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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Thinking mysogyny is rife in islam is simplistic?

Tell that to the woman I saw this afternoon walking five paces behind her husband with her hair covered.

Does islam need an islamophobia industry to push its mysogyny?
Take a bunch of young men, put them somewhere far from their parents, give them access to alcohol, and you'll have trouble on your hands. And most of this trouble will involve young women. Nothing to do with religion or culture.
Take a bunch of young men, put them somewhere far from their parents, give them access to alcohol, and you'll have trouble on your hands. And most of this trouble will involve young women. Nothing to do with religion or culture.

Yeah, the men in Cologne were just being your average lads on a night out, weren't they. Just like everywhere really. Dunno why we've bothered to debate it here. Might as well have just put it all in the Scunthorpe on a saturday night thread.
Well I mentioned the pornography issue earlier, which gives these guys unrealistic expectations of Western women, so the situations aren't alike. However the basic dynamic involved here is international and universal, and can't be pinned on a specific culture or nationality.
Yeah, the men in Cologne were just being your average lads on a night out, weren't they. Just like everywhere really. Dunno why we've bothered to debate it here. Might as well have just put it all in the Scunthorpe on a saturday night thread.
they were being your average wanker sex assualting thieves from people trafficking background. Horrific stuff to be sure but not quite the vast conspiracy of syrian fugees raping at will some had touted. Little more nuanced than that. Really cut the wind from a few sails did that didn't it? Myself I just want to see justice served (with added unjudicial slaps for good measure) and what can be done for migrants done as well as we should treat any fellow person. But in the meantime the inevitable roar of poundshop enochs will continue.
500 women raped in one location right in front of cops..not average or anything approaching it . Fuck off and stop insulting our intelligence with your " pound shop enochs " you condescending wanker.

Why don't you wind your own neck in - there's around 500 women claiming 'sexual assault' - which is very different from rape. So quit with the hyperbole.

Not that I condone or am not disgusted by any of it - but I shouldn't have to say that really, but no doubt if I don't you'll accuse me of being a rape apologist.
Why don't you wind your own neck in - there's around 500 women claiming 'sexual assault' - which is very different from rape. So quit with the hyperbole.

Not that I condone or am not disgusted by any of it - but I shouldn't have to say that really, but no doubt if I don't you'll accuse me of being a rape apologist.

Forcibly sticking your fingers up someone's vagina or anus without their consent is digital rape , and that's what happened those women . Many of whom were also forcibly dragged into that mob . Some of whom were " fully " raped, for want of a better term .
I'm not the one who needs to wind my neck in. This is not average or anything approaching it so please stop insulting our intelligence.
This was not Oktoberfest, Scunthorpe or a fucking dinner party either. Knock this bollocks off please .
So the above happened to all 500 of the women, did it? Not from what I've read. You're just laying it on predictably thick to try and prove a point, and it's pathetic.

I'm not going to clarify my abhorrence of what happened again, but you need to stop spewing this propaganda that suits your narrative.
good job the people were described by me as average human trafficker scum rather than what happened being average. Still, sieze on a word and run with it as is your wont. 'our' I hadn't seen your coronation so perhaps you better say 'my' instead. Shocked to see a republican take on the royal pronoun
So the above happened to all 500 of the women, did it? Not from what I've read. You're just laying it on predictably thick to try and prove a point, and it's pathetic.

I'm not going to clarify my abhorrence of what happened again, but you need to stop spewing this propaganda that suits your narrative.

What happened to them according to what you've read ? Cuddled over vigorously ? arse pinched ? What exactly ?

I've read it happens in Scunthorpe town centre every weekend, that it's just like Oktoberfest , and that it's little different from middle class writers dinner parties . If that complete and utter horseshit is true then perhaps I'm laying it on a bit thick.

Joe Reilly was pointing this very thing out repeatedly earlier in the thread as well , over a number of pages, but they all kept their fucking mouths shut then and didn't accuse him of lying about what happened . Or laying it on thick . Only now are they piping up with their dismissals .

No matter . They've gotten clean away with it . No need to be pining over some poor average sod who just had too much to drink and was a victim of circumstance and poor choices etc etc . At least we'll be spared listening to that .
not quite the vast conspiracy of syrian fugees raping at will some had touted. Little more nuanced than that. Really cut the wind from a few sails did that didn't it? Myself I just want to see justice served (with added unjudicial slaps for good measure) and what can be done for migrants done as well as we should treat any fellow person. But in the meantime the inevitable roar of poundshop enochs will continue.

Youve been chucking this one about a few times , here you go again so ill ask you again . Please point out to us who exactly on this thread was making these claims about Surian refugees ? Nobody that I'm aware of . The only mention I myself made of Syrian refugees involvement in this disaster was pointing out 3 of them , very bravely, diving into that crowd to save an American woman the cops had thrown in among these animals and getting her away to safety. Lending her their phone, paying her cab . This has been pointed put to you before , so you appear to be blatantly bullshitting again .

Cutting the wind from a few sails my arse .

Who were the pound shop enochs making these claims ? Tell us .
us? you and theoden-fash? jog on casual you've whistled enough and foghorned the thread to its death. Be happy with your work. And we all know you wanted it to be syrians who dared to run from glorious assad anyway so I don't know why you've tried to say otherwise. The minute that pic of aylan dead on the waterline surfaced you were chafing, along with others for an opportunity to make sure peoples heads were in the right place. The utpouring of sympathy for an unseen plight fucking appaled you. Stuck in your craw. Oh well. Still, you managed to make sure this thread would get no sensible debate didn't you? A little victory for this champion of womens dignity whos sitting merrily on another thread discussing why he wouldn't fuck various irish female politicos. Coat trailing shite.
So now it's " we all know you wanted it to be Syrians " instead then .the usual tirade of disingenuous bluster ,cant and downright lies. Nobody blamed Syrian refugees for anything, I pointed out the only Syrian refugee involvement in this was personal heroism and defending women . . you were smugly bullshitting again and now you've thrown the usual ...massive..hissy fit of indignation when called on it .
And bullshitting about other threads too . I said fuck all about that Aylan pic ...whatever the hell thats about.Show me this chafing and outrage ? .and I've denied ever having a relationship with various politicians there was speculation on from other posters. Outright lies. . You're bullshitting . Again. In order to make the usual smug personal attacks against anyone who dares disagree with you .

You call that steaming bullshit above Sensible debate ? . The treatment handed out to me and the likes of Bimble on this thread for days on end was a fucking joke . And this nonsense is just more of the same . You wouldn't know sensible debate if it bit you on the arse .
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Thinking mysogyny is rife in islam is simplistic?


Did I say that?

I did not.

You could more accurately say that I was arguing that someone who simplistically equates the two is either a moron, or someone with a toxic agenda (e.g. representatives of the Islamophobia industry) seeking to influence such morons.

More substantively I was talking about a more interesting and useful account of some specific forms of misogyny which are rife in MENA countries in articles by this person.

Fear and fury: women and post-revolutionary violence

... and their relevance to the subject of this thread ...

The fateful marriage: political violence and violence against women
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Misogyny is rife in Islam, isn't it?

Not saying it isn't a problem is western culture, but Arabic countries have the monopoly.
Well that's the question that makes the identity politics advocates' heads explode.

Who is more oppressed? Women or muslims? Aaarrrgghhh! Does not compute!

And then there's the rape culture re: female Muslims in majority Islamic cultures...
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