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Herne Hill news, chitter chatter and gossip

Walters are expecting to be given their notice and are looking to move elsewhere in HH after Network Rail made it clear that they weren't welcome back post refurb.
That's a shame. I thought that Network Rail had agreed that existing tennants would be helped back post-refurb... have I got confused?
Perhaps my resorting to violence wasn't really the answer...

...the three women laughed about it...they thought the kick up the arse was funny....
In a perfect world, a no mark like him would respond to something else and mend his ways.

In a perfect world, the scorn of three women would have silenced him.

We're not in a perfect world and IMHO you did no more than was reasonable. AFAIK you've also done your share of getting us closer to that perfect world with your consistently antiracist stance. :cool:
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No, they told me they clearly weren't welcome back. Their lease term is different from the rest of that block. NR want more restaurants to replace the current normal high street shops.

In other depressing news No 22 owner has closed - still waiting for insurance money from the floods. friendofdorothy out Italian landlord friend could be losing his flat because of it.
You're full of shit news :( (but thanks for letting us know)

Number 22 is a bit pricey but went there for a treat a few weeks ago and thought it was great and they seemed busy so thought everything was going ok
That place that never succeeds next to the Commercial is being refurbished. Apparently it will be a Mediterannean restaurant.

so had a conversation today with basically the most reliable source of all re this, who I don't think would mind me sharing it.. a brasserie type restaurant, run by Railway, Tulse Hill guy - they've got a former Shoreditch House manager in to manage it (hence the Shoreditch House rumours).
Opening as a brasserie, and not a bar/club, might be what it needs. It's never had much luck with the neighbors holding late events/music etc...
Opening as a brasserie, and not a bar/club, might be what it needs. It's never had much luck with the neighbors holding late events/music etc...

well that was exactly the jist of the conversation - its fundamental unsuitability as a music venue due to its construction, amongst other things.
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Apparently he ran off but all the shopkeepers know who it is. There are cameras in the tunnel too, so hopefully the Transport Police will take a look.
Exactly. Apparently he's hardly ever seen with the dog, and now we know why. :mad: The poor pup was attacked in front of the kid whose pet it is too. It was a little fluffy poodly type thing. :(
Oh FFS. At least he didn't go for the kid I suppose but defo s/he could be scarred for life with that image.
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