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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

"you'll be left out of useful propects (sic)"

Like what exactly - a metal rectangle in Windrush Sq? A wooden structure in the Peace Gardens that you can stand in? Or a column to sit around outside a large tower block?
So The Brixton Project ran the names of people who signed up to attend their online event through LinkedIn to check their profiles - seems a bit dodgy - are companies allowed to use your details like that? My friend emailed them and they responded saying its something they routinely do before events to understand more about attendes. Dont they need permisson to use your information in that way?
Dont they need permisson to use your information in that way?
No, if you've made that information public by putting it on LinkedIn, Facebook, whatever, then anyone can use it to find out whatever they like about you. Companies do this regularly for anyone going for a job interview.
So The Brixton Project ran the names of people who signed up to attend their online event through LinkedIn to check their profiles - seems a bit dodgy - are companies allowed to use your details like that? My friend emailed them and they responded saying its something they routinely do before events to understand more about attendes. Dont they need permisson to use your information in that way?
I heard someone else who was really fucked off with that. She said she felt 'stalked.'
No, if you've made that information public by putting it on LinkedIn, Facebook, whatever, then anyone can use it to find out whatever they like about you. Companies do this regularly for anyone going for a job interview.
Sure, but this is supposed to be a 'community' venture not a marketing opportunity.
I'm not saying I like it (I think it sucks) but if you don't want anyone to see information about you, don't post it on social media.
Except the only way you could be part of their 'community' group was to sign up to their Zoom meeting, and most people haven't got time to set up multiple personal accounts. People are right to be annoyed at their subsequent snooping around.
Except the only way you could be part of their 'community' group was to sign up to their Zoom meeting, and most people haven't got time to set up multiple personal accounts. People are right to be annoyed at their subsequent snooping around.
That’s right. At a physical meeting you get to decide what information you disclose.
Hondo's mates The Brixton Project getting bank rolled by Lambeth again, I see: Electric Patterns Series: Brigitte Stepputtis
Naturally, Brixton Buzz wasn't included on the press release mail out list. It mystifies me how the Brixton Project get to control these art projects. It's not like they're any good at publicising the fucking things, or explaining why it's money well spent such troubled times.

Was it the Townscape Heritage Initiative bunch who paid for a councillor's shop on Electric Avenue to get a swishy makeover, before he promptly flogged it off for more ££££?

This is how useless the Brixton Project are at promotion. They published this video nearly four months ago. It's had just 14 page views, and their channel has just four subscribers. And they presumably got funded for this.

This got sent to me:

BP got a £50k grant to launch the Creative Enterprise Zone at the top of 2018 from Mayor of London

Of the Six zones, Brixton is the last to go live. What have they been doing?

Instead of Find Wally you can play Find the Token Jamaican Flags in the developer's proposals!

I've found 6 so far.
Does anyone know how much Brixton rents have dropped because of Covid? Hopefully it's enough to screw Hondo's projections. I saw a news story about central London rents dropping by 12%, but I don't know if that's of any relevance out here.
I am a little concerned what will happen in the upcoming mayoral race. Khan seems to have made friends with no one. He hasn't protected local communities from developments like this, he has angered people over the LTNs and really hasn't done anything remarkable for London (I don't believe he has been virulent enough in his opposition to Tory plans for TFL either). If no one wants to vote for him, we could end up with another Conservative mayor!
I am a little concerned what will happen in the upcoming mayoral race. Khan seems to have made friends with no one. He hasn't protected local communities from developments like this, he has angered people over the LTNs and really hasn't done anything remarkable for London (I don't believe he has been virulent enough in his opposition to Tory plans for TFL either). If no one wants to vote for him, we could end up with another Conservative mayor!
You've hit the nail on the head..
But if there was a virtual Brixton hustings how confident are you Shaun Bailey would turn down the Megalith?

I think it's quite possible Shaun Bailey will win - although whether he himself has the oratorical skill to articulate the case for Taking Back Control of the LTNs I somewhat doubt.
Be interesting tio see how the Standard and London Live swing on this.
Khan seems to be solidly 20-odd points ahead, I'm not sure what improbable chain of events would make it possible for Bailey to overtake him, but some crappy planning & traffic decisions and a lack of enthusiasm for Khan aren't going to be the things that tip it.
Shaun Bailey is not going to win. If the Tories had picked a decent candidate they might have a chance - I don't disagree that Sadiq has been more than a little absent during the past year especially if you compare him to someone like Andy Burnham in Greater Manchester. But he had a 21 point lead in the polls at the time of the last poll I saw early in January and unless something absolutely catastrophic happens between now and May I really can't see it happening. Bailey's polling percentage has actually diminshed in the last year.
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