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Some individuals are pushing the 'conspiracy' angle on the Dee Dee's racist graffiti - check out the comments at the foot on the Buzz article (compete with urban rant). I'm the "chief hater" apparently after I suggested that posting up a load of evidence-free supposition could be defamatory.

But of course this is all about race – a black-owned bar was dared to be criticised by a white person, possibly a “gentrifier”. Clearly that cannot be allowed. So maybe this defamatory nonsense was cooked up to punish the individual.

Which was then picked up by social media and willingly amplified by the haters on the local urban site. However, throughout the whole storm the chief hater on urban hasn’t felt it necessary to raise the issue of defamation – until now. And in doing so he just demonstrates his partiality, bias and racism.

Have the bar owners made any comment about the mistaken targeting of their neighbour? Or about the group of individuals who apparently took it upon themselves to publicly shame him?
Have the bar owners made any comment about the mistaken targeting of their neighbour? Or about the group of individuals who apparently took it upon themselves to publicly shame him?
Did the bar accuse anyone directly? If so, they should make a statement.

Was there any proven connection between them and the people posting up the accusatory comments? If not, I don't see why they should have to make any statements.
Did the bar accuse anyone directly? If so, they should make a statement.

Was there any proven connection between them and the people posting up the accusatory comments? If not, I don't see why they should have to make any statements.
Interesting position. I agree that they are not obliged to make any comment. However, given their central role in the whole affair and the fact that this poor chap had been categorically cleared by the police, I'd like to think they will play a part in explicitly condemning such unacceptably divisive and bullying behaviour in their immediate community. In much the same way the community has rallied in their support by condemning the racist graffiti.
yes let's concentrate on the poor wrongly accused getting justice and apologies from everyone
as that's the most important and crucial issue of course...
Interesting position. I agree that they are not obliged to make any comment. However, given their central role in the whole affair and the fact that this poor chap had been categorically cleared by the police, I'd like to think they will play a part in explicitly condemning such unacceptably divisive and bullying behaviour in their immediate community. In much the same way the community has rallied in their support by condemning the racist graffiti.

That would be sensible. However as posted above by Nanker this reply by the partner of the bar owner in the Standard suggests that common sense is in short supply:

Milly25NEW2 days ago

To answer your question Cpr1055 - Mr Anderson has never made a statement to the Times and why is everyone ignoring the fact that the so called tourists that the police are hunting were staying in the flat above the bar - and who owns the flat above the bar? This is a good opportunity to explain the 'mysterious' goings on in the flat above the bar. And by the way - when you say Mr Anderson should apologise - it that for being black?????

Very peculiar, is about as euphemistic as I can put it.
That would be sensible. However as posted above by Nanker this reply by the partner of the bar owner in the Standard suggests that common sense is in short supply:

Milly25NEW2 days ago

To answer your question Cpr1055 - Mr Anderson has never made a statement to the Times and why is everyone ignoring the fact that the so called tourists that the police are hunting were staying in the flat above the bar - and who owns the flat above the bar? This is a good opportunity to explain the 'mysterious' goings on in the flat above the bar. And by the way - when you say Mr Anderson should apologise - it that for being black?????

Very peculiar, is about as euphemistic as I can put it.
Who is "Milly25NEW22", what is their connection to the bar and why do you feel that they are a reliable source?
Who is "Milly25NEW22", what is their connection to the bar and why do you feel that they are a reliable source?

Go to the link with the Evening Standard story and find out for yourself (that's the typical response you usually give when asked about market traders etc etc)
Could be that "Milly" is a troll stirring up shit, but the Standard is happy enough to publish it, so I'll take it at face value whilst bearing other possibilities in mind.
Also, if you go here:
you will note that the lengthy post by D Brand is identical to the post by Milly25 in the Standard.

OK Everyone - My husband owes Dee Dee's and I can no longer read and listen to all of this without commenting. What everyone seems to have lost sight of is that the Owner and staff at the Bar are the victims of this racial hatred. Whilst I can empathise with Mr Turnham, here are some 'facts' that you may not be aware of and that may shed a different light of this awful situation. At no point in this ordeal has the owner or staff made any comments about this event - nor have they released the CCTV footage to the Press even though they were hounded for it - it has only been shown to the police. The footage shows a person coming from the direction of the entrance to the flats above the bar. They then go to the front of the terrance and it appears they are spraying graffiti - they then return to said doorway. This information was put out on the net so you can see why all the finger pointing has taken place. The facts are; that the 'supposed' tourist that the police are hunting for where supposed to have been staying in the flat above the bar - my husband has been informed that the owner of the flat above the bar rented his flat out but does not know who he rented it to? The person who owns this flat, that was rented to the tourist has never been interviewed by the police? I am not pointing the finger at anyone - however, there appears to be some unanswered questions here. Can I also state for the record that Dee Dee's which has been established for over three years now - has never once been under review for noise or any other 'illegal' activities with he local council as some people would have you believe

What gets me is how did an organisation such as the Cocoa Butter Project (based in Huddersfield according to their Facebook page) get to learn so quickly of the events that transpired? The police themselves say the incident was reported to them at around 13.00 Monday 25/06/2015.
Cocoa Butter Project first post was on 26/06/2015. A few obvious questions that would help clarify the situation for many are:
Did CBP know the incident had been reported to the police?
How did they know about the graffiti?
Who gave them the info if it was not in the public realm?
Why did they immediately point the finger at a man without checking first?

Something doesn't add up, unless someone has other ideas.
What gets me is how did an organisation such as the Cocoa Butter Project (based in Huddersfield according to their Facebook page) get to learn so quickly of the events that transpired? The police themselves say the incident was reported to them at around 13.00 Monday 25/06/2015.
Cocoa Butter Project first post was on 26/06/2015.
It was posted both here on the 25th and on Buzz the same day, and was all over Twitter and Facebook minutes later, so why on earth shouldn't they find out about it a day later?
But there does seem to be some concerted finger pointing going on. I've just had this comment added to the Buzz post:

How can you say that the CCTV doesn’t show anyone coming out of the side of the building, have you seen it? I was very sad to see that such vile abuse was sprayed on the wall of DeeDees. Whilst it would be terrible to be wrongly accused of this has anyone thought how awful it might be for the staff who work there? This bar contribute so much to our community, they have brilliant poetry evenings, comedy and music and they support a children’s theatre group that would not be able to continue without their help. Let’s suppose that the teacher is completely innocent and a tourist did this as suggested. It’s very strange that anyone would allow a stranger stay in their flat without knowing anything about them. Even Airbnb keep details of their clients.
e2a to post 919
because it is a massive conspiracy against the poor accused of course!! :mad: (not just uninformed people passing on info without checking)
all those making comments and those retweeting them must be brought before them to apologise profusely
I read that shit rag on the bus home from work, I'm well aware of the crap they print, cheers
It was in the comments section. It wasn't part of the Standard's article. Has anybody actually looked at any of this or are you all just throwing opinions about without actually bothering to look?! :)
Nicely done. Deflect the answers to your question and infer they are untrue because of some other unspecified, unrelated value judgment.
Would that "unrelated value judgement" be that the 'proof' was coming in the shape of an unverified reader comment on the Standard's website? Perhaps you blindly take those at face value, but I very much reserve the right to be extremely cynical about their authenticity.
It was in the comments section. It wasn't part of the Standard's article. Has anybody actually looked at any of this or are you all just throwing opinions about without actually bothering to look?! :)
The Standard is fucking shit, as are most of the reader comments it attracts. Is that better for you?
It was in the comments section. It wasn't part of the Standard's article. Has anybody actually looked at any of this or are you all just throwing opinions about without actually bothering to look?

I read the Standards online piece, with all the comments. I went to the Herne Hill.org site's online page and found that identical post. I checked the police link. Thanks to editor for confirming that the vile graffiti was originally mentioned here in the Herne Hill thread on the 25th - it could explain how the CBP caught wind of the story so quickly.
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The Standard is fucking shit, as are most of the reader comments it attracts. Is that better for you?
I think if you read my post it says the the author 'states' they are the wife of the owner. Not *is* the wife of the owner.

The comment sounds like it comes from a fairly well informed position, so while I am not going to accept it as a universal truth I may accept it as one of the more credible parts of this overall discourse. Much of which has been emotionally charged and in some cases more obviously unreliable and clearly hearsay.

Is that better for you?
None of us knows who did the graffiti. It's pointless to speculate. However, we do appear to know who didn't do it, as they have been cleared of suspicion by the police.

We also know that the bar owners appear to understand the pain of aggressive persecution and the importance of community and neighbour support in recovering from that.

We have received so much support from so many that we really and truly feel inspired and hopeful in a situation which frankly left us bewildered, violated and down-heartened.

It's nice of them to offer free drinks to anyone and everyone who can get there before 8 but it would be far more generous and meaningful to offer words of support to their neighbour who also has every right to be feeling violated and bewildered, yet probably not feeling quite so inspired and hopeful just now.

The lack of even an acknowledgement makes all the community blather coming from them sound terribly hollow.
so what would be good enough for you? the commenters eating their words in front of the Ritzy?

them on their hand and knees outside the neighbours flat begging for his forgiveness?
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