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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Shocking accusations here about Adjaye

If you want to read the whole article, please see the attachment. It's pretty grim stuff. BTW, the FT is on an investigative journalism roll at the moment: it took down hedge fund grotesque Christian Odey a couple of weeks ago, completely annihilating him and his firm: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-04/crispin-odey-s-hedge-fund-empire-is-disintegrating-bit-by-bit


  • Sir David Adjaye_ the celebrated architect accused of sexual misconduct _ Financial Times.pdf
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Adjaye has stepped down from several roles at his firm: "the architect has given up a role as an adviser to London mayor Sadiq Khan. The mayor’s spokesperson said: “Sir David Adjaye has stood down from his role as a design advocate”"

I wonder how this will affect the deliberations concerning Hondo Tower.


  • David Adjaye steps back from various roles over sexual misconduct allegations _ Financial Times.pdf
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Adjaye has stepped down from several roles at his firm: "the architect has given up a role as an adviser to London mayor Sadiq Khan. The mayor’s spokesperson said: “Sir David Adjaye has stood down from his role as a design advocate”"

I wonder how this will affect the deliberations concerning Hondo Tower.
Well you'd think Hondo would want to put a considerable distance between them and Adjaye considering the seriousness of the accusations and issue a statement at the very least, but I'm not hopeful.

Read this today. Article by Guardians architecture critic.

Goes beyond the specific allegations to how the architectural profession operates ( poorly)

As with a other "creative" industries excuse for making people work long and unreasonable hours is that this is how it works. This starts at the training level at colleges.

The attention given to supposed creative geniuses helps foster a poor work culture that can lead to abuse.

When in fact architecture is a collaborative practise. So a better work culture would not be so top down.

Interesting article about work in general I thought. And how a different kind of more cooperative working is needed to deal with say architecture and climate change.

Dear Consultee,

Application site: 20-24 Pope’s Road, London Borough of Lambeth​

I am writing to advise you that the above planning application (GLA Ref: 0265/03 and Lambeth Council Ref: 20/01347/FUL) has been withdrawn by the Applicant. The Applicant may decide to submit a further application to Lambeth Council for the redevelopment of the application site in due course but that will be their decision.
Therefore, the application will not proceed to a public Representation Hearing as planned for 21 July 2023 so please do not attend. No further action will be taken on this planning application by GLA officers.
You can view the applicant’s withdrawal letter and other information about the case within the link below.
Pope's Road Public Hearing
Yours faithfully
John Finlayson
Head of Development Management
The one good thing about this - and it's something I'm quite proud that Buzz has done - is that we recorded and exposed both Lambeth's dodgy planning and the slippery antics of the Brixton Project.

Some members of Lambeth PAC were spineless throughout this process. They saw only the perceived economic benefits of the tower, blind to the social consequences and division that it might bring.

The August 2020 meeting was a sham. The Chair allowed it to deliberately overrun so that a decision could be delayed.

The November 2020 meeting added a little more scrutiny. The Lambeth Officers failed to understand that their role was to provide an objective analysis as part of the quasi-judicial process. In the end they were nothing but cheerleaders for Hondo.
What's wrong with Sports Direct? It offers up cheap sporting clothes - a rarity these days.

Overlook any snobbish attitudes about ownership. All capitalism is shit, innit.

It also cleared out loads of cafes and shops when they moved in.
What's wrong with Sports Direct? It offers up cheap sporting clothes - a rarity these days.

Overlook any snobbish attitudes about ownership. All capitalism is shit, innit.
Thanks for the reminder. Never been in there. Bloody hell, it's huge.

All kicked off at about 10am whilst they tackled a shoplifter. We got locked in whilst a diverse bunch of folk shouted "racist" at eachother and argued with staff about who was more Brixton.
Cllr Kind , Cllr Simpson of Labour party voted against tower. As did ex Cllr Thackeray ( Green party).

The planning and regen officers who talked to Hondo as part of the pre application process need to told by Cllrs not to get so close to a big landowner like this. As has been said they ended up at planning committee supporting the application.

The MP is correct imo that post pandemic work practices mean there should be question mark over the need for more office space.

Officers still are wedded to this idea. And produce the infamous Savill report to back it up. Using same argument over the London Square development on Pop site. Brixton needs more office space is unquestionable assumption of officers.
What's wrong with Sports Direct? It offers up cheap sporting clothes - a rarity these days.

Overlook any snobbish attitudes about ownership. All capitalism is shit, innit.
Strange comment. I think Sports Direct, its ownership and management is pretty well known for their attitude to workforce pay, rights and benefits. I'd say they plumb the depths on all three.
Officers still are wedded to this idea. And produce the infamous Savill report to back it up. Using same argument over the London Square development on Pop site. Brixton needs more office space is unquestionable assumption of officers.

This is how it works generally - decide the answer you want, and then commission market 'experts' to give you the evidence you need. Not really a surprise that one of the main commercial office agents/consultants produce a report that recommends guess what - more commercial office space. Even when there's clearly a downturn in demand (ie the City right now) consultants can be relied upon to conclude that its a 'different kind of office' that's now needed.

The letter withdrawing the application is also disingenuous at best.
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