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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Thing about this is that the reason GLA officer report recommend refusal are quite straightforward.

Its not a scheme that is in line with planning policies for the area. I could see that and Im not a planning expert. Even Lambeth at the time said it was a deviation from local Lambeth planning guidelines.

Yet Lambeth officers went ahead and supported Hondo scheme.

They did not do their job properly and I think heads should roll.

Lambeth need to shake up planning and regeneration departments to make them more responsive to local community.

Local people should not have to go through this to get pre existing planning policies adhered to.
Confused here. lang rabbie posted a thread relating to a fire in a block at Aldgate East, saying Hondo had disposed of it - and therefore the problems of remedial work and apportioning costs.

Funny thing is the Alsop link given there is dead, and Hondo's website claim the Relay building as their own (still).

I guess one might ask what fire prevention measures are now proposed in the Hondo megalith in Brixton, should it materialise.
Confused here. lang rabbie posted a thread relating to a fire in a block at Aldgate East, saying Hondo had disposed of it - and therefore the problems of remedial work and apportioning costs.

Funny thing is the Alsop link given there is dead, and Hondo's website claim the Relay building as their own (still).

I guess one might ask what fire prevention measures are now proposed in the Hondo megalith in Brixton, should it materialise.

The distinction is not very clear at all (tiny grey text), but the Relay building is now in the "previous deals" section at the bottom of the page on Hondo's website
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Lambeth Council have also commissioned the Brixton Project to produce commemorative assets and and an education pack to raise wider awareness of this special date.

The Brixton Project are producing a community procession on June 22 that will be broadcast live on Colourful radio at www.colourful.com will culminate with performances on Windrush Square involving a host of local cultural partners.

It's such a nice little earner all round for the right faces in Brixton. They can't even stick posters to a fucking wall, but here's Lambeth dishing out more money to the Hondo shills.

...what a weird sneery post.
They were given an unspecified amount of money by Lambeth to stick posters on a wall. No one else was apparently invited to bid for this commission so it was another of those nice little earners for the Brixton Project clique.

Except they fucked it up so badly they had to cancel the original launch and when they finally got it done they did a really shoddy job. I think it's entirely reasonable to comment on what's happened and to ask questions about their continuing funding from Lambeth. But if you think they did a great job and you're happy with the way that Lambeth dishes out contracts to them, that's fine by me. We'll beg to differ.

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They were given an unspecified amount of money by Lambeth to stick posters on a wall. No one else was apparently invited to bid for this commission so it was another of those nice little earners for the Brixton Project clique.

most posters on this forum will be aware by now of your beef with Brixton Project, some of your criticism may be justified, however an unspecified amount could be £50k or more likely a lot less, your insinuation is not fact.
Except they fucked it up so badly they had to cancel the original launch and when they finally got it done they did a really shoddy job. I think it's entirely reasonable to comment on what's happened and to ask questions about their continuing funding from Lambeth. But if you think they did a great job and you're happy with the way that Lambeth dishes out contracts to them, that's fine by me. We'll beg to differ.
i recall reading on this forum the community artwork consists of numerous pieces of art around the perimetre of the festival area, and you took delight in reporting difficulties installing it. picking out one detail from the whole thing does not prove a bad job was done, dont think youre meant to go up close looking for wrinkles, maybe pics of the whole thing would be better to get an idea of overall impact. iircc brixton project is a community group that involves community members who maybe dont have much experience of sticking up posters on a fence in an open space on a breezy day, maybe it was placed by a kid for example, theres absolutely no context in the post, that why i called it sneery.
...btw if you someone finds your post iffy maybe you should think about why, rather than trying to project weird partisanship onto them
....furthermore you have posted it on the hondo thread, i dont know how this is even relevant here.
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. iircc brixton project is a community group that involves community members who maybe dont have much experience of sticking up posters on a fence in an open space on a breezy day, maybe it was placed by a kid for example, theres absolutely no context in the post, that why i called it sneery.
You recall wrong.

Brixton Project will have gota handsome grant for this, as they have their other projects. Surely they should have to pay some back for failing to deliver to time scale (and without a good reason - amateurs can fly poster up with the correct adhesive!), and doing such a shoddy job.
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iircc brixton project is a community group that involves community members who maybe dont have much experience of sticking up posters on a fence in an open space on a breezy day, maybe it was placed by a kid for example, theres absolutely no context in the post, that why i called it sneery..
They're not a "community group", they are 3 self appointed, "community spokespeople" with experience in applying for grants with all the right buzz words. They'd have factored in a big ol' costing to slap up these posters, no doubt by one of their mates companies.
They're not a "community group", they are 3 self appointed, "community spokespeople" with experience in applying for grants with all the right buzz words. They'd have factored in a big ol' costing to slap up these posters, no doubt by one of their mates companies.

thanks for clarifying this, i'm not in the loop but i do know a lot of artists and know funding is problematic, one even admitted that using the right buzz words is a fundamental part of that, and they do it themselves insncerely. still seems a bit below the belt to post a pic showing a fragment of a 400 metre install as proof though.
thanks for clarifying this, i'm not in the loop but i do know a lot of artists and know funding is problematic, one even admitted that using the right buzz words is a fundamental part of that, and they do it themselves insncerely. still seems a bit below the belt to post a pic showing a fragment of a 400 metre install as proof though.
Below the belt? They were paid an unspecified wad of cash - our cash - to do this simple job and they totally fucked it up. Press releases were sent out for an opening event that had to be cancelled. They fucked it up so badly they had to reprint the artwork. And then they tried again and failed so another press release went out.

And when their self proclaimed 'highly experienced team' finally got the artwork up they made a pig's ear of it.
Below the belt? They were paid an unspecified wad of cash - our cash - to do this simple job and they totally fucked it up. Press releases were sent out for an opening event that had to be cancelled. They fucked it up so badly they had to reprint the artwork. And then they tried again and failed so another press release went out.

And when their self proclaimed 'highly experienced team' finally got the artwork up they made a pig's ear of it.

i get you are angry but considering the bigger picture ( unintentional joke ) of alleged art-grift the pic you shared with a sarcatic comment may have seemed a bit trivial and sneery to some out of the loop like me. maybe a bigger photo such the one posted on twitter by the same person who you shared upthread might have helped.

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i get you are angry but considering the bigger picture ( unintentional joke ) of alleged art-grift the pic you shared with a sarcatic comment may have seemed a bit trivial and sneery to some out of the loop like me. maybe a bigger photo such the one posted on twitter by the same person who you shared upthread might have helped.

Yeah you're right, They did a great job after three attempts, two cancelled launches and a reprint of the artwork.

Money well spent by Lambeth. No need to question or criticise how the contract was won and how professionally the work was done, because that would be 'weird' and 'sneery.'


Yeah you're right, They did a great job after three attempts, two cancelled launches and a reprint of the artwork.

Money well spent by Lambeth. No need to question or criticise how the contract was won and how professionally the work was done, because that would be 'weird' and 'sneery.'

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( deleted....can't be arsed anymore)
Sorry if my opinion of the post was unwelcome.
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I hope we can find out how much the Brixton Project was paid for this cock up and why the job wasn't put out to tender

The Mayor's office has scheduled the hearing on the Hondo screw-you-brixton tower: This just came in the email.
It will be the 21st of July.

Hope we can get people out in force to represent the community. According to the email, people wishing to speak (and who have submitted a comment at any stage of consultation on this) have seven days from today to submit a statement detailing their position.

Dear Consultee
Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.

20-24 Pope’s Road, London Borough of Lambeth​

GLA reference: 2021/0265
Lambeth Council reference: 20/01347/FUL
Notice of Representation Hearing: 21 July 2023
On 31 March 2020, planning application (reference 20/01347/FUL) (“the Application”) was submitted to the London Borough of Lambeth (“the Council”) by AG Hondo Popes Road BV (“the Applicant”) for the proposed redevelopment of 20-24 Pope’s Road, Brixton in the London Borough of Lambeth. Following receipt of notice from the Council on 16 February 2021 that it was minded to grant planning permission for the redevelopment proposals at Pope’s Road, the Mayor notified the Council on 1 March 2021 that he would act as the local planning authority for the purposes of determining the Application (under article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 and the powers conferred on him by Section 2A of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)).
A public Representation Hearing is due to be held in the Chamber, City Hall (Kamal Chunchie Way, London E16 1ZE) on 21 July 2023, starting at 10.30am, for the Deputy Mayor Planning, Regeneration & Skills, Jules Pipe, to consider the Application in detail and to determine whether planning permission should be granted.
The Hearing is open to the public, with a capacity of 140, and you are welcome to attend if you wish. Details of how to get to City Hall can be found here: How to find City Hall.
Please note if you are intending to attend in person, you will be required to enter City Hall through ‘airport style’ security which can lead to a delay. Please arrive in plenty of time to ensure you are able to watch or participate at 10.30am. The Chamber will be open from 9.30am and entry to City Hall is possible from 8.30am.
If you have any accessibility requirements or questions about accessing City Hall, please contact us at popesroad@london.gov.uk.
The Hearing will also be available to watch or participate online and a link will be published as soon as it is ready on our website: Pope's Road Public Hearing.
The agenda will be made available on the GLA website seven clear days in advance of the Representation Hearing, along with the officer’s report on the Application and the recommendation to the Deputy Mayor here: Pope's Road Public Hearing.

Right to speak​

If you have made a written representation in relation to the Application either to the Council or to the GLA at any consultation stage, then you are eligible to request to speak (for the avoidance of doubt this does not include an individual who has signed a petition but would include an individual who has signed a standard letter). If you wish to speak at the Hearing you must submit a detailed statement to GLA officers of the issues that you intend to express to the Deputy Mayor within seven days from the date of this correspondence. This information should also clearly state in what capacity you wish to speak (i.e. as an objector or supporter) and which organisation (if any) you represent. All statements should be provided in writing by email to: popesroad@london.gov.uk. If you request to speak you should also indicate whether you intend to attend the hearing in-person at City Hall or online. We will share details of how to join online with anyone who wishes to participate virtually.
In accordance with the GLA published procedure (https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mayoral_rep_hearing_procedure_-_june_2021.pdf) all speakers (objectors and supporters) will cumulatively have a total of fifteen minutes to speak. Depending on the number of people within each group wishing to speak, the GLA may ask people with similar views to agree a spokesperson or persons to act on their behalf and it will be the spokesperson’s responsibility to ensure that all the relevant points are made within the time limit.
In order to facilitate the selection of a spokesperson or persons, the GLA will pass on your personal information to other registered speakers. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. If you do not want the GLA to share your details for this purpose, please confirm in your response.
PLEASE NOTE – withholding your personal details may mean that you will not be able to speak at the hearing. The GLA will publish a list of confirmed speakers three days in advance of the hearing on the GLA website.
Further details with respect to the procedures to be followed at the representation hearing, including arrangements for speakers are available on the GLA website here: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mayoral_rep_hearing_procedure_-_june_2021.pdf.
Yours faithfully
John Finlayson
Head of Development Management
Greater London Authority
It could be worse ...

View attachment 381273
I went up to the viewing platform of the Sears Tower in Chicago once (now called the Willis Tower). That has an un-nerving feeling of swaying in the wind. What on earth would it be like in the Adjaye Tower? Especially as it looks top heavy. The Seats Tower is 442 metres compared to this one's 498 metres. The Shard is only 308 metres.
Look at the difference in profile. The Seats Tower looks safe - despite swaying about
I went up to the viewing platform of the Sears Tower in Chicago once (now called the Willis Tower). That has an un-nerving feeling of swaying in the wind. What on earth would it be like in the Adjaye Tower? Especially as it looks top heavy. The Seats Tower is 442 metres compared to this one's 498 metres. The Shard is only 308 metres.
Look at the difference in profile. The Seats Tower looks safe - despite swaying about
View attachment 381342
I was at the LCP at the Elephant and Castle back in the '70s. It's only 14 floors, but you could feel that moving in a high wind. We were told it moved about a foot at the top in either direction. You could feel it even more when you were going up in the lift. It was quite an unpleasant sensation.
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It could be worse ...

View attachment 381273
Shocking accusations here about Adjaye

British-Ghanaian architect David Adjaye has been accused of sexual assault and harassment by three former employees, with one making a criminal complaint against him.

The allegations, which have been detailed in an investigation by British newspaper the Financial Times (FT), come from three women who worked for Adjaye in 2018 and 2019.

According to the women, whose names were changed by the FT, dealing with Adjaye has caused them serious mental distress and financial difficulties and disrupted their careers.
They allege that after a dinner, at which they had hoped to speak to Adjaye about problems in connection with the Accra office, they went to Adjaye's corporate apartment where he sexually harassed and assaulted them.

As well as the allegations of sexual misconduct, the FT investigation also found that former Adjaye employees felt the workplace in both London and Accra was "disorganised and frantic", according to 13 people the newspaper spoke to.

One woman said the Accra office had "toxic" working hours, while another claimed Adjaye told her to flirt with clients if needed to get something.

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