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How do you jam your bread?

How do you top your bread?

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If it's jam or marmalade then just that smeared thickly on toast gets the day off to a good start, If it's a sandwich with meat or cheese and a salad then I use butter or margarine depending on what falls to hand when I open the fridge door.
about the same although I do use butter with marmite on either bread or toast, it needs it imo
When I was a kid, we were only allowed margarine or jam -- certainly not both. Years after I'd left home, mentioned this to a friend who was horrified and said it sounded like Victorian times or something. :D (My parents were born during WW2 and grew up with rationing so...)
Important stuff like this probably deserves its own thread but I'm always amazed at the miserly amounts of jam or marmalade that some people spread on their toast.

A decent bit of toast and jam should have a thick layer of the preserve covering the entire surface. Some people just smear a bit on. Barely an arsewipe. Wtf's the point of that?

The minimum acceptable amount is a heaped desert spoonful. Those individual portions you get in hotels are bollocks. A throwback to rationing. This isn't 1940!
Because for every 2 teaspoons of jam you use, you’re eating an entire teaspoon of refined sugar (actually a bit more than that).

Jam is okay and all but it’s not so good that it’s worth eating all that sugar.
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which is why home made is so much better - we have redcurrent and blackcurrent bushes in the garden. when making jam from it we (ok, mrs mx) use about a third of the amount of sugar the recipes say, and it actually tastes of the fruit, rather than just sugar. It doesn't always set well though.
Yeah the jam I made a couple of years ago was fantastic for the same reason. It went mouldy after a while though cos there wasn't enough sugar to stop that happening.
This is just a reason not to eat it too often or eat less sugar in other things.
It’s a reason to weigh up how good jam is versus the alternatives. If you can only have 8 teaspoons of sugar a day, using 4+ of them on two slices of toast doesn’t seem like a good deal to me. If you think otherwise, knock yourself out. But your original quote said that you were “amazed” at the amount of jam some people use. Well, I’ve given you the reason why.
It’s a reason to weigh up how good jam is versus the alternatives. If you can only have 8 teaspoons of sugar a day, using 4+ of them on two slices of toast doesn’t seem like a good deal to me. If you think otherwise, knock yourself out. But your original quote said that you were “amazed” at the amount of jam some people use. Well, I’ve given you the reason why.
8/day is 56 per week. Just make 4 of those jam at the weekend and lose it elsewhere.
Nobody has jam every day do they? Besides that, I can’t think of a better way to consume sugar. Take it out of your tea/coffee.
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I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. I’m saying that given jam is okay but not great, it’s not “amazing” (in the words of Spymaster) that people don’t want to go crazy with it.
Does jam give you diabetes then?
Of course. What do you think we’ve been talking about if not sugar content.

Of course, it can be eaten with an otherwise low-sugar diet, taking care to ensure you understand exactly what volume you are putting on your toast and moderating other intake accordingly. And I’m ensure that’s exactly what you’re doing, because you strike me as a bloke always totally in control of your physical well-being.
Of course, it can be eaten with an otherwise low-sugar diet, taking care to ensure you understand exactly what volume you are putting on your toast and moderating other intake accordingly. And I’m ensure that’s exactly what you’re doing, because you strike me as a bloke always totally in control of your physical well-being.
Of course. One doesn’t need to be overly fastidious about such things but if you’re following an otherwise healthy diet, exercising well, etc., there’s nothing wrong with an occasional sugar or fat binge. Otherwise I suppose you should probably continue to eat jam incorrectly.
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