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How over-represented are Royals in the Olympics?

mrs quoad

Well-Known Member
ok, ok, so private school representation aside, how over-represented have Royals been when participating in the Olympics?

I'm guessing the skew would be particularly big towards huntin, shootin, ridin and fishin - we've had (what?) Zara Phillips and Princess Anne (apparently the only woman not to be sex tested in that Olympics, though that might be an Urban myth).

And there was a Saudi royal yammering over the jumps a minute ago.

I'd hazard that they're more over-represented than people from private schools; in a subset events, at least :hmm: If not, perhaps, the BMX.

e2a: ahhh, lmgtfy, quoad. http://www.topendsports.com/events/summer/highlights/royals.htm

Though that only indicates a broad spatter of representation, rather than anything remotely related to proportionality.
If we get rid of the horsey nonsense then the problem will resolve itself. I doubt many of these mouth-breathing inbreds could qualify for an actual sporting event.
the thing is with the equestrian stuff is that Miss Philips and her Mother and Father are actually reasonably useful on a horse. While the barriers to entry for equestrian sports are relatively high ( equipment and upkeep of your horse) it;s not a sport where vast amounts of money are needed over and above as with everything in 'professional' sport once you reach a certain level sponsorship and lottery cash takes care of much of the ongoing costs of competing ...

people have been commenting about the 'high cost' and 'entry barriers' for sailing forgetting that while Ben Ainslie is a privately schooled coastal lad , Paul Goodison is from Rotherham and learnt so sail on a resevoir ... the entry barriers for sailing are a lot lower than people think - especially if you look at the Dinghy classes - for under a grand you could have a (second hand) laser, kit and club membership ...
Prince Albert of Monaco competed in the winter games, in the bob sleigh. Now there's a posho sport.
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