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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Then maybe you should think about reading things more carefully before making accusations, seeing that you could get something so obvious wrong. But of course that would imply that you are actually interested in this beyond using it as a stick to attack the "left".

I am on the left. I have every right to dissent and disagree with shite that is written as dogma.
Yeah, you win. I am a devious shit. Excellent.
So there's no room here for an interesting conversation then, like about that article. And what the fuck a tirade of denial of mass sexual assault, accusing hundreds of women (& a leaked police report) of lying, is doing in something that claims to be the voice of socialism.
jesus almighty. this is absurd. Squirrel, if you can, please read the article and tell us what you think of it? If you don't want to do that, what are you doing here?
I really don't give a shit what you think or feel about me, I am interested in the issue though, because it's seriously depressing to a female person who hopes for any kind of change in the world that that piece of shit article is hosted on such a website. I know it's fringe but it claims to speak for socialists, and the only comments on it are rabidly enthusiastic.
It is hard not to draw parallels with other far left groups that have been brought low in recent years by outright denial of abuse of women . That's the conversation I fear nobody wants to have.
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I am on the left. I have every right to dissent and disagree with shite that is written as dogma.
Has anyone claimed otherwise? You even have "every right" to post up clearly false and malicious smears of people. But don't expect me to see you as anything other than a prick when you do.
jesus almighty. this is absurd. Squirrel, if you can, please read the article and tell us what you think of it? If you don't want to do that, what are you doing here? I really don't give a shit what you think or feel about me, I am interested in the issue though, because it's seriously depressing to a female person who hopes for any kind of change in the world that that pice of shit article is hosted on such a website. I know it's fringe but it claims to speak for socialists, and the only comments on it are rabidly enthusiastic.
Which comments?
Yeah, you win. I am a devious shit. Excellent.
So there's no room here for an interesting conversation then, like about that article. And what the fuck a tirade of denial of mass sexual assault, accusing hundreds of women (& a leaked police report) of lying, is doing in something that claims to be the voice of socialism.

I asked you this before, but in all the excitement you seemed to have not noticed - where and how does that article accuse any women of lying? As I suggested before, it's quite clearly accusing the police of lying in their reporting of the cases to the media, allowing the media to whip up anti-refugee sentiment.

And silly twats like you who believe what you've been spoon fed are still lapping it up and going on about how the problem is what socialists are saying, while simultaneously demonstrating that you're not capable of understanding anything more nuanced that simplistic knee-jerk anti-foreigner bullshit.
Yeah, you win. I am a devious shit. Excellent.
So there's no room here for an interesting conversation then, like about that article. And what the fuck a tirade of denial of mass sexual assault, accusing hundreds of women (& a leaked police report) of lying, is doing in something that claims to be the voice of socialism.

More filthy lying women Cologne women here, and a Cologne feminist who's probably a closet strasserite/ euro shop Enoch whatever .


But is this official now . Have the wankers on here actually got to the bottom of the outright denial barrel ? That this was all made up by the cops and the media , as opposed to covered up ? This is the rotten agenda they're actually pushing now ? By quoting some equally rotten lying German bastards , of the very stripe who hounded one of the victims online and called her a lying fascist ? They've sunk that low now the fucking degenerates .
And now they're hounding and abusing you again for calling them on it.

They know what they posted, they know what it was advancing . That these hundreds of women are liars.

Fuck em. Scum .
More filthy lying women Cologne women here, and a Cologne feminist who's probably a closet strasserite/ euro shop Enoch whatever .


But is this official now . Have the wankers on here actually got to the bottom of the outright denial barrel ? That this was all made up by the cops and the media , as opposed to covered up ? This is the rotten agenda they're actually pushing now ? By quoting some equally rotten lying German bastards , of the very stripe who hounded one of the victims online and called her a lying fascist ? They've sunk that low now the fucking degenerates .
And now they're hounding and abusing you again for calling them on it.

They know what they posted, they know what it was advancing . That these hundreds of women are liars.

Fuck em. Scum .

Here he comes, saving women, raping women in jail - all the same. The voice of europa woman.
:facepalm:Yes, I only meant the comments below the article, when i wrote 'the comments' . Is that a lie too?
Great article though, right? So good that you will not say a word against it. Cos having a go at bimble is so much more revolutionary.
read the article, all will become clear.
Or.. Do tell your alternative reading.

So again, you can't actually back it up.

I have already read the article and I have already told my "alternative reading" ie what I think it actually says. And the fact that you can't/won't even attempt to provide a specific example of what you're accusing the writer of tells it's own story.

But don't worry, that well known feminist casually red has blundered in with his attempts to further muddy the waters and scream about how it's all the fucking lefties here who are to blame, so I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it in no time...
Do you mean an opinion that's not about your opinion about an article that you hadn't read and instead used to try and smear posters here and what this says about why people may want to or not want to respond to your latest 'mistakes'?
i'll take that as a no then.

If you have an opinion on the article I'd still like to hear it though.
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I stand by the opinion I expressed at 9.30 this morning.
Which was idiotic, far as i can see.
You said "what it suggests to me is that the police have exaggerated, embellished and possibly fabricated details of the various crimes which have been reported to them, including sexual assaults".
Why would they do that? Because they are racists? The source you are using for that is a leaked report, currently under investigation for who leaked it. The police announced that NYE went off without incident.
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Jfc are some of you really defending that Henning/WSWS article?

Seriously - the first paragraph:
Two months after the New Year’s Eve events in Cologne, allegations of mass sexual assaults by refugees at the event, which dominated the media for weeks and served as the pretext for a clampdown on refugees, are increasingly being exposed as groundless.
Now the perpetrators may not have been refugees, but those assaults happened - and to use the word groundless in that context is disgusting - or are we calling all of those women liars? You don't get the sense that they are only using the word to deny that refugees are the perpetrators, but rather to say sexual assaults did not happen.

Then Henning goes into how the only men being taken to court on that night are being accused/convicted of theft and other petty offences. He doesn't consider how much more difficult in general it is to get a rape conviction or even get a sexual offence in court than theft - and how much harder it would be when you are talking about multiple offenders in a crowd.

Then he says the reports of sexual assault at Cologne on New Years Eve were "vastly exaggerated". Apparently women didn't report the assaults on the night, and only 440 reports "less than half" of all reports were sex crimes. No suspects have been found for the two reports of rape (not suprising in a crowd).

Then various quotes saying one or some of the women are lying (although he has clearly extrapolated that to all the women).

All the way through, he's basically accusing the women who reported assaults in Cologne on new years of being racist, liars, and to blame for the racist media.
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