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How do you rate on the 8 Values Political Test?

Result chart

Your closest match: Libertarian Socialism.

Yes, but only liberals waste their time on shit like this.
I am also lowly alienated, according to a test on the same site

Result chart

Your degree of alienation is low (29.17%).
And I score two on the Kinsey Scale.

Kinsey Scale Test​

Your results:​


In the murderous villain test, I am an angel.

If the vocabulary test is to be believed, I have an I.Q. of 122.65

Vocabulary IQ Test​


Result chart

  • You answered 43 out of 45 questions correctly.
  • Corresponding to an IQ of 122.65.
  • Which makes you brighter than 94% of the population.
I finished way more middling than most results on this thread; I don’t think a lot of you are being honest with yourselves
Trouble with tests like this is that assumptions are made by the inquisitorial software which very often don't directly map onto one's underlying political outlook. So there are several ways, potentially, of answering the questions. Taken literally and pedantically one might completely agree or disagree, but if taking account of the intention of the question, rather than the exact wording, you might end up somewhere in the middle. Being in the middle can, of itself, be taken to mean more than one thing anyway. So it's pretty amazing that it comes up with an answer that is fairly accurate and tells you what you knew anyway. Iyswim.
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