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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

you're as we'll talking to the wall .You'll get nothing from them except more abuse . We also know Dot Cs opinionbecause he's advanced an almost identical argument a few times now .
I was trying hard to elicit an opinion out of you for a reason,out of respect, because i thought that your refusal to comment on that wankstain of an article meant something. Your refusal to engage is sad.

I think he's currently hiding from you over on the Syria thread.
Dear butchersapron , redsquirrel , andysays :
Do any of you have an opinion on the article we are discussing? (I mean an opinion that is not about bimble. )
Three men sentenced for petty crimes at New Year’s event in Cologne, Germany - World Socialist Web Site


People have already expressed their opinions, maybe not ones you like or agree with, but their opinions none the less.

Interesting that you've gone so seamlessly from misrepresenting the article to misrepresenting what's being said on the thread, all the time whining that we're making it about you. Perhaps you think if you repeat these lies often enough, people will start to believe them.
People have already expressed their opinions, maybe not ones you like or agree with, but their opinions none the less.

Interesting that you've gone so seamlessly from misrepresenting the article to misrepresenting what's being said on the thread, all the time whining that we're making it about you. Perhaps you think if you repeat these lies often enough, people will start to believe them.

Well we've heard your opinion loud and clear 2 pages back. You've clearly agreed with the ..scummy...article that the cologne mass sexual assault is a myth , a myth propagated by a false police report . And you've accused Bimble and I'd presume anyone else who doesn't go along with that of willingly being " spoon fed " anti foreigner propaganda by a rabid media for believing it did happen .

Post #4569

So that just leaves us with all these inconvenient women who claim they were , actually, sexually assaulted by hundreds of North African migrants who were shielded by hundreds more egging them on . And who complain media, politicians and police colluded in a wall of silence for days afterwards, something the German state broadcaster has actually apologised for doing .

Are they lying " nazi whores " then ? or just plain ordinary liars of un identified political affiliation. Because matey, either those women are full of shit or you, your fellow travellers and that article are . No getting away from it . And personally I don't think those hundreds of women made those horrific stories up . No matter how much you obfuscate and squirm around the issue .
andy, that great response above does it refer to the hundreds of women , the police, or both?

You disgust me.

& no people eg butchers have not expressed any opinion at all about the article having been asked many times.
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andy, that great response above does it refer to the hundreds of women , the police, or both?

You disgust me.

& no people eg butchers have not expressed any option at all about the article having been asked many times.

It refers (as I would have thought was obvious given my previous post to you) to those on this thread who are repeating the same lies over and over again in the hope that people will come to believe it.

I've never said that hundreds of women who claim to have been assaulted are lying, in fact I've explicited pointed out that you and others are confusing/conflating saying the police reports were exaggerated/embellished/fabricated with saying that the women who reported being assaulted were lying, yet you still repeat the lie that I and others here are saying that.

I believe that large numbers of women were assaulted in Cologne on NYE; I don't believe the police/media narrative which has come to dominate most discussion on the subject that it was the result of an influx of foreign refugees (whose interests does that narrative serve, I wonder?) and I'm resisting the tendency of you and many others to accept that narrative, repeat it here and insist that any discussion must be conducted on those terms.

Various more nuanced arguments have been made on this thread, but they seem to have fallen on deaf ears, to such an extent that it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that many of you have pre-judged the situation in a way that fits with your pre-existing prejudices, and are now unable to re-think what might be going on, no matter what arguments are presented. Everything now for you is further evidence of lying/covering up by those terrible lefties who want to pretend that nothing has happened.

This subject clearly brings up strong feelings in many people, which is understandable, but it's a shame that so many have jumped to so many unsupportable conclusions and focussed so much on accusing others of lying/covering up so quickly, because it serves only to further confuse and muddy the waters.

It matters little if it's deliberate or merely a succession of "mistakes" on your part, the effect is the same - doing nothing to benefit the women who have been assaulted, but helping to spread prejudice about refugees and "foreigners" all supposedly being sexual predators preying on western women. Never heard that trope before, have we...
I shouldn't get involved I know I shouldn't get involved. But ...

that article does seem to go further than just saying that the refugees were not responsible for the attacks, but that what happened at Cologne was not hugely out of the ordinary, and that the women making the complaints after the event itself were lying.

On New Year’s Eve itself, around 100 complaints were received by the police, mainly of sex crimes and pickpocketing, a magnitude of incidents that fully corresponds to other such large-scale events. Only in subsequent days, when the first reports of rapes, sexual offences and thefts spread in the press, did the number of complaints rise rapidly.

Most complaints were filed after January 4. By January 11, the figure stood at 550. Cologne’s police now report 1,100 complaints related to New Year’s Eve. But according to the police, less than half, around 440, relate to a sex crime.

At first read through, I thought this was just clumsy phrasing but he does say:

Even representatives of the state prosecutor and police have expressed doubts about how many of the complaints were based on criminal offences. Given the vast press campaign, it cannot be excluded that some were vastly exaggerated or were the result of anti-immigrant sentiments. Social media sites are full of such propaganda tirades.

“In one case, the police have confirmed that the sexual crime alleged in the complaint did not take place as was claimed,” a spokesman for the state prosecutor told the Huffington Post. And Rainer Wendt, the chairman of the German police trade union and hardly known as a “friend of foreigners,” was cited as stating, “Several of the alleged sexual crimes by refugees are inventions.”

I don't know what the truth is because I wasn't there, and I'm not really sure how we find out. If what he's saying is true then you'd expect (for example) far-right social media activity after the event encouraging women to come forward and say they were sexually assaulted or robbed.
Andy, can you explain why you suspect the police leaked an exaggerated / embellished report of sexual assault ? To make themselves look good when they managed to apprehend a single suspect?
Andy, can you explain why you suspect the police leaked an exaggerated / embellished report of sexual assault ? To make themselves look good when they managed to apprehend a single suspect?

Are you for real? First you accuse me and others of being rape apologists, say how much we disgust you etc, now you come out with this.

Maybe you can have a think for yourself about why sections of the police and the media might be inclined to push exaggerated/embellished/distorted reports of what happened in Cologne on NYE, feeding into a wider "fear of refugee" anti-foreigner narrative.

If you really can't come up with anything in a couple of hours then I'll offer some suggestions, but I struggle to believe that even you can be that fucking obtuse.
This thread is like being in a kindergarten playground for pretend lefties. "You smell" "Your mum" etc.

That any of you think you are 'revolutionaries' when you exhibit not even the slightest ability to organise, through your verbal skills, a piss up in a brewery is laughable in the extreme.

Woman violently verbally assaulted in a thread about, erm, women being assaulted.

You couldn't make it up.

Some people's sense of entitlement to this website, as illustrated in this thread, is pretty much the definition of the word 'conservative'.

Circle jerk doesn't begin to describe it.

Carry on shouting.
Airbrushing people out of an event has many historical examples...

What particular truth are you suggesting is being airbrushed out by anyone on this thread?

You've already thrown around generalised accusations that people here are calling women who reported being assaulted liars, with absolutely nothing to back it up.

You and others seem to be proposing and promoting the "truth" that events in Cologne on NYE and the aftermath "prove" that western women are especially at risk from rapist foreigners sweeping across Europe, and that there's a generalised conspiracy from the police and the media, backed up by a bunch of lefties here, to cover it all up.

It's ridiculous Right-wing-conspiracies-a-go-go nonsense, which would be laughable if it wasn't actually gaining some purchase among some of those who I hoped would know better.
If what he's saying is true then you'd expect (for example) far-right social media activity after the event encouraging women to come forward and say they were sexually assaulted or robbed.
The article doesn't just say that women were encouraged to come forward by looking at far-right social media, it says that an unknown number of them were just outright lying when they told the police stories of sexual abuse. It even goes so far as to point out, meaningfully, that in the case of the two alleged rapes, nobody has been caught, suggesting what exactly? Not that they got away with it, oh no.
I don't understand how anyone could read that thing and come away not understanding what it is saying.
The article doesn't just say that women were encouraged to come forward by looking at far-right social media, it says that an unknown number of them were just outright lying when they told the police stories of sexual abuse. It even goes so far as to observe that, in the case of the two alleged rapes, nobody has been caught, suggesting what exactly? Not that they got away with it, oh no.
I don't understand how anyone could read that thing and come away not understanding what it is saying.
Or make up something about what it says to further an already ruined position. Oh no.
The article doesn't just say that women were encouraged to come forward by looking at far-right social media, it says that an unknown number of them were just outright lying when they told the police stories of sexual abuse. It even goes so far as to point out, meaningfully, that in the case of the two alleged rapes, nobody has been caught, suggesting what exactly? Not that they got away with it, oh no.
I don't understand how anyone could read that thing and come away not understanding what it is saying.

Yes sorry, when I said 'say they were sexually assaulted or robbed I meant 'lie by saying they were ...'.
I'm not trying to put that piece of writing to any use at all.
What use would it be to me?
The article says that the whole story of mass sexual assault on NYE is a myth, a fiction perpetrated by women motivated by anti-immigrant sentiment and spread to the media by someone with bad intent inside the police who decided to leak the embellished report to the press.
I am saying that is vile nonsense, which should not be printed in something however fringe which claims to speak for socialists. I would have hoped that you'd agree but you clearly don't.
I'm not trying to put that piece of writing to any use at all.
What use would it be to me?
The article says that the whole story of mass sexual assault on NYE is a myth, a fiction perpetrated by women motivated by anti-immigrant sentiment and spread to the media by someone with bad intent inside the police who decided to leak the embellished report to the press.
I am saying that is vile nonsense, that should not be printed in something however fringe which claims to speak for socialists. I would have hoped that you'd agree but you clearly don't.
I think the use that you tried to put it to, evidenced by you actually doing it last night, argues against that. No use, no none at all.
I'm not trying to put that piece of writing to any use at all.
What use would it be to me?
The article says that the whole story of mass sexual assault on NYE is a myth, a fiction perpetrated by women motivated by anti-immigrant sentiment and spread to the media by someone with bad intent inside the police who decided to leak the embellished report to the press.
I am saying that is vile nonsense, which should not be printed in something however fringe which claims to speak for socialists. I would have hoped that you'd agree but you clearly don't.
sounds like a sort of use to me
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