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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Chair is ding her best to work with officers to get application through.

An abuse of the way to Chair a meeting.
Chair without asking any other Cllr is now proposing to accept application.

This is not how to Chair a meeting.

Not when I've chaired meetings
I will do EVERYTHING I can - with my limited powers - to expose and remind people about what what these fucking cunts have delivered on Brixton. And when the political wind changes - and it will - I hope I can go some way to destroying their opportunistic, self interested careers.
Cllr Wilcox bears responsibility for chairing the meeting in such a way to get what she thought was the best outcome

She abused her position as Chair.

Through out the PAC meetings she allowed officers to go on to much.

In the second one even Cllr Kind had to say officer was going on to much.

Clear to me that Cllr Wilcox entered the meeting wanting to get application through.

Cllr Seedat is another waste of space as Labour Cllr.
Cllr Kind, Cllr Simpson, Cllr Becca Thackeray against.

Cllr Leigh, Seedat, Wilcox, Windle for
Rather amusing an officer pointed out that Cllr Windle was not minuted as being at the last meeting on the issue.
Cllr Wilcox - in effect - said lots of the council's minutes are wrong.
A big thumbs up for Cllr Kind and Simpson.

I was right to criticize the Stop the Tower Twitter on way they treated Cllr Simpson.

She as I thought she would opposed the application
Officers will be celebrating.

So will Impact Brixton. As supporting multinational capitalists has got them nice new offices.
Totally fucking corrupt.

I used to Chair meetings a lot in my old Coop.

There are different ways to Chair a meeting.

Cllr Wilcox presented masterclass in how to get something through a meeting.

I notice she gave no oppurtunity to allow either Cllr Kind or Simpson to fornulate a proposal through discussion.

The post officers presentation/ questioning amongst committe was not a discussion. Chair took complete control of it. Whilst appearing to be neutral by saying this was knife edge decision.

I don't feel it was. After last meeting when it looked like Cllr Kind and Simpson were working towards proposing rejection she has thought about it and decided how to deal with opposition to the application.

She could have asked Cllr Kind or Cllr Simpson to make a proposal. She didnt.
As I posted in the WhatsApp group:

Never, ever forget or forgive every single individual involved with the Brixton Project. They helped make this happen. For their own personal gain
Or the fucking Brixton Blog with their pathetic 'here's the pros and cons' spineless bullshit which means they can still pick up advertising and sponsorship deals from Lambeth and Hondo,
Im bemused by Cllr Windle. As this application was to be discussed at this meeting why was he allowed to attend? He missed all the last meeting.

Or was he at the last meeting? Im confused
I did notice yet again officers spent a lot of time defending the application,

The Architect "Sir" Adjaye was present to answer questions but didn't get asked.
I will do EVERYTHING I can - with my limited powers - to expose and remind people about what what these fucking cunts have delivered on Brixton. And when the political wind changes - and it will - I hope I can go some way to destroying their opportunistic, self interested careers.

Local elections in 18 months. Perhaps Urban canvassing in the wards the "for" cllrs sit?
Cllr Wilcox bears responsibility for chairing the meeting in such a way to get what she thought was the best outcome

She abused her position as Chair.

Through out the PAC meetings she allowed officers to go on to much.

In the second one even Cllr Kind had to say officer was going on to much.

Clear to me that Cllr Wilcox entered the meeting wanting to get application through.

Cllr Seedat is another waste of space as Labour Cllr.

I suspect you've probably noticed before, how badly Lambeth Labour cllrs chair committees. Ed Davie as scrutiny chair was always my go-to for how not to chair, but Clair Wilcox has shown herself to be almost as despicable.
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