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Have I Got News For You - Hislop

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
He was wetting himself over the Whig-Tory stitch up, wasn't he?

I thought so too.

Snidy, sneering tory twat.

The whole programe seemed to about laughing at brown - which is fine. But to do so whilst ignoring the much bigger and more relevant target of the whigservative coup is well dodge IMHO.
Is this some sort of defence now? You knew he hated pakis before he started bashing them - what you moaning about? What did you expect him to do?

Like prior knowledge of an action or of it effects makes it any less nauseating. It's bizarre. You knew there were £6 bn worth of cuts this year, you're out of a job - but we told you, why be annoyed?
Paul Merton seemed less than impressed by Hislop's sneering.

Hislop was horrible, but at least he had that lovely misjudged moment where he was just about the only one who put his hand up in his audience poll on the new govt.
i've recorded it, but apart from 'doctor who' and 'world's wildest police chases' it's the only prog i have on series link.
Is this some sort of defence now? You knew he hated pakis before he started bashing them - what you moaning about? What did you expect him to do?

Like prior knowledge of an action or of it effects makes it any less nauseating. It's bizarre. You knew there were £6 bn worth of cuts this year, you're out of a job - but we told you, why be annoyed?

Another one who didn't know Hislop was a Tory. No wonder they got back in with all this ignorance around. Bizarre.
And gie's a song, the lady cry'd,
And lay your disputes a' aside
What signifies't for folks to chide
For what was done before them
Let Whig and Tory a' agree
Whig and Tory, Whig and Tory
Whig and Tory a' agree
To drop their Whig-malorum
Let Whig and Tory all agree
To spend the night in mirth and glee
And cheerful sing alang wi' me
The Reel o' Tullochgorum.
And gie's a song, the lady cry'd,
And lay your disputes a' aside
What signifies't for folks to chide
For what was done before them
Let Whig and Tory a' agree
Whig and Tory, Whig and Tory
Whig and Tory a' agree
To drop their Whig-malorum
Let Whig and Tory all agree
To spend the night in mirth and glee
And cheerful sing alang wi' me
The Reel o' Tullochgorum.
Funnily enough, I quoted that in an email the other day. :)
The 'plague on all their houses' definitely slipped, that's for sure. As others have noted, it was mightily amusing when the audience failed to react to Hislop's attempt at "three cheers for the cunts." :)
I was a bit surprised at jsut how far he was allowed to go. He's been desperate for a tory win all series, but that was just rank. Addison managed to take the piss a bit, but twas a shame nobody just called him a tory twat.
tbf to the pugnacious twat he does at least edit a sheet that exposes and rips upon political corruption. It may be the accepted establishment penned dissent. But still, better than fuck all.
Paul Merton seemed less than impressed by Hislop's sneering.

Hislop was horrible, but at least he had that lovely misjudged moment where he was just about the only one who put his hand up in his audience poll on the new govt.

That was fucking cringeworthy, it truly was.

What an arse-kissing cunt.
he's lib dem supporter as far as i can see...

this thread reminds me of the audience pitying brown after being rinsed so much and clunes retorting "shut up!" ;)
I think Hislop's on record as saying he'd vote for the "Vince Cable For Chancellor Party", but hasn't gone any further than that.

I thought they were soft on the Express hack. To a certain extent, the DE is beyond parody, but all we got was Addison's "through the medium of Diana" jibe.
I thought they were soft on the Express hack. To a certain extent, the DE is beyond parody, but all we got was Addison's "through the medium of Diana" jibe.

I dunno, Addison was ripping into her and the media in general quite abit, although largerly on account of the hacks being thick rather than on basis of the social role they play in the maintance of neo liberal capitalist hegemony. Not sure how that message could be conveyed succinctly on a light comedy panal game show though.

The "through the medium of Diana" was a good line - upstaged Paul Merton with that one - he looked pissed off at that point.
Paul was pretty quiet all round really. Bit surprised Addison was on his team, as they normally put the politician or politically-related drone opposite Ian.

Addison's diatribe was against all newspapers though, and their confusion with the number 3. The Express is so much more than that;


Merton is rarely on top form these days.

Ian may well be a tory (and looking at him, are you surprised?) but I've never considered the Eye or HIGNFY to be biased in any way.

The main trouble (going off-topic) is Brooker's You Have Been Watching, Mock the Week, Russel Howard's prog, The Daily Show (US but similar) and others doing the same things but with freshness, more adult humour, self-awareness and self parody.
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