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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

How about you answering my question to you about it earlier first?
ok, i'll try.
I quoted the bit that said "Eyewitnesses contradict the claims of the police that mass molestations took place."
You asked "What incident does the quote that you've used refer to?"

I've just read that shitstain of an article again and it is very clear: He is saying that mass molestations did not take place. At all, on new years eve in cologne.
He is not talking about any particular incident.
He says it in many different ways, I started a list but can't bring myself to quote all the many different ways in which he accuses the women and the leaked police report of lying. He says there was no mass sexual assault.

Three men sentenced for petty crimes at New Year’s event in Cologne, Germany - World Socialist Web Site
He is not talking about any particular incident.
Yes he is. It's even there in the part Sihhi posted.
However, the press is clearly being supplied with material from the police for their anti-immigrant propaganda. The latest example is an incident in Kiel. On Thursday, February 25, the local police reported on the “mass molestation” of three girls by 30 foreigners in a shopping centre. The media accepted this narrative uncritically and raged about a “mob” of Afghans, refugees and foreigners.

Four days later, the accusations proved to be groundless. Eyewitnesses contradict the claims of the police that mass molestations took place. Photos and videos allegedly made of the girls by young men were not discovered. Physical assaults had never been alleged from the outset.
(My emphasis).

Are you going to apologise for making another "mistake" now?
ok, i'll try.
I quoted the bit that said "Eyewitnesses contradict the claims of the police that mass molestations took place."
You asked "What incident does the quote that you've used refer to?"

I've just read that shitstain of an article again and it is very clear: He is saying that mass molestations did not take place. At all, on new years eve in cologne.
He is not talking about any particular incident.
He says it in many different ways, I started a list but can't bring myself to quote all the many different ways in which he accuses the women and the leaked police report of lying. He says there was no mass sexual assault.

Three men sentenced for petty crimes at New Year’s event in Cologne, Germany - World Socialist Web Site
That's not true is it - it refers to kiel in February. A particular incident. That - even after review - you manage to suggest that it refers to NYE in cologne is pretty disgusting. You know it's not true and chose to pretend that it is.
No. Butchers asked me what that quote above was about. It was about new years eve in cologne.

Who / what cause do you think is helped by that article? Socialism? Refugees? It's not even apologism for violence against women its outright denial. It's disgusting.
Have you even read the piece that you're talking about? Or the posts that you're replying to? This is beyond odd.
Who / what cause do you think is helped by that article? Socialism? Refugees? It's not even apologism for violence against women its outright denial. It's disgusting.
Why are you defending it?

No it wasn't. That is utter crap. Re-read the piece again, the "eyewitness" quote clearly refers to the Kiel incident.
I have read it three times now. You're right, that was about Kiel.
This is about Koln:

"A central role in the spreading of news about alleged mass sexual offences in Cologne was played by the circulation of an internal report by an anonymous federal police officer on January 4. The report referred to “numerous crying and shocked women and girls” .. To date it remains unknown who authored this report and for what political or other motives. "

Great news, yes: The kiel incident (where no women alleged physical assault) ended up with nobody being accused of physical assault.
How the fuck is that relevant to nye where hundreds of women did allege this?
I have read it three times.

Great news, yes: The kiel incident (where no women alleged physical assault) ended up with nobody being accused of physical assault.
How the fuck is that relevant to nye where hundreds of women did allege this?
You devious shit. You claimed that the quote you used referred to NYE rather than kiel. It didn't. This was pointed out to you. You are now openly lying - not being 'mistaken'.
I'm a liar again. ok. It is impossible that I picked one of his shit quotes at random. There are many others, like the one above, that do relate to how Cologne on NYE had no mass sexual assaults in it, just a few petty thefts.

He accuses the police and the victims of fabricating the whole sexual assault NYE story but hey, lets talk about me being a liar instead.

I asked you what you think about the article. You have chosen to keep defending it.

He is accusing hundreds of women and the leaked police report of lying.
Do you agree with him?
I have read it three times now. You're right, that was about Kiel.
This is about Koln:
So despite talking complete bollocks about the eyewitness statement you stand by your claim that "That wsws article is basically outright accusing the women who reported assault liars"?
I'm a liar again. ok. It is impossible that I picked one of his shit quotes at random. There are many others, like the one above, that do relate to how Cologne on NYE had no mass sexual assaults in it, just a few petty thefts.

He accuses the police and the victims of fabricating the whole sexual assault NYE story but hey, lets talk about me being a liar instead of that.

I asked you what you think about the article. You have chosen to keep defending it.

He is accusing hundreds of women and the leaked police report of lying.
Do you agree with him?
Jesus fucking christ. The deflection from what you did. Again. Deal with what you said. I've not interest in talking to you otherwise.

Why does this keep happening? Is it the socialist media? The cowardly left? Or you just being a fucking tit?
I used the wrong quote first time round. I know you prefer to call this lying but in this case, what on earth reason would I have had to lie - the article is top to bottom accusing the women and the police of fabrication:

Here's another. He is trying to capitalise on the fact that more women came forward in the days following the breaking of the story, to accuse them of lying:

"Most complaints were filed after January 4. By January 11, the figure stood at 550. Cologne’s police now report 1,100 complaints related to New Year’s Eve. But according to the police, less than half, around 440, relate to a sex crime.
In mid-February, the authorities were investigating 73 accused. At that point, 15 suspects were in custody, but only one on the suspicion of a sex offence. The two complaints relating to rape had not resulted in any suspects being found.
Even representatives of the state prosecutor and police have expressed doubts about how many of the complaints were based on criminal offences. Given the vast press campaign, it cannot be excluded that some were vastly exaggerated or were the result of anti-immigrant sentiments. Social media sites are full of such propaganda tirades

I'm not interested in talking to anyone who does not find that disgusting. Is that the socialist media? Does he speak for all socialists? I fucking hope not. I hope he's just an idiot.
I used the wrong quote first time round. I know you prefer to call this lying but in this case, what on earth reason would I have had to lie - the article is top to bottom accusing the women and the police of fabrication:
Now that clearly is a lie. You didn't just "use a wrong quote" you made an allegation that was completely false. Even when it was explained you to you why you were wrong you maintained your utterly bogus claim.
I used the wrong quote first time round. I know you prefer to call this lying but in this case, what on earth reason would I have had to lie - the article is top to bottom accusing the women and the police of fabrication:

Here's another. He is trying to capitalise on the fact that more women came forward in the days following the breaking of the story, to accuse them of lying:

"Most complaints were filed after January 4. By January 11, the figure stood at 550. Cologne’s police now report 1,100 complaints related to New Year’s Eve. But according to the police, less than half, around 440, relate to a sex crime.
In mid-February, the authorities were investigating 73 accused. At that point, 15 suspects were in custody, but only one on the suspicion of a sex offence. The two complaints relating to rape had not resulted in any suspects being found.
Even representatives of the state prosecutor and police have expressed doubts about how many of the complaints were based on criminal offences. Given the vast press campaign, it cannot be excluded that some were vastly exaggerated or were the result of anti-immigrant sentiments. Social media sites are full of such propaganda tirades

I'm not interested in talking to anyone who does not find that disgusting.
You didn't just use it, you defended it after review - your motivations for doing this are yours. Me not being able to come up with one that you'd accept doesn't mean that it didn't happen, It did. Just 'used the wrong quote' - no you didn't. You simply didn't read the article that you're inviting people to condemn or if you did, you did not understand it.

You're not going to get any discussion with me going when you do that. But crack on with oik and others who also won't read and will lap up lying outrage - exactly in the same way as the far right are manipulating people around this.
ok. Me using the wrong quote first time round is FAR more interesting & important that discussing, for instance, why this abhorrent article brimming with rape denial and misogyny got published in something that claims to be the voice of socialism. And why you're defending it.
Seriously. You choose to defend that piece of filth and attack me instead: Why?
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Now that clearly is a lie. You didn't just "use a wrong quote" you made an allegation that was completely false. Even when it was explained you to you why you were wrong you maintained your utterly bogus claim.

Stop going on about Bimble's mistake. I was about to quote the same snippet from that article in the same mistaken way. I didn't realise until it was pointed out that it was refereing to Kiel, which in the context of Cologne is a bit of a red Herring anyway, don't you think?

The article sucks arse big time.
Stop going on about Bimble's mistake. I was about to quote the same snippet from that article in the same mistaken way. I didn't realise until it was pointed out that it was refereing to Kiel, which in the context of Cologne is a bit of a red Herring anyway, don't you think?

The article sucks arse big time.
I also hadn't bothered to read what i was writing about either.

ok. Me using the wrong quote first time round is FAR more interesting & important that discussing, for instance, why this abhorrent article brimming with rape denial and misogyny got published in something that claims to be the voice of socialism. And why you're defending it.
Seriouslsy. You choose to defend that piece of filth and attack me instead: Why?

This is why they constantly ask sniping questions and don't engage in any form of debate. They are fishing for an excuse to attack you rather than deal with the uncomfortable issue of the thread. Cynical cunts they are, it's like a game to them. I've put Dotcommunist on ignore. I think he's a loon.
And why you're defending it.
Seriouslsy. You choose to defend that piece of filth and attack me instead: Why?
Again another totally bogus claim. Where have either myself of BA defended the piece? Pointing out your falsehoods doesn't mean that I agree with the writer.

I've no idea about BA's view of the piece but FWIW I haven't even read it through yet. Your misreading was so obvious from sihhi's post that all I did was check to make sure there weren't any other occasions where the word eyewitness was used (there aren't).
This is why they constantly ask sniping questions and don't engage in any form of debate. They are fishing for an excuse to attack you rather than deal with the uncomfortable issue of the thread. Cynical cunts they are, it's like a game to them. I've put Dotcommunist on ignore. I think he's a loon.
You've fucking lost it mate. Look at the people that you're smearing - look at their record.
Ye cos someone called bimble doing the wrong quote on u75 is SO important & interesting, compared to what the fuck a tirade of denial of mass sexual assault, accusing hundreds of women (& a leaked police report) of lying, is doing in something that claims to be the voice of socialism.
Stop going on about Bimble's mistake. I was about to quote the same snippet from that article in the same mistaken way. I didn't realise until it was pointed out that it was refereing to Kiel, which in the context of Cologne is a bit of a red Herring anyway, don't you think?
Then maybe you should think about reading things more carefully before making accusations, seeing that you could get something so obvious wrong. But of course that would imply that you are actually interested in this beyond using it as a stick to attack the "left".
You've fucking lost it mate. Look at the people that you're smearing - look at their record.

Having a history doesn't make the nit-picking posts on this thread justificable. How about some analysis of the political consequences of the Immigration crisis in Germany after Cologne?
Ye cos someone called bimble doing the wrong quote on u75 is SO important & interesting, compared to what the fuck a tirade of denial of mass sexual assault, accusing women & the police of lying, is doing in something that claims to be the voice of socialism.
This is the mass readership WSWS? Which way do you want it? A meaningless internet site - SO important & interesting - should be focused on (if you can be bothered to read it) vs little old you fighting the nasty pro-rape socialists.
Having a history doesn't make the nit-picking posts on this thread justificable. How about some analysis of the political consequences of the Immigration crisis in Germany after Cologne?
Go for it. All i've seen is you shouting that the FT says this and a posh priest says this. Oh yeah, and smearing all who point out your obvious flaws as pro-rape liberal middle class socialists who love isis.
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