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How do you rate on the 8 Values Political Test?

Yes. The question about ‘everything done in persuit of progress is good’ really stumped me, as a revolutionary ur-traditionalist.
so it appears Your closest match: Libertarian Socialism.

as an aside how the fuck did i just get tricked into a facebook poll


*shakes fist at sky *
It's exactly as you'd expect.

View attachment 213560

Your closest match: Capitalist Fascism.
But what I mean is: what kind of individual would answer along the lines you answered to get that graph? Is it the mirror image along the graph to mine? In fact, that person is way less market fundamentalist than I am communist according to the poll— but is that really true?

Eg is saying that inheritance is definitely the best way to decide who should have what really the exact mirror of saying it’s a terrible thing? What would an answer at that end of the scale even mean and who is going to put it down? Even if you believe inheritance is entirely deserved, you’d have to actually be into feudalism and the devine right of kings to embrace it as the best thing ever.
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Your closest match: Libertarian Communism

The funny thing is that I reckon some of the answers I gave would have given conventional libcoms a case of the vapours. I think a lot of them would have given more cosmopolitan answers than I did, and I imagine there would be some dispute over my opinion that occasionally, the heavy hand of the state needs to come into play. Kinda like Lenin but without the democratic centralism bollocks.
The questions make those asked on Political Compass look deep.

(Libertarian communist)

It's silly really. I mean what does "reason is more important than maintaining our culture" even mean? It's obviously trying to put you on the tradition/progress axis - presumably progress means telling morris dancers to cease their unreasonable nonsense and instead go and listen to Any Questions on Radio 4.
It's silly really. I mean what does "reason is more important than maintaining our culture" even mean? It's obviously trying to put you on the tradition/progress axis - presumably progress means telling morris dancers to cease their unreasonable nonsense and instead go and listen to Any Questions on Radio 4.
Yeah, that question also stood out to me as particularly dumb. “Reason” without contextualising what you think reasoning is (or what is reasonable) doesn’t have any meaning, really. The question thus presents a false dichotomy, even while it is obvious that it is heavy-handedly trying to set up a radicalism vs conservatism metric.
I think that question was actually "do you accept evolution vs creation according to the sky fairy story book" ...
On Nazis and science: anatomy text books at least until 1996 (when American journals finally admitted it) still had detailed illustrations that were created by Nazis who had flayed Jewish children to observe the structures. They were not against doing whatever it took to advance their version of “progress”. They’re probably the textbook example of the dangers of thinking that science is free of social context.
As long as it wasn't Jewish
So no nukes.
And a lot of other stuff they really could have done with.

I got libertarian socialist
Question do I dig my own grave before the neck shot or is it pre dug?

I never understood the 'dig your own grave' thing. What, so you'll shoot me if I don't dig myself a grave? But I wouldn't need a grave if you weren't going to shoot me anyway, so I'll pass thanks.
I never understood the 'dig your own grave' thing. What, so you'll shoot me if I don't dig myself a grave? But I wouldn't need a grave if you weren't going to shoot me anyway, so I'll pass thanks.
Logical, but it's a real thing that people have done.
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