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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Comment on the meeting:

Speakers were awful. Highly educated architect rolling over community concerns, and Prince Harry's uneducated, adopted friend, speaking as if he represents. Sadly, it's too easy to buy people off. I understand Brix Proj grasping for cash, but the councillor's decision is baffling.

And the bullshit

Ive read it.

Says they have talked to "community leaders" and community groups.

First time Ive heard of this report.
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Brixton Project appear to be doing three things in the report.

Looking at the what they call polarised views on the Hondo application.

Looking at planning for Brixton area and community involvement.

Setting up some kind of community led planning forum. So developers/ Council and local community can work together.

Im mystified as to who BP have talked to. They give timeline and say they have talked to community leaders and community groups. But no list of who they have talked to.

This is first Ive seen of the this report.

Kind of concerned what this will end up as.

If it actually comes to anything.

BP are talking about getting funding to set up some kind of organisation to represent the community.

TBF Im a bit worried by this.
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Brixton Project appear to be doing three things in the report.

Looking at the what they call polarised views on the Hondo application.

Looking at planning for Brixton area and community involvement.

Setting up some kind of community led planning forum. So developers/ Council and local community can work together.

Im mystified as to who BP have talked to. They give timeline and say they have talked to community leaders and community groups. But no list of who they have talked to.

This is first Ive seen of the this report.

Kind of concerned what this will end up as.

If it actually comes to anything.

BP are talking about getting funding to set up some kind of organisation to represent the community.

TBF Im a bit worried by this.
I've asked them this:
You keep telling everyone that you've spoken to community leaders and community groups, but no one I know has heard anything from you. In the name of transparency, could you kindly list all the community leaders and community groups you've spoken to (who aren't already directly associated with you)? Thank you.
"Prince Harry's uneducated, adopted friend" – WTF with the racism? Classy.

Totally 👏 going after the powers trying to rip the heart out of Brixton, but it all sounds a bit white priviligey tbh.
So what are his qualifications on multi-national, multi-million pound office developments then? Struggling to see where race comes into this too.

Here is the file. Not pdf and cannot upload it. Or use quotes from it.
The way the report is put up on their site is bizarre.
It's like an anti-copy portal designed to stop public examination.

The Brixton Partnership logo.JPGlogo is sweet - reminds me of the skeletal tits and ass graffiti one used to encounter on the walls of gents toilet cubicles - before most of them were closed down.
Interesting comment from the Buzz article:

History repeats………. back on 3rd December 2019 a similar decision to support two towers of 24 and 26 storeys was made on the application at 8 Albert Embankment, a site where due to heritage (adjacent to Lambeth Palace, viewing corridors of Westminster World Heritage Site, protected silhouette of Grade II listed art deco Fire Brigade HQ etc) towers are specifically excluded in the site design principles set out in the Lambeth Local Plan, but PAC voted in favour of departing from policy on the casting vote of the chair Cllr Clair Wilcox.

In favour (it was said) was the creation of lots of corporate offices, yet the central part of this site is protected industrial land for real jobs, the sort that makes the mechanics of the city work and which can not compete with the land prices of corporate offices and residential.

There are residents on the Whitgift Estate losing 40% of their daylight and else where even higher percentages. In Whitgift House the losses of around 40% are on every single living room, with disabled tenants on the ground floor most impacted.

This is now going to a public inquiry starting on 1st December, with the self funded community campaign up against the developer U+I & the London Mayor in the form of the London Fire Brigade (land owner) and in addition Lambeth Council who whilst no longer being a decision maker on this application (it is now a Secretary of State decision) will be employing a QC Barrister to argue against us.

Lambeth’s cost could be in the region of £150,000 and we don’t know why this money is being spent when the developer also has a QC Barrister and 7 expert witnesses.

We fight on – please support our fundraising for the public inquiry here: Helen Perrault-Newby is fundraising for Waterloo Community Development Group

Many thanks
Lambeth village
LAMBETH VILLAGE – Lambeth Village
So what are his qualifications on multi-national, multi-million pound office developments then? Struggling to see where race comes into this too.
Race? Karl Lokko, sure he'd be well happy with "uneducated" and "adopted". he used to be in gangs lol. you need to check your unconcious bias if you want more than middle class nimbys
Photos from last night's carve-up

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View attachment 237330

The Hondo Tower is billed as an office complex when it is actually a an apartment block disguised as offices. Once these 'offices' are built there will come the revelation that there is no call for office space here and the developer will then put in an application to convert to tiny, airless, uninsulated apartments. Thus both Lambeth and the developer get what they want.

I do hope I'm not preaching to the converted here but it's only recently that I've given this much thought.

In the meantime i once gave Lambeth Council much thought and I long ago came to the conclusion that since the Council must act as a business by law, then I must treat Lambeth as a business. The councillors in this scheme of things are no more than Trade Union Reps with this particular lot being just a bunch of opportunist careerists not worthy of our time. Stay away from Lambeth. Do things on our own. We're better off that way.
Race? Karl Lokko, sure he'd be well happy with "uneducated" and "adopted". he used to be in gangs lol. you need to check your unconcious bias if you want more than middle class nimbys
Is he well educated on matters of multi-national, multi-million pound office developments or not?

And while it looks like he's doing very nicely out of his new-found love and association with Hondo, he was responsible for spouting utter bollocks about the community who opposed the development, accusing them of coming from "the leafier parts of Brixton." Funnily enough, you seem to be spouting the same line as him.

I don't give a shit what his colour is, or this tedious gang-member-done-good bullshit, but I do care when someone pops up to slag off a vast part of the community that he clearly knows fuck all about and assists the corporate takeover of Brixton and the ensuing displacement of the poorer community.
Is he well educated on matters of multi-national, multi-million pound office developments or not?

And while it looks like he's doing very nicely out of his new-found love and association with Hondo, he was responsible for spouting utter bollocks about the community who opposed the development, accusing them of coming from "the leafier parts of Brixton." Funnily enough, you seem to be spouting the same line as him.

I don't give a shit what his colour is, or this tedious gang-member-done-good bullshit, but I do care when someone pops up to slag off a vast part of the community that he clearly knows fuck all about and assists the corporate takeover of Brixton and the ensuing displacement of the poorer community.

idk, but who is right? are you an expert on "on matters of multi-national, multi-million pound office developments"? i know i'm not.

but isnt lokko from myatts fields? i reckon that gives him as much of a "fuck all about" as anyone else?

i'm 200% behind the fight, even after the PAC, but saying things like "tedious gang-member-done-good bullshit" is the kind of thing that sounds like you DO give a shit about what his color is. he probably is being paid to support macwilliams but check your privilege. it just looks baaaad.
Race? Karl Lokko, sure he'd be well happy with "uneducated" and "adopted". he used to be in gangs lol. you need to check your unconcious bias if you want more than middle class nimbys

In this argument about the pros and cons of the Hondo planning application race has been used by both sides.

In ways that Im not happy with.

From saying that people had unconcious bias as the Architect was Black on one side. To saying this development will further push out local Black people to be replaced by white people.

There are two ways to oppose the Hondo plans

1) It goes against planning guidelines agreed with local community.

2) Hondo do not have good track record in Brixton ( Nour Cash and Carry) and this application will further the gentrification of Brixton. That this Labour Council go along with this.

On Karl Lokko. I read his piece in the Blog. Well this application has caused deep divisions. But imo I disagree with Karl there is not a silent majority for the development that he claims. Big cross section of Brixton have shown themselves to be against Hondo.

Karl argument is that those who opposed the application were idealists who were going to lose. That they were people with deep pockets. I assume he means out of touch middle class liberals. That it is people like him who roll their sleeves up and work with reality and not wishful thinking who get things done. Summary of what he is saying.

An anecdote. Im white and originally come from Plymouth. Growing up in the working class Docklands. I go back sometimes. Its a white working class in the Docklands of Plymouth. Voted Brexit. Plymouth when I went recently looks poorer than when I grew up there in 60s/ 70s/. They are the typical left behind community.

There is an online government map of statistics of deprivation.

I looked at it recently. The levels of deprivation ( sign of inequality in society) are the same. My old Plymouth Dockland Council wards are like Brixton area in the top 10 /20% most deprived in England.

Trying to call out people for unconscious bias or privilege over race I frankly am starting to find misses the real issue.

Which is across the country white working class communities have more in common with inner City multicultural working class communities than the politics of calling out privilege or unconscious bias allows.

Gentrification is at root a class issue.
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This is an absolutely brilliant piece of reporting

Yes it is good piece.

I joined the PAC about ten minutes in.

The mysterious last minute addendum confused me.

One of the annoying aspects of PAC is that as objector one has to base comments on the application beforehand.

Yet Ive seen this before- officers will turn up to PAC with last minute alterations to application.

Which as objector you cannot comment on. It is way that officers can try to sway committee.

As Jason says all residents get is oppurtunity to write objections and then maybe few minutes speech to the PAC.

It makes me feel Brixton Project have llnes of communication with the Council that ordinary people dont.

The submission from The Brixton Project was key for the PAC meeting on Tuesday. It gave the Cllr’s a convenient box to tick as they strained their necks to see any community involvement .

Mysteriously The Brixton Project submitted an addendum very late in the day ahead of the meeting. In true Lambeth democratic style, this hasn’t been made available in the public domain.

It’s all very odd – Officers talked about the importance of the late submission throughout the meeting, yet residents couldn’t refer to this document.

Thia imo would not have happened without talks between Hondo/senior planniing officers and Brixton Project.
Trying to call out people for unconscious bias or privilege over race I frankly am starting to find misses the real issue.

Dont get me wrong – I totally agree with that. I didnt mean to make that the real issue. I just dint like the tone. It was superior and patronising and i don't think the kinds of words that would be used if he had been white.

Gentrification is at root a class issue.
Yes, this. 100%. Nobody is having that argument properly imo.

It makes me feel Brixton Project have llnes of communication with the Council that ordinary people dont.
Yeah, this was frustrating. There's loads of stuff flying around about them. Sounds fishy.
Dont get me wrong – I totally agree with that. I didnt mean to make that the real issue. I just dint like the tone. It was superior and patronising and i don't think the kinds of words that would be used if he had been white.

tbf you are a fairly new poster and probably not familiar with editors way with words 😏
tbf you are a fairly new poster and probably not familiar with editors way with words 😏
I didn't write that piece, but I remember the first time I was called racist in connection with this development was when I justifiably said the design was fucking shit. And I didn't even know that the architect was black at the time. :facepalm:

Had another read of Brixton Project "Community involvement in the development of Popes road".

Few more comments.

Says the BP were approached by the development team (of Hondo I presume ) to work on the community "benefits" of the scheme. ( Btw does not make clear they were acting as paid consultants)

This document BP say is independent of the Hondo application.

It is and isn't. Find it confusing read on that score.

BP are presenting themselves as the "middle ground" between the what they see as polarised debate for and against.

Against are those who oppose the height of the Tower/ Big business like Hondo. For are those who see this as bringing needed investment to Brixton.

This is to simplistic. I for one opposed the Tower on basis it was not in line with planning guidelines. This is straight forward planning issue. No amount of community benefit is going to change that.

Im not necessarily against change or stopping inward investment. This is private plot of land. Not a publicly owned one. But planning guidelines, which are consulted on with local community , are set in place to guide development. Hondo and planning officers choose to set those guidelines aside. Opposing this applications does not necessarily mean one is against investment in Brixton. It can mean that one wants it done in way that is following the agreed planning principles.

Reading the BP doc and I dont think they understand planning. Which is a bit worrying. As they seem to want to set themselves up as the broker in community for regeneration.

What runs through this document is BP saying it wants to "heal divisions" "increase traction between developers , citizens and elected representatives"

However the way that BP talk about this is as though its a problem in the community. The divisions are in the community that need to be "healed".

There is no analysis in the document of how the planning department operates. More than one person has noticed how closely Council planners work with big developers. There is also no analysis of how the elected representatives operate when faced with big developers. Also what the Labour group think good regeneration is.

The whole of this document imo sees those who opposed the application as a problem. That a new organisation is needed in Brixton to represent the needs of the community. That BP are working on this. Consulting the community now and working towards setting up.

Ive no idea when, where and with whom they are consulting. They say they are in the doc. Ive not heard anything.

BP want to move from a confrontational approach to development to a colloborative one.

This has been tried before by the Council. The Council buzz word was Co Consultation. This was for the Brixton Central Site. ( Brixton Station road / Rec/ Pop site. This was with local business, residents and Network Rail as a major landowner. Council wanted to Co Produce planning guidelines for this sub section of central Brixton. Fair enough except it failed.

It fell apart when NR decided that Co Production did not suit there interests and went ahead with arches evictions.

Above example shows how weak the BP analysis is. Anyone who has been around Brixton for a while nows the cards are stacked against one when it comes to big land owners// developers.

Discussion of power is weak point of the BP doc.

I don't think people want to be confrontational. Its that years of this pro big business New Labour Council and the way big land owners behave forces people to take a confrontational position.

This can verge on getting out of hand. Ive had my criticisms of some of the opposition.

But the BP doc does not really grapple with the fact that there is an imbalance of power here. No amount of "sortation" or "flatpack" democracy is going to change that.

( Did see on FB good comment. If BP are so into Flatpack democracy they should have joined up with the Stop the Tower campaign)

The doc has elaborate plan for an over arching organisation for future regeneration/development in Brixton.

This will produce a charter for future development of Brixton.

The BP doc gives impression that the Brixton community is tearing itself apart over this application.

So divisions have to be "healed" with BP as the broker who occupy the middle ground as they can talk to all sides.

Actually no I dont see this as an equal division that needs healing.

BP are part of the minority who aided this planning application. As paid consultants. The doc they have written comes across as them thinking of how to deal with the public opposition they , BP, have had due to them acting as consultants for Hondo.

The opposition to the Hondo application imo showed the community coming together in positive way.

There is nothing in the doc that they might have made a mistake in being so involved on developer side with a highly contentious planning application. One that even officers said was not in line with locally agreed planning guidelines.

Everyone makes mistakes and hopefully learns from them . This doc by BP shows they haven't.
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There is no analysis in the document of how the planning department operates. More than one person has noticed how closely Council planners work with big developers. There is also no analysis of how the elected representatives operate when faced with big developers. Also what the Labour group think good regeneration is.

Totally agree. This is the heart of the problem. The whole process is presented to councillors as if they don’t really have a choice when faced with officers’ advice/well funded developers/the false gold of economic development/celebrity architect. Not enough of them realise that they can just say “no”.
Re Karl Lokko, it seems he accepts speaking engagements - commercially.
Which begs the question was he hired to support this application?
I think supporters of a scheme should have to say whether they are unpaid members of the public, paid professionals, or paid local supporters.
Karl Lokko agent.JPG
Lambeth declined to comment on the Eddie Nestor radio piece and the word on the street is that no one wants this fucking tower.
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