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how does North Korea 'end'?

as has been said, many times on this thread alone, two wrongs don't make a right. just cos the US is a piece of shit on human rights doesn't make NK a bastion of peace and free love. I am under no illusions that the US, and to some extent the UK, are whiter than white when it comes to various things but to say that its comparable with what is happening in NK shows an amazing lack of understanding. Dare I say it but CR is fairly blinkered in that NON US/UK = good UK/US = bad. trying to defend the NK track record on what it does to its own people is not only naïve but removes any shred of credibility from the posts

OK fair enough I've not read the whole thread but what I've read by CR on here hasn't been defending the DPRK (at least not in terms of its domestic politics) but attacking the US position as - in reality - being clearly the more aggressive and antagonistic and I haven't seen anyone come up with anything much to contradict what he's posted. In fact he looks to be clearly better informed. None of this means that I'll be rushing to the barricades for the DPR but I'll stay out of the cheering mob as well, they look like useful fools to me.

Although obviously I await the results of Spymaster's weekend googling with bated breath - perhaps I'll change my mind ;).
tbh just look at the lybia/Falkland's/anywhere else the imperialist aggressors have been involved threads.

re better informed he still seems to think the US has stationed nuclear weapons in SK (they were removed in the 90s) and used this as a "well I am not surprised that NK is pissed off look at what the nasty US is doing one!!oneone.." type argument.

some of the points he makes are quite valid but they get lost in the froth and foam
I wouldn't say too little, I guess it depends on whether you can be bothered looking for info. Why they act the way they do.

Mad, insane, crazy, batshit. Wrong way to look at it. Ignorant.

It wouldn't hurt some here to do a little background reading on their politics instead of the parroting. Having been on holiday there doesn't necessarily give you special insight either.
Ok just plain fucking Evil

The leaderships politics are so incompentalty shit they cant even feed the people.

They are a bunch of evil incompetant fuckwits if your greatest enemy is sending you food aid thats how shit you are.
Your self reliance is a sick fucking joke
I hope the prick wakes up one day and kills himself.
The hunger games had a more sane take on politics than the dprk.

imagine if you got that posting.

Hi Pingu come in we have a new posting for you.

oooh is it the Bahamas or maybe the caymen islands. oooh no don't tell me its the sechelles isn't it? I knew putting in all those extra hours would pay off eventually...

erm.. no its North Korea, apparently J wasn't too happy when he found out you were shagging his daughter.
OK fair enough I've not read the whole thread but what I've read by CR on here hasn't been defending the DPRK (at least not in terms of its domestic politics) but attacking the US position as - in reality - being clearly the more aggressive and antagonistic and I haven't seen anyone come up with anything much to contradict what he's posted. In fact he looks to be clearly better informed.

Speaking for myself, I was talking solely about events in the last few months, and I can't see anything to contradict the suggestion that the impetus for the recent escalation of tension has come largely from within North Korea.

Of course you can take it further back and, yes, you can point to various occasions where American actions (or those of its allies) have been or sounded aggressive and probably pushed NK into a more defensive mindset than it might otherwise have been. Dubya counting it in with the 'axis of evil' is a case in point. On the other hand, let's not go pretending NK doesn't have plenty of form itself for being aggressive.

FWIW I'd have thought comments about the US's generally imperialistic stance too obvious to need stating.
Its bizarrie apprantly the evil imperilists were the biggest donors of food aid to north korea?

To be honest though, the simplistic crap you come out with whenever there's anything remotely like this going on is far more blinkered than anything CR comes out with - at least he's bothered to take the time to inform himself, even if the analysis he comes out with is dangerously one sided.

You, on the other hand, appear to just swallow the establishment line wholesale with no critical engagement whatsoever.

Evil! Burn them! A cab driver joined the Taliban so it's open season on taxi drivers who happen to have brown skin!

Your record on stuff like this is utterly appalling - you've repeatedly shown yourself to be an ill-informed, bloodthirsty idiot who thinks whatever the propaganda tells him to think. You quite simply don't have sufficient credibility to take the piss out of CR's position.
Fuck you.

The so called leadership managed to kill 3 million of there own people through starvation what fucking anaylsis is needed to lable cunts like that evil and stupid.?
If we are looking for double-think in regards to how US actions in recent weeks have been judged as opposed to those of NK, look no further than the joint military exercises with South Korea.

When 'our side' does them, they are spoken of as harmless, sensible, pragmatic training exercises that are well within our rights. If our enemies do them, they are dangerous, threatening, unwarranted escalations that raise tensions and are to be condemned as unhelpful to diplomacy.
If we are looking for double-think in regards to how US actions in recent weeks have been judged as opposed to those of NK, look no further than the joint military exercises with South Korea.

When 'our side' does them, they are spoken of as harmless, sensible, pragmatic training exercises that are well within our rights. If our enemies do them, they are dangerous, threatening, unwarranted escalations that raise tensions and are to be condemned as unhelpful to diplomacy.

That's always been the case on both sides though. Military exercises have always a show of strength. The Russians and Chinese did them and condemned 'ours' too. And in the case of the Korean peninsula the only side that has actually used a "military exercise" as a feint for a bit of imperialistic naughtiness, is the North.

In fact he looks to be clearly better informed.

Nah, he just had a bit of a head start. You need to know how to argue with CR. What he does is googles stuff like "why the US are cunts to North Korea", or "why Muamar Gadaffi is a good guy" for example, then makes those arguments here. Sometimes his stuff is based in reality, other times it's complete bollocks or misinterpreted. Obviously not the most impartial way to form an opinion but he is good at it, and finding more moderate stuff to counter those arguments can be informative.

Although obviously I await the results of Spymaster's weekend googling with bated breath - perhaps I'll change my mind ;)

I shall try not to disappoint.
I also happen to think it was a fucking stupid thing to do in the current situation

putting a lampshade on your head and speaking in a mock oriental accent is a stupid fucking thing to do .
Sending nuclear bombers the whole way accross the Pacific to carry out a bombing run in the backyard of a country your still in a state of war with ,while tens of thousands of your troops and nuclear equipped navy are simulating its invasion with live fire operations, while using quite scary terms such as regime change , defensive action and pre emptive military assault is a calculated act of outright military aggression .
Particularly in light of a presidents announcement that theyre pretty much done with their strategic objectives in middle east...having invaded , subverted and bombed at will there to overthrow and control sovereign states..and are now making a strategic pivot towards Asia . An innocuous enough phrase to you as you dont live there . But a completely different matter altogether for those in the imperialists gunsights . That strategic pivot wont involve handing out flowers just as it didnt in the middle east . It means only one thing to such people, almost certain war .

Theres people on this site who simply cant grasp the mentality of what the people who are on the receiving end of imperialist aggression actually think of it, and their reactions to it. Because its something theyll never experience .

If in 1938 Adolf Hitler was talking about making a strategic pivot to western europe and carrying out invasion exercises of Britian and dummy bombing runs chances are thered have been a bit of alarm . And you werent even in a state of war with him then . The United states track record of invading and attacking other countries is actually worse than his . Their seen as a mad dog out to control everything and everywhere, because they are . Just because you live in a country thats an ally you dont see them as a physical threat to you and therefore struggle to grasp the fear of everyone else . Which you then dismiss as mad foreigners being mad and hysterical ..your immersed in US culture and mentally comfortable with it..you dont see the USA as the great Satan it absolutely fucking is. Its a completely different thing for other people in their sights .Because they are the people who are going to wind up either killed or enslaved by it
putting a lampshade on your head and speaking in a mock oriental accent is a stupid fucking thing to do .
Sending nuclear bombers the whole way accross the Pacific to carry out a bombing run in the backyard of a country your still in a state of war with ,while tens of thousands of your troops and nuclear equipped navy are simulating its invasion with live fire operations, while using quite scary terms such as regime change , defensive action and pre emptive military assault is a calculated act of outright military aggression .
Particularly in light of a presidents announcement that theyre pretty much done with their strategic objectives in middle east...having invaded , subverted and bombed at will there to overthrow and control sovereign states..and are now making a strategic pivot towards Asia . An innocuous enough phrase to you as you dont live there . But a completely different matter altogether for those in the imperialists gunsights . That strategic pivot wont involve handing out flowers just as it didnt in the middle east . It means only one thing to such people, almost certain war .

Theres people on this site who simply cant grasp the mentality of what the people who are on the receiving end of imperialist aggression actually think of it, and their reactions to it. Because its something theyll never experience .

If in 1938 Adolf Hitler was talking about making a strategic pivot to western europe and carrying out invasion exercises of Britian and dummy bombing runs chances are thered have been a bit of alarm . And you werent even in a state of war with him then . The United states track record of invading and attacking other countries is actually worse than his . Their seen as a mad dog out to control everything and everywhere, because they are . Just because you live in a country thats an ally you dont see them as a physical threat to you and therefore struggle to grasp the fear of everyone else . Which you then dismiss as mad foreigners being mad and hysterical ..your immersed in US culture and mentally comfortable with it..you dont see the USA as the great Satan it absolutely fucking is. Its a completely different thing for other people in their sights .Because they are the people who are going to wind up either killed or enslaved by it

That's a declaration of war on grammar.
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