Pretty sure
Tulster218 has me on ignore.
Tulster218 is has someone who I forget said is a "poor mans Adam Smith"
Tulstar has said previously that its planning regulations plus those who are tribal using them hold up the supply of development and economic growth that benefits all. ( was discussing housing in that instance) According to this way of seeing things.
If we got rid of all this red tape then entrepreneurial people would be able to further the growth and development of society.
As apposed to the dead hand of the state.
One of Tulstars bugbears is that this country is to tribal.
There is a logic to Tulstar argument.
Let the market decide. Its the most democratic. The market does not care about creed or colour. If people were freed from the tribal ( mob) so enterprising individuals could compete in a rational manner leading in end to outcomes for the good of all. With any prejudice according to race etc ended with the freeing of Economic man/ woman. People purely pursuing their own economic interest.
With Democracy being about a minimal state setting rules on property etc.
The tribal mob are not supposed to have a say.
I would say not everything about opposing Hondo towers I agreed with. Im was not that keen on some of the Brixton is for us line.
Letting the "mob" intervene in politics is a double edged sword. But one Im for one willing to take. Rather than Tulstar utopian view of free enterprise/ Free market.
I kept it to fact that this proposed development was a deviation from the local plan.
Secondly Im not happy that senior planners in conjunction with senior Regen Council departments took it upon themselves to decide what is best for Brixton community. And ditch the Local Plan. Beggars belief imo they did this.
If I was in power I heads would roll over this.
Or at least the Local elected authority should exert control over these officers.
They were making political decisions which imo they had no right to do.
Given way this Right Wing Council operates getting any oversight from back bench Labour Cllrs over what officers do would mean an end to their careers.
Its another example of a long list of ways this long standing Labour Council does not really listen to local community.
I know a few Cllrs opposed this.
But the general angle from the leadership is that so called inward investment is a good thing.