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Have I Got News For You - Hislop

He surpassed himself in smugness last week. He's so annoying, and what's even more annoying is that sometimes he makes me laugh despite myself.

I enjoyed the election special episode.

he is probably the only person on earth more smug than my stalkers on here!
Anti Brown comments make you want to kick peoples teeth bown their throat? Wow, you must have had your work cut out over the last few years, kicking complainants teeth in. While anyone with half a brain complained as the useless bastard fucked the country up.

I've switched the other half of mine off, remind me again how he messed up the country?
Paul was pretty quiet all round really. Bit surprised Addison was on his team, as they normally put the politician or politically-related drone opposite Ian.

Addison's diatribe was against all newspapers though, and their confusion with the number 3. The Express is so much more than that;



Note that the DE bring out story line about Diana every Monday as by law and as for the missing child :facepalm:
it was always apparent that the Liberal leadership (since Clegg took leader anyway) leant to the Tories and it was always clear that at best the Liberals would be coalition partners - so all those who voted Liberal (with the exception I would say of those already cited who tactically voted Liberal to keep the Tories out in const where Labour were nowhere) have essentially voted for a Tory government.
Wow man. You must be the second coming of Nostradamus or something. I would like your autograph when you have the time.

Just one thing though: Why didn't you tell the sheeples before the election?
Well, much like anyone who gives a shit about electoral politics he thought that the floaters in the marginals might be looking at politics for their own selves. Aint that a radical idea!
Check back, I've long since said Clegg was a tory boy. If you had looked at Cable's Orange Book, you'd know full well which side of the divide he fell on too.

That the entire party went along so easily and cheaply is a little surprising, but that they jumped that way really wasn't.
You can come to any conclusion you want by selectively interpreting the evidence. Would Clegg had come to a deal with Labour if they hadn't performed so abysmally? Who knows?
do you understand what the words 'leant to' mean? Did you see any polls? Libs propping up the tories was always more likely than them propping up labour.
As I remember there was a lot of talk about how the move would not be conscioned by the mainstream of the party, MPs etc. It was far from obvious a Lib/Tory coalition would be the likely result- even to politics geeks. That is why what blokeface said is retarded.
You can come to any conclusion you want by selectively interpreting the evidence. Would Clegg had come to a deal with Labour if they hadn't performed so abysmally? Who knows?
The evidence is that he said before the election he'd prefer to prop up Cameron, and then after the election he did what he said he'd do.
I think that a lot of people have never asked themselves what "left" actually means in a political sense, so instead they just parrot the phrases they learnt on their mama's knee.

Labour were a left-wing party once upon a time. Back when you were told that they were when you were a kid. But they're not now and they haven't been for a long time.

Now, personally, I'm not entirely sure what "right-wing" means, other than simply "not left-wing". But that's never seemed an entirely satisfactory definition. Alternatively, you could interpret it to mean "a belief in unfettered capitalism/consumerism", but by those criteria a lot of the parties are no more right-wing than Labour is left-wing. Certainly no British party has unfettered capitalism as its core.
just drop the word 'unfettered' then. a belief in the markets being able to provide what is needed is right-wing - see that cunt Cable's desire to privatise Royal Mail. the right wing scumbag.
I've never thought of a belief in the general market mechanism as the overall determinant of supply as being "right-wing", though. You could easily have a socialist society that still uses the market to determine what should be provided.
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