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Silliest names in the Olympics

oh dear :facepalm:
worse than mine!
only 3 posts up^

Oops :D

The strange thing is Im sure I ready the whole thread before I posted, and there are so many posts since in a short space of time that I suspect there may be a distortion in the time-space continuum on this thread. Honest.

Anyway Ive only watched a few hours of olympic coverage so I was quite happy that I got to hear the commentators going on about the OP's Katerina Johnson-Thompson the other day.

I only wish Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling was alive to witness this.
Its a lets laugh at funny names thread, the first one listed was an english language one.

Find something else to get offended about.

I wasn't offended by you laughing at names...more annoyed by your use of the tory cliche...'pc gone mad brigade' ...find some more cliches maybe?

By the way, if we are getting picky...none of those names are particularly ''English'' in Origin btw:

I feel like OU suddenly: I don't see any humor in Katerina Johnson Thompson.

Well there's no humour but it's a bit of a mouthful and one that I've already scrambled because I couldn't remember whether Johnson or Thompson came first. Also, apart from double-barrelled surnames, people in this country don't tend to use middle names unlike Americans (unless that's just tv characters)
I wasn't offended by you laughing at names...more annoyed by your use of the tory cliche...'pc gone mad brigade' ...find some more cliches maybe?

By the way, if we are getting picky...none of those names are particularly ''English'' in Origin btw:


Yes, but it's an athlete and not a foreign one, disproving Johnny's assumption that this thread is all about giggling at foreigners
I think it's a nerdy way to refer to a penis, so that might be why you haven't heard it.

are you saying I'm too thick to hang around with nerds? :mad:

Anyway, here's Katerina Thompson Johnson (or the other way around)

Isn't the giggle about her name more to do with John Thomas being slang for cock?

I enjoyed it simply because of the length, rhythm and partial repetition of the commentator mentioning the name numerous several times in quick succession.

Which is kind of why I mentioned Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling. After mentioning him earlier I discovered he was in the olympics once:

You'll be plesaed to know that I've just been giggling at King Roger and the Book of Roger, another foreigner
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