Solidarity against neoliberalism!
No I don't know what to do other than keeping talking, whinging and publicising it.The interesting thing about this one is it's objectively a clusterfuck. I mean a lot of the other redevelopment scandals come down to ideological issues, supporting social housing, should people have a 'right' to live in a certain area etc.
However here you have a black and white case of the tax payer getting screwed over. You've got a clear case of people by their own admission switching sides and clear conflicts of interest. It's all there and they haven't even bothered to try and cover it up. I'm sure people from all areas of the political spectrum are going to be angered by this.
But then what? The damage has been done and the people don't really care. I mean I've done nothing but whinge about it on here and share an article on facebook so I'm not saying that they're wrong but what can we do?
I feel like those people involved should be shamed. Shamed in front of their neighbours, they should be shamed in front of the other parents at the school gates, they should be shamed in front of their own families.
Just the cold hard facts of the case brought to the immediate attention of those closest to them. People who they've ultimately helped steal from. It's public, they're bragging about it on linkedin after all. The people should around them should understand what they mean when they say they 'work for the council' or 'in property'
What has got to be done for someone to face criminal charges / serious misconduit / gerrymandering or some other charges? Why is this not a matter for some authority - the police, serious fraud, councillors, public auditor, Mayor, London Assembly or our govt? If its not illegal it should be.
In the mean time I'll 'whinge' on about it to anyone who will listen, in the local, at work, in the street - anywhere. Its attracted so little publicity most london and even in southwark people know nothing about it. Conveniently a lot of the people displaced by the demolition are no longer in the borough.
I fear the councillors in Lambeth have looked at this as inspiration for redevelopment in this borough - perhaps they have in your borough too.