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Heygate Estate redevelopment: just 79 social rented units out of a total 2,535 new homes

I went past there for the first time since it was demolished - its such a waste.

Greebo and I did the same last October, on the way to Liverpool St. station, to visit my parents in Norfolk. It was a shock. The irony of the situation(forme) has been that my parents and their (at that time) 2 young children were evicted from a 2 room "flat" in Deacon Street because the street had been CPO'd in order to demolish the houses to make way for The Heygate.
There was no good reason to demolish The Heygate. The flats weren't in a slum, they were built on one. They were structurally-sound where the Gerry-built terraces they replaced (already manky before WW2 according to local history) weren't. This was all about money,and some councillors and officers of Southwark council fucking over Southwark residents in order to feather their nests and their CVs.
It often seems that all manner of ropey calculations are used in planning applications yet there doesn't appear to be a mechanism for councils to question them or even ask for more information on them. Planning law needs to be overhauled to prevent a complete loss of social housing.
It's just the blatantness of the piss-taking, which is backed up by the Mayor who has over-ruled local authorities when they've kicked up a fuss and denied permission. London is being trampled over by the super-rich, and they're laughing about it.
Lend Lease are big and clever (well in their eyes perhaps:facepalm:). Lot's of internal companies moving £££ around with each other and hey presto no profit !

It made into this week's Private Eye.
Stunningly brazen. Lend Lease have mugged us. Literally screwed us over without any pretense of shame. Just straight cunted us off.

Now I really reckon it's 50/50 on whether it's collusion or incompetence. I'm not sure which would be worse. In any case it wasn't "Southwark" who fucked up, it was the people who worked for them (well for themselves mostly it seems)

I mean the brilliant 'revolving door' blog piece becomes even more angering.

Take Tom Branton.


Tom Branton
Tom Branton was Southwark’s lead officer responsible for the procurement of Lend Lease as regeneration partner and who authored the report to cabinet recommending the signing of the regeneration agreement in July 2010.

Tom subsequently left the Council in 2011 to start work directly for Lend Lease, where he is now Development Manager for the Elephant & Castle project.

I mean this man* has simply fucked us. His head should be adorning a spike on the railway bridge at the top of the Walworth Road.

However according to LinkedIn he has been shipped off to work as a 'Senior Development Manager' for Lend Lease in Malaysia. Too much heat back home? Seems like he has gotten away with it.

* and others too, but lets start with him
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No profit / 'Overage' for Southwark Council in their big Heygate rebuild scheme. Surprise Surpise. It's so fucked up I don't know whether to laugh or cry

Great campaign/site - if utterly rage inducing stuff on there. Amongst so many 'redevelopment' schemes going on around London at the moment totally shafting social housing, their tenants and communities, Heygate really is the biggest scandal of them all and the corruption seems to be getting more glaring all the time. I seem to think Lend Lease were one of those involved in blacklisting too.
will someone refresh my memory as to how much this destruction of public housing, has cost the Southwark council tax payer so far?
The interesting thing about this one is it's objectively a clusterfuck. I mean a lot of the other redevelopment scandals come down to ideological issues, supporting social housing, should people have a 'right' to live in a certain area etc.

However here you have a black and white case of the tax payer getting screwed over. You've got a clear case of people by their own admission switching sides and clear conflicts of interest. It's all there and they haven't even bothered to try and cover it up. I'm sure people from all areas of the political spectrum are going to be angered by this.

But then what? The damage has been done and the people don't really care. I mean I've done nothing but whinge about it on here and share an article on facebook so I'm not saying that they're wrong but what can we do?

I feel like those people involved should be shamed. Shamed in front of their neighbours, they should be shamed in front of the other parents at the school gates, they should be shamed in front of their own families.

Just the cold hard facts of the case brought to the immediate attention of those closest to them. People who they've ultimately helped steal from. It's public, they're bragging about it on linkedin after all. The people should around them should understand what they mean when they say they 'work for the council' or 'in property'
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