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Have I Got News For You - Hislop

No you couldnt. Or, if we are being all liberal, you couldnt when it comes to education, health, energy, transport, communications, y'know, the basic essentials. Maybe some market in beer and sandwiches. If we're being liberal.
I see what you mean. You're saying that rightwing encompasses a belief that the market is the best way to determine supply for everything, not just consumer products and fripperies.
But the "unfettered" bit is important. Because there is one continuous axis from "totally controlled" to "totally free market", with the degree of regulation essentially determining the position on that axis. A market with an sufficiently strong regulator that micromanages all aspects of the market is on the left-hand side of that axis, not the right-hand side.
Sounds like an accountants view. No one, anywhere, ever supports a completely 'unfettered' market, so it's a red herring.
I don't think there is a coherent view that equates with being right-wing, Conservative, or neo-liberal. It's a hotch-potch of stuff that covers up a load of individual greed. Even Roger Scruton failed to define what Conservatism meant, hiding behind some doublethink about it being too complex for one mind to express.
Sounds like an accountants view. No one, anywhere, ever supports a completely 'unfettered' market, so it's a red herring.

No, it's about political principles. Your guiding philosophy.

And I don't think it is just prevaricating either. For example: in many parts of the world, car insurance premiums are set by the regulator and it is a highly politically-charged decision how much they should go up by. But the local insurance market is still a market. So where does that sit on the scale? As a general principle, if the regulator sets the price then is that on the left or the right side of the axis?
regulators dont 'set' the price, they put limits on what can be charged. It's a fairly minor limitation on market forces. And they are only there to make sure the overall system works smoothly, in the interests of the elite, makes precious little overall difference.
regulators dont 'set' the price, they put limits on what can be charged. It's a fairly minor limitation on market forces. And they are only there to make sure the overall system works smoothly, in the interests of the elite, makes precious little overall difference.
You're wrong about motor premiums. In many states in the US, even -- home of capitalism -- the regulator actually sets the motor premiums. They used to in Germany too, before EU regulation basically scuppered it.
fair enough, it's a rarity tho. And the US isn't the home of capitalism, the most unfettered markets are more in impoverished African countries, or even Russia. But that's a different argument.
still well below standard. It's lost its vim.

Yep, I started nodding off after 10 mins & swtched off a few mins later.
Hardly ever watch it anymore - only if I happen across it.

They need a serious make over & re launch - it's so fucking stale in it's current format.
Obviously ditch that cunt Hislop & unfortunately Merton would have to go too - he's just run his course as well, & get some fresher regular talant in.
For example, I thought Chris Addington was ace the previous week. Why have two team leaders that are always the same.
I don't think the format is stale. I just think Hislop and Merton are both not as funny as they once were. There's not relentless piss-taking (though Lembit Opik was quite funny). I was bored last night.
Stuart Lee didn't like his one spell on the show. He said that it didn't suit him and I think he was right. He is a storyteller, not a one-line merchant.

Charlie Brooker, on the other hand...
I could see Brooker on it. There is an american black fella whose name escapes me but he is a semi-regular, he provides good lols and could do with a permanent slot. I think he has other irons in the fire though.
Actually, I think that David Mitchell is generally the best guest. He's fantastic at cutting through bullshit in a very funny manner.
There is an american black fella whose name escapes me but he is a semi-regular, he provides good lols and could do with a permanent slot. I think he has other irons in the fire though.
Reginald D. Hunter.

I would agree that it's harder to get a good episode than it used to be. I think now more than ever they're reliant on some good material from the news or a guest they can go to town on, otherwise I don't think the regulars have the energy for it they once did. This seems to be backed up by the performances of certain other guests, such as Adlington, Hunter, and, off the top of my head, Ross Noble. Not sure Noble would work as a regular but the last time he was on he was next to Merton and it was rather like one generation sitting next to the... um, next :hmm: It just seemed Noble was doing the surreal flights of whimsy Merton is known for but with more energy.

Still better than Mock the Week, but that just could be style tastes.
You do need someone like Hislop who is a satirist, rather than just a comedian who does politics sometimes, otherwise it just becomes Mock The Week.

Mitchell or Reggie (the first comedian I've managed to convince mrs b to get a ticket to see in a couple of weeks time!) would be good replacements for Merton. Tho you couldn't do both at once, I don't think, audience wouldn't stand for it.
You do need someone like Hislop who is a satirist, rather than just a comedian who does politics sometimes, otherwise it just becomes Mock The Week.
Brooker is a satirist of a different kidney. He's certainly not a comedian, depsite being very funny.

Mitchell or Reggie (the first comedian I've managed to convince mrs b to get a ticket to see in a couple of weeks time!) would be good replacements for Merton. Tho you couldn't do both at once, I don't think, audience wouldn't stand for it.
And both work well with Brooker, as seen on numerous other panel shows.

I think you would HAVE to do both at once, to be honest. Make it a reboot. Drip-changing would be more problematic.
Brooker is a satirist of a different kidney. He's certainly not a comedian, depsite being very funny.

I dont thionk he is a satirist. Satire requires a 'straight' portion to act as a counterpoint and to give it its force. Brooker sticks pretty much solely to the ironic and potty mouthed loathing.
Wow man. You must be the second coming of Nostradamus or something. I would like your autograph when you have the time.

Just one thing though: Why didn't you tell the sheeples before the election?

Not exactly a revelation, and unsurprisingly lots of us were saying this before the election. Just look back through this forum if you like.
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