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Favourite bit of the Olympics

What the fuck are the BBC doing putting an advert on their website? Especially disguised as news?
BBC are being a touch mean about the paralympics - promoting the 5live coverage yet neglecting to mention that it will be on Channel 4.
the bit where it stopped and London became London again...

one more hump to go then the world can fuck off again...

I'd have lightened up a bit if rather than the new build community who've been their for less than 2 weeks weren't accoladed and exulted as having been amazing by Coe and the people who'd have 7 years of bullying shit from the local councils, LOCOG and the Majors office and lost our local amenities having had every promise to us broken and now to find out the ethnic cleansing will go ahead as most families live in what is now expensive prime building land being forced and compulsory purchased after promises this wouldn't happen not mentioned....

not a fucking foot note...

locals, you lot, you pov's who've been ridden rough shod over for the last 7 years you without a voice who've been locked out, priced out and now we're taking your homes too... shut up, stay quite, we don't need to thank you for your tolerance... fuck you.. fuck you very much....

that's what Coe and LOCOG said loud and clear last night... FUCK YOU Olympic boroughs and Fuck you Olympic residents...

Fuck you...

that's London 2012's legacy...

Not Mo Farah winning the 5000M then?
My highlights:
  1. Women's cycling road Race
  2. Women's 10k
  3. Mo Farah 10k & 5k
  4. Men's diving - 10m
  5. Lara Trott - final race
  6. Chris Hoy - final race
I was totally against the Olympics, avoided it like the plague and still think the whole thing should never have happened ... but I will admit to a smile last night, seeing Luke Campbell's homecoming speech from the balcony of Hull City Hall. The boy done good, and thousands of people had turned out to cheer him home. Great atmosphere. :cool:
I think mine was Laura Trott winning the Omnium. She had to finish 3 places ahead of the american girl, and through good fortune with the French entering a strong cyclist, breaking up the field, just managed it. And she seemed like a very cool person on top of that.
Mo Farah, undoubtedly. Thinking he was going to lose the 5k and then seeing him just pull away from them was amazing and, without being too liberal about it, him and Ennis were a massive "fuck you" to the Daily Mail, Burley and all the rest with their horrible racist shit.

Rudisha destroying the 800.

The 2 women sprinting for the line in the triathlon.

Wiggins winning the time trial and cycling off into the crowd to find his family.

Dibaba destroying the 10k.

Bolt (and Blake).


The whole track cycling programme.

The NHS in the opening ceremony.

Pendleton being so happy at finally not having to compete any more.

Loads more.
For me it was:

1) Adams not just winning but completly rising to the occasion and overwhelming her opponent
2) The mens triathlon, maybe not many peoples choice but the way in which the Brownlee brothers and the Spanish athlete just kept up such an incredible intensity that no one could live with them. A. Brownlee did the 10k run just 1 minute and 20 seconds slower then Mo had won the track 10k in, and that was after he had swam 1.5k and cycled for 40k, it was just amazing to watch from a British athlete.
3) Mo Farah winning the 5k, mainly because I was in the pub at the time and as he came into the home straight the roof nearly came off the place.
As it happens, I asked this of the kabbess and her top three were:

1) Mo Farah's wins
2) The mens triathlon
3) Jessica Ennis.

Mind you, she really loves things involving running.
New Zealand v Netherlands hockey semi-final. Great match, close as hell, and fought with an almost terrifying intensity.

The applause for Sarah Attar and Merve Aydin in the 800 metres (the former beng the fairly rubbish first ever Saudi athlete competing, the latter having injured herself after about 200m but still running the rest of the way) - that's the spirit of the Olympics.

Both of them are my fave bits cos I was actually there. Of the other stuff.

Mo's 10k. As a Sheffielder, I should go with Jess's supreme heptathlon victory, but there wasn't a 'moment' when she won it in the same way (she had it in the bag before the 800), but Mo's win was just astounding. I was watching it on my phone, at an 'Stuff the Olympics' party, and had to commentate to the 75% of the party who came outside to find out what ws goinf on. Biggest cheer of the night, and just a brilliant performance from Farrah.
where's Mo's gold box going then?

Mo Farah, Men’s Athletics 10,000m; gold post box: 477 London Road, Isleworth TW7 4BX
Mo Farah, Men's Athletics 5,000m; gold post box: Broad Street (on the corner of North Lane), Teddington TW11 8RF
I find it difficult to get too excited about the mo farah moments. He was the overwhelming favourite and hugely funded compared to the runners in the silver and bronze positions.
I find it difficult to get too excited about the mo farah moments. He was the overwhelming favourite and hugely funded compared to the runners in the silver and bronze positions.
He wasn't the pre-tournament favourite, so far as I knew. The Ethopians were fancied in the 10k and Lagat was fancied in the 5k.
I find it difficult to get too excited about the mo farah moments. He was the overwhelming favourite and hugely funded compared to the runners in the silver and bronze positions.

Yeah but thats just bollocks though.

He really wasnt the overwhelming favourite he's not even the current world champion in the 10k. Serious question but how much difference does funding make in distance running? If it makes such a difference how come it isnt dominated by British, American and Chinese athletes? Every time I watch a marathon some little chap from Africa wins it, how can that be?

Did you watch the mens pair rowing or the single sculls? That is what overwhelming favourites look like, still great to watch though, Drysdale(sp?) is incredible.
If it makes such a difference how come it isnt dominated by British, American and Chinese athletes? Every time I watch a marathon some little chap from Africa wins it, how can that be?

Is it primarily down to natural human physiology? Long distance running just seems in their blood.

Fair play to Mo, he's an awesome dude. It makes you wonder what some of the Ethiopians could achieve with the sort of support he gets though.
It's the Ethopians and Kenyans that have the best training methods and the best coaches. They don't just rock up with nothing but a love for the sport and dominate distance events for championship after championship though natural talent alone.

The success we've had with Radcliffe, Holmes and Farah has come from them training with the Ethiopians and Kenyans and copying their training methods.
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