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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

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Why the fuck they're being allowed another bite at the cherry is a source of annoyance given the amount of objections.
Yes well on further consideration I would like them to demolish Pop Brixton AND SportsDirect and turn the Sports Direct/Tesco site into a Bavarian Beer Garden - with brand new super-loos. There is much too much development going on in Brixton these days.
This Bamberg Bier Garten would fit between the railway arches - with a bit of Victorian style, unlike the "Abandoned Engineering" chic of Pop Brixton
The AJ article says the architet will be working with GLA officials on this revised plan.

I wonder if this will still include Lambeth planning officers?

The problem with large applications like this is that officers work closely with a developer to formulate a scheme that will pass a planning committee. This is supposed to stop planning committee time be wasted. Pre application discussions are meant to led to more efficient planning process.

The downside imo is that officers after working with a developer over a period of months lose objectivity.

I remember at the planning committee officers , instead of being neutral and advising Cllrs, were actively pushing Cllrs to agree the application.

I'm afraid the same could happen with Khan's officers.
I wonder what "commensurate" alterations to plan mean? The only way Brixton Society or Historic England could agree a revised scheme is if the Tower was made a lot shorter so as not to damage the views around the Brixton Conservation area.

This as Historic England imply could make the scheme financially unfeasible as the jargon goes.
Yes well on further consideration I would like them to demolish Pop Brixton AND SportsDirect and turn the Sports Direct/Tesco site into a Bavarian Beer Garden - with brand new super-loos. There is much too much development going on in Brixton these days.
This Bamberg Bier Garten would fit between the railway arches - with a bit of Victorian style, unlike the "Abandoned Engineering" chic of Pop Brixton
View attachment 326071
Too much of the anti-tower campaigning is negative and offers nothing to improve the public space. Put this on the appropriate crowdfunding website and I shall pledge my £10 immediately.
I can't think this appreciation of the liberal values of the architect has been posted before. Am I wrong?

PS please note this is in the context of a bitter campaign being fought by the opposition to the President of Ghana, who actually have a majority of MPs to pass a law imposing prison sentences for gays, gay sex, and advocacy of gay rights.
Too much of the anti-tower campaigning is negative and offers nothing to improve the public space. Put this on the appropriate crowdfunding website and I shall pledge my £10 immediately.

The Hondo plans are as Planning officers stated a deviation from the local plan.

The planning guidelines for this site are clear.

Its why Historic England opposed the application.

The Stop the Tower campaign can't be blamed in any way for this.

What should happen is that a planning application is put forward that is in line with the Local Plan.

Which this isn't
Too much of the anti-tower campaigning is negative and offers nothing to improve the public space. Put this on the appropriate crowdfunding website and I shall pledge my £10 immediately.
How and why do you think people should be more 'positive' about this fucking unwanted eyesore being foisted on Brixton?
There are other notable buildings in Brixton which are much loved which are considered ugly.


The big difference which you (unsurprisingly) seem unable to comprehend is that Southwyck House provides affordable housing for hundreds of families and doesn't dominate the historic town centre. The iconic, solidly built block also provides shelter for a well designed, low rise, car-free estate behind. It's very well designed indeed.

On the other hand, the Hondo Tower is all about private profit and has a design that is hated by local groups.
How and why do you think people should be more 'positive' about this fucking unwanted eyesore being foisted on Brixton?
On the other hand, the Hondo Tower is all about private profit and has a design that is hated by local groups.
I was being tongue in cheek, but putting aside the fact that the tower seems to break a whole load of local planning rules and that has got to be sorted out we know:
(a) something is going to go on the site and (b) it will be a capitalistically funded building, what actually should it be? What's an acceptable compromise? We know it's never going to be like it was before.
I was being tongue in cheek, but putting aside the fact that the tower seems to break a whole load of local planning rules and that has got to be sorted out we know:
(a) something is going to go on the site and (b) it will be a capitalistically funded building, what actually should it be? What's an acceptable compromise? We know it's never going to be like it was before.
I think most people would settle for the compromise of a smaller development that at least makes some effort to fit into its surroundings and not overwhelm the historic view along Electric Avenue.

I don't buy this argument that it has to be this huge fugly monstrosity or nothing,
I was being tongue in cheek, but putting aside the fact that the tower seems to break a whole load of local planning rules and that has got to be sorted out we know:
(a) something is going to go on the site and (b) it will be a capitalistically funded building, what actually should it be? What's an acceptable compromise? We know it's never going to be like it was before.

There are guidelines for this site in the Local plan and Brixton SPD.

There was also a Brixton Master plan which fed into Local plan and Brixton SPD

Not sure what your saying.

The developer could produce a plan that follows these guidelines quite easily.

It's not that the tower "seems" to break guideline. Even the Council officers use the words a "deviation" from the Local plan.

The Local Plan/ Brixton SPD is already a "compromise". Whilst there is some community consultation on updating these documents on regular basis they also have to fit in with national guidelines and London plan

I have taken part in some of these consultations. It's already a compromise to do this.

What I don't like is the inference that if one objects somehow one must come up with a "realistic" alternative.

I've done all that. Done the consultation. Been there at consultation meetings.

First test of the Local plan/ Brixton SPD and Brixton master plan - which are already compromises - and Council officers work closely with developer to produce a plan that isn't in line with what's already been agreed planning wise

I'm furious.

This isn't about abolishing capitalism. Planning guidelines are one way to stop capitalist developers just doing what they want to make a profit. It's not stopping capitalism its trying to ameliorate it's rampant tendencies. Reining it in. It's reformist and if even this compromise can't be kept Im truly pissed off.

Whole thing reeks of Lambeth council seeing Hondo as big inward investor so work with Hondo to facilitate their development.

It's where local democracy becomes a sham.

This also makes me question what is the point of taking part in a system which ends up with Hondo plan granted approval by supine Labour Cllrs. ( not all but enough to pass it.

The real question is not what is the "compromise" The compromise is already in the planning guidelines. But why when one does compromise one gets shafted anyway in the end.

Some of my more lefty acquaintances think I waste my time getting involved in local community stuff/consultation. I'm starting to agree. The system doesn't work to benefit of local community.

None of this needed to happen.
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When it's a slow summer day one's attention turns to grand architecture.
This piece from Private Eye 1577 (this week) is a lament about management of the Ghana economy (makes a change from the UK I suppose). Anyhow half-way down the right-hand column it takes a swipe at Sir David Adjaye who has a very expensive building project underway in Accra (Ghana's capital). Thing is not a brick has been laid, but the fees are flowing. Sound familiar?
Letter from Accra.jpg
Just a reminder of how the folks in Hondo's pals, the Brixton Project, like to waste other people's money and try and foist their unpopular and unwanted 'art' on Brixton.

They wanted to crowdfund nearly a million quid for this. They only managed 5% of that.


And let's not forget how much they're trousering from Lambeth:


The Brixton Project is putting on a "one day festival for black people to celebrate and inspire vitality and self care from the essence of our soul."
Whatever that means.

Trouble at the Barbican re a new mega shopping and office development to replace the Museum of London.
This is almost like an amalgamation of Hondo+Cressingham: the Corporation of London and developers claim that existing housing at the Barbican is "unsafe" and needs to be torn down. And of course the aspiration it to replace it all (and the Museum)
Adjaye are now working on the ludicrous Saudi Arabia project, The Line!

Will they have time to do the Holocaust Memorial in Victoria Gardens now? Esp as Rishi had the rules changed to give the go ahead.
It's still on the website, so UK Holocaust Memorial & Learning Centre - Adjaye Associates
I tried to edit the above to insert a more relevant video above - but it won't let me.
In the Youtube video below, made in 2021 - Sir David Adjaye reviews his career.
His interlocutor is emotionally spilling over at times. I have set the start point so you jump straight to the discussion about the Cherry Groce Memorial.
They don't talk about the Hondo project. They kick off at the beginning of the interview with the proposed new multi-faith cathedral for Ghana, where the interview was filmed.
The Ghana cathedral project seems to be turning into a disaster for the Ghana government - now the IMF have been called in.
One would have thought in view of what is in this Wikipedia article it could end up with some reputational damage for Adjaye's firm
Meanwhile enjoy the chat about the Cherry Groce Memorial - which IMHO turned out OK in the end.
I tried to edit the above to insert a more relevant video above - but it won't let me.
In the Youtube video below, made in 2021 - Sir David Adjaye reviews his career.
His interlocutor is emotionally spilling over at times. I have set the start point so you jump straight to the discussion about the Cherry Groce Memorial.
They don't talk about the Hondo project. They kick off at the beginning of the interview with the proposed new multi-faith cathedral for Ghana, where the interview was filmed.
The Ghana cathedral project seems to be turning into a disaster for the Ghana government - now the IMF have been called in.
One would have thought in view of what is in this Wikipedia article it could end up with some reputational damage for Adjaye's firm
Meanwhile enjoy the chat about the Cherry Groce Memorial - which IMHO turned out OK in the end.

The gushing meant I had to switch it off.
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