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how does North Korea 'end'?

imo nothing will actually be resolved. the only country I can see actually doing any invading would be china. politically the US cant initiate anything. SK knows if it does Seoul will become a big pile of rubble. NK is going shit.. we don't have the backing of the Chinese we will get butfucked.

but the Chinese don't really care too much about the political fall out and could claim that they went in to prevent anything really nasty happening. they would retain their buffer zone and defuse the situation at the same time. The US would murmer under their breath but actually be pleases it all calmed down and the world would continue to turn

not saying this will happen but its the only real way I can see any boots on the ground type activity. again IMO it would probably only happen after a brief exchange of missiles occurred which would give them the excuse to go in as "peacekeepers"
The US unilaterally abrogated the terms and turned south korea into a massive nuclear base back in the 50s, , ignoring protests from its UN allies, and has ratcheted it up ever since

iirc the us withdrew its nuclear capability from SK in 1991 (I could be wrong but I don't think they have moved any back)
iirc the us withdrew its nuclear capability from SK in 1991 (I could be wrong but I don't think they have moved any back)
They have just flown nuclear capable B2 & B52 bombers over the peninsula and dropped dummy loads. They did direct flights from the US. They don't need to keep nukes in SK is the message.
They have just flown nuclear capable B2 & B52 bombers over the peninsula and dropped dummy loads. They did direct flights from the US. They don't need to keep nukes in SK is the message.

I agree that it was a show of "hey look what we *could* do" but its not really in line with "turned south korea into a massive nuclear base " being the current state of play.

I also happen to think it was a fucking stupid thing to do in the current situation
it will not end well if this live stream* is anything to go by

*North Korean TV, live streamed from a house in South Korea who can pick up the signal. I saw it on another forum so can't really verify it, but it's suitably nuts/Ern's wet dream to be plausable. It's usually active from 9am - 3pm GMT btw.
The CCP cant have that many years left in it...when democracy hits China that will have interesting effects on NK, if its still in the same situation by then.
it will not end well if this live stream* is anything to go by

*North Korean TV, live streamed from a house in South Korea who can pick up the signal. I saw it on another forum so can't really verify it, but it's suitably nuts/Ern's wet dream to be plausable. It's usually active from 9am - 3pm GMT btw.

:D Is that really what's on North Korean telly right now?
They have just flown nuclear capable B2 & B52 bombers over the peninsula and dropped dummy loads. They did direct flights from the US. They don't need to keep nukes in SK is the message.

Indeed, they'd need B2s to do a counterforce strike against NK's hardened nuclear facilities. This is a more plausible retaliation than the bonkers "Nuke Pyonyang with SLBMs" scenario beloved of internet hawks.
Even call me dave has got into the act claiming kims nucear ambitions justify trident.
Regardless of kim or his dad never actually making any threats towards or even noticing we exsist:(
CR - apologist for dictators and oppressive regimes since 2010...

I have to say this is just bullshit. Showing how the US and its various acolyte powers such as the UK are actually involved in highly aggressive, invasive behaviour around the world is not "apologising for dictators and oppressive regimes" - unless you really are a naive liberal slurping up the narrative of "moderate" "modernising" goodies vs "extremist" "conservative" baddies and the US is the Voice of Reason and Fairness dispensing even-handed justice on behlaf of the Little People. It's stupid, it's what our press relay almost non-stop and in general it'll work on people who really aren't that bothered by what's going on abroad. But I'm amazed by how many people on a board like this one seem to be ready to regurgitate it - even anarchists and other leftists who obviously have some critical analysis.

You don't have to like Gaddaffi, Assad or the DPRK etc - fuck I even see people slating Chavez on here - to want nothing to do with the motley crew of imperialist reactionary wankers who are trying to take them down and to be pretty critical of those who parrot their words and interpretations.
as has been said, many times on this thread alone, two wrongs don't make a right. just cos the US is a piece of shit on human rights doesn't make NK a bastion of peace and free love. I am under no illusions that the US, and to some extent the UK, are whiter than white when it comes to various things but to say that its comparable with what is happening in NK shows an amazing lack of understanding. Dare I say it but CR is fairly blinkered in that NON US/UK = good UK/US = bad. trying to defend the NK track record on what it does to its own people is not only naïve but removes any shred of credibility from the posts
You don't have to like Gaddaffi, Assad or the DPRK etc - fuck I even see people slating Chavez on here - to want nothing to do with the motley crew of imperialist reactionary wankers who are trying to take them down and to be pretty critical of those who parrot their words and interpretations.

That works both ways though. You don't have to be a frothing reactionary to despise the regime of the DPRK and hope to fuck that the US/South Korea come out on top of this one.

And in fairness if the Ku Klux Klan went to war with the US or British governments, Casually Red would be wearing a bedsheet and a pointy hat!
I have to say this is just bullshit. Showing how the US and its various acolyte powers such as the UK are actually involved in highly aggressive, invasive behaviour around the world is not "apologising for dictators and oppressive regimes" - unless you really are a naive liberal slurping up the narrative of "moderate" "modernising" goodies vs "extremist" "conservative" baddies and the US is the Voice of Reason and Fairness dispensing even-handed justice on behlaf of the Little People. It's stupid, it's what our press relay almost non-stop and in general it'll work on people who really aren't that bothered by what's going on abroad. But I'm amazed by how many people on a board like this one seem to be ready to regurgitate it - even anarchists and other leftists who obviously have some critical analysis.

You don't have to like Gaddaffi, Assad or the DPRK etc - fuck I even see people slating Chavez on here - to want nothing to do with the motley crew of imperialist reactionary wankers who are trying to take them down and to be pretty critical of those who parrot their words and interpretations.

You have a good point there, but I think you've picked the wrong person to hang it on.

The problem is that I doubt those points have much to do with what pingu is on about. Far more likely that that description was thrown at Casually Red because of his attitudes towards the likes of Gaddafi. He gives the regime unconditional support, to an extent that is as laughable as the worst of US/UK etc propaganda. This was demonstrated very well during the Libya stuff, where he was prepared to dehumanise all Gaddafi opposition in the same way Gaddafi was: rats, terrorists, royalists, scum the lot of them apparently. No right-minded Libyan could possibly oppose Gaddafi, and the period where Gaddafi came in from the cold and embraced a variety of neoliberal economic policies was airbrushed from history. The stage-managed support for Gaddafi was actually all spontaneous love for the brother leader, and none of the anti-Gaddafi protests were real. And after Gaddafi was killed, Saif Gaddafi was going to bravely reinstall the regime via the love the people had for him. Don't mention the London School of Economics or the prospect that before the uprising an eventual Saif succession was looking likely to give his people the worst of both worlds: the neoliberal stuff combined with a lack of political freedoms.

People dont have to like my own interpretation of events and the messy line I walked over Libya, there are still numerous examples of Casually Reds unconditional support for those regimes that are not hard to find. He wasnt content to point out all the valid imperialist horrors whilst still being prepared to criticise the shortcomings of the regimes that oppose them, rather in his book any criticism of these regimes counts as people being imperialist tools. I doubt I need to point out any posts in particular since many people will have seen them over the years, but I will if you think I'm talking complete shit on this.

Having said all that, North Korea in particular does seem to be a bit of a blind spot for some on this forum when it comes to wholeheartedly embracing the version of reality promoted by NATO and friends. I expect this is because there is very little for people to grasp onto that does not simply reinforce the caricature of North Korea that we have grown up with.
North korea is as far as anyone can see an improvished tyranny with a batshit leader huge antiquated armed forces playing with nuclear brinkmanship without the ability to feed itself.
Its leadership as failed at everything you expect even a crap leader to achieve you know dont starve your own people.
Keep the lights on.
Dont make your country a hell hole.

Unfortunaty bringing the poor north koreans food absence of concentration camps for tryingbto get food etc etc.
Seems beyond the interational community:(.
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