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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Chair steps in to shut up Cllr Kind probing questions.

Chair is concerned about time

In that case she could have made officers stop waffling
Officer waffling on about mere Cllrs questioning a "world class architect"

That told them

Officers are really sucking up to architect and McWilliams
Cllr Seedat on daylight and asking architect about why it is good design.

Awful Chair stops questions to architect.

She is rubbish Chair
Cllr Simpson asks question on harm to conservation area.

Doug Black the Conservation officer gives reply which is meaningless
Cllr Becca green party.

Asks about energy use.

Officer says scheme is policy compliant.

Embodied carbon.
So Chair says the itime is short. But officers pushing for more time to put there case.

And she is letting them do it.
Chair proposes to defer the second application on agenda. As Hondo application is taking so long.

It would not have if officers hadn't been allowed to go on so much.
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Cllr Simpson

Does not think office space is necessarily needed.

Amendment to design superficial.

Bulk size is not good.


Public benefits do not outweigh harm

Oppose application.
Rob Bristow chief planning officer butts in.

Shut the fuck up.

Cllr Kind criticises officer for butting in.


Typicall officer behaviour.
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Cllr Seedat.

Brixton not a museum. Planning committee should not take into account kind of people who may use building.
Cllr Seedat thinks that development will help the street market.

Affordable workspace is big.

Life-changing for Brixton area.

Community. Space is good.

Confidence boost as large office space

Supports application
Cllr Seedat thinks that development will help the street market.

Affordable workspace is big.

Life-changing for Brixton area.

Community. Space is good.

Confidence boost as large office space

Supports application
Might do if they had made Hondo pay to put back the Victorian glass canopies in Electric Avenue.

Difficult application.

Less than substantial harm is still harm.

Key Brixton views affected.

Affordable workspace is key aspect.

In planning policy on the knife edge.

Has connectivity for markets.

Thinking of proposing motion to accept applications.
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