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How many hen/duck, etc., eggs do you eat each year?

How many eggs do you eat each year?

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I'm Petee's spirit animal
How much of an egg fiend are you? You can disregard eggs in prepared products as it's obviously difficult to count those, so concentrate on how many boiled, fried, poached, etc., eggs you eat in a year.

I got through 335 in 2022. I think that's quite a reasonable amount - not too many.

Will have to eat a lot of eggs in the remainder of this year to beat that though - only on 260 so far. :(
Sorry - couldn't resist!

jesus laying cadburys cream eggs
How much of an egg fiend are you? You can disregard eggs in prepared products as it's obviously difficult to count those, so concentrate on how many boiled, fried, poached, etc., eggs you eat in a year.

I got through 335 in 2022. I think that's quite a reasonable amount - not too many.

Will have to eat a lot of eggs in the remainder of this year to beat that though - only on 260 so far. :(
I seem to get through around a dozen a week. So somewhere north of 500/year.
Not many. Probably only bought two or three boxes this year

I like fried eggs but don’t like the smell of cooking them so rarely eat at home. I like scrambled eggs but trying to cut down on butter usage. I don’t like poached eggs and I don’t like boiled or hard boiled eggs.
I've cut back. Eggs one of those things I like to buy organic mainly from an animal welfare reason. They were under £2 for 6 before covid now £3 a box. I stretch them out, just have one rather than two at a breakfast.
Average less than 6 every fortnight probs.

Supposedly Britain is being flooded with battery eggs

animal farming is most often bad but battery farming is inexcusable animal torture

ETA re cost from that article
"!The increase in imports comes amid shortages of stock, which began in late 2022 after egg farmers cut production because of spiralling costs due to food and energy price rises. UK egg production declined 8% in 2022 and 10% this year, according to official data.!"
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I don't mind scrambled eggs or omelettes, but every once in a while - maybe one time in 5 or 6 - they make me gag. No idea why, but I don't really like them enough to push the matter. A bit of quiche or Spanish tortilla is as much as I'll eat.
Rest of the family like eggs, and even though I don't eat them I force organic on them. :)
(Edit: Should add that the mrs has an antibiotic allergy and that does play into buying organic as well)
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Never really counted them but I must eat around 10-12 a week on my own so Mrs Q goes through a similar number so we buy a lot of eggs. Mrs Q prefers free range since she reckons they taste better than battery eggs however she will buy battery eggs if the free range are out of stock.
Well I don't object to a chocolate egg, but now you've put the image into my head of Jesus squatting to expel them from his bird-lizard cloaca, it's put me right off.
The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” He then squatted and birthed an egg of chocolate and said "Give this to children so they pay attention to the rest of it."
I started buying cartons of egg white. They contain about 15 eggs so they say. I’ll have that in a week but not every week. On average I think maybe 350 a year.
I have no idea how many eggs I have per year, but I do eat them regularly - a couple of times a week? maybe 100 or so a year .

I was at the supermarket last week and the couple in front had 72 eggs in the trolley - possibly evidence of their weekly consumption :eek:
We get half a dozen a week delivered with the milk, so minimum 312 a year - I'm the majority consumer as I have poached eggs on toast for breakfast pretty regularly.
Id say about 6-7 a week so 350 a year odd.

Ive had a few quail eggs too, mostly in Spain. But they're tiny!

No proper Easter eggs the past few years sadly.
My standard breakfast is scrambled egg on toast. About two a day, so 700ish a year.

I used to eat fewer until Orang Utan, correctly informed me that the old thing about eggs and cholesterol was nonsense.
I hope that's true. I've heard the claim that dietary cholesterol has minimal impact on serium cholesterol, but eggs contain quite a lot. Shame as they are otherwise pretty nutritious.
Laving aside the eggs in "other" foods, as I agree, accounting for those is a bit too difficult.

It used to be recommended that one ate no more than an average three eggs a week, this was the cholesterol friendly idea ... but even when that was in vogue I would often have more.

I must eat about twice that, as an average. However, some weeks I don't eat any other than in cakes or hidden in whatever.
Must admit that I'll do 'em almost anyway [not raw, though] so scrambled and poached are the usual ways they appear on my plate.
Sometimes I'll have one fried as part of something like a FEB or with ham ...
I tend to have them slightly underdone, as I don't like them going crispy or rubbery as they do when overcooked.

I find that duck eggs are too rich and unless I know their provenance I'm a bit suspicious - having had a friend that used to keep them, and the duck were like the hens and would lay anywhere, including in cow pats or on the muck heap ! and ignore their "nest" boxes.
Only more occasionally now, used to buy half a dozen a week but ended up giving them away to the foxes a lot, so now maybe a small box every 2-3 weeks - guess that averages to round about 120 per year. (Tend to eat them 2 at a time, though, whether scrambled, fried or omeletted)
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