigners" (which for those who are struggling to keep up means that in three quarters of cases they didn't involve attackers who were reported as possibly being foreign)
I'll take that as you being creative instead of accusing you of lying but .. what makes you think this?
Not sure why i'm bothering, but i don't see how you asserting, based on nothing at all, that 3/4 of the attacks were not reported as being 'foreigners' is supposed to help anyone. Where do you get that from? The police chief there explained that his warning to women not to go out was 'in part a reaction to prior failures by Swedish police to honestly discuss migrant-related crimes.' Why would he say such a thing? Must be a racist.
It's probably the same couple of blokes, doing all this in the last 3 weeks, and I hope they'll be caught soon.
Hysteria over something that didn't happen ?. Or at least was no worse than Oktoberfest or your average bourgeois dinner party .

Was the mayor of Cologne whipping up hysteria too when she issued that tremendously helpful advice to women going out for the night ? Or how about those feminists protesting against this thing that didn't really / barely happened ? Hysteria mongers ?

It's hysterical women ...all this..right ?

Hysterical women in cities right across Germany on the very same night . Whipping up hysteria over a myth propagated by the police and media...who covered it up for days . Most likely to deliberately increase the outrage by chucking in a cover up..to aid their evil plan of fanning far right hatred .

That's the line you guys are going with .

No, it's hysterical xenophobic cunts like you, doing the far-right and the Daily Mail's bidding like the useful idiots that you are, accepting the line that it's all about fucking foreigners even when, as in this most recent story, it clearly isn't.

And if anyone points out how you're being a hysterical xenophobic cunt, you return to your whining about left wing cover ups and how there's a conspiracy to have you banned from posting here.
I'll take that as you being creative instead of accusing you of lying but .. what makes you think this?
Not sure why i'm bothering, but i don't see how you making up a fact based on nothing at all, like that 3/4 of the attacks were not reported as being 'foreigners' is supposed to help anyone. Where do you get that from? The police chief there explained that his warning to women not to go out was 'in part a reaction to prior failures by Swedish police to honestly discuss migrant-related crimes.' Why would he say such a thing? Must be a racist.
It's probably the same couple of blokes, doing all this in the last 3 weeks, and I hope they'll be caught soon.

Two out of the eight attacks were reported by the victims as being by "foreigners", and I see no reason to doubt that's what the victims believed.

I also suggest that if the other six victims had believed their attackers were foreigners, they would likely have mentioned that, especially in the current climate, and that detail would certainly be included in the info the police gave to the media and that the media included in their reporting.

That's not conclusive, but what is undeniable is that the Mail is focussing on the two attacks where the attackers were described as foreigners, rather than the six where they weren't, and focussing on that aspect of the story as if that's what's most important.

And that is exactly what happened in the aftermath of the Cologne attacks, to the extent that anyone who questions why is portrayed as a lying rape-denying leftie (just to pick out a handful of the things people have thrown around on this thread).

ETA: and none of that is me being "creative", it's just reading the story carefully, noting what's in it and what isn't in it, and making reasonable deductions from that (and pointing out what is a deduction on my part, rather than asserting it as fact). Maybe you should trying doing that sometime - you might avoid making so many stupid "mistakes"...
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