Happy go licky
Pay 4 quid to weed someone else's 20'000 acres
Oh dear. Poor old samurai sword cake cutting Eva Braun doesn't realise she's having her extensive lands nationalised and redistributed to civilised, kind and decent people, some of whom will be terribly busy growing hemp and cannabis and reading every word Gerrard Winstanley wrote. In the good old American Revolution against poor old Lord North and the madness of King George it was made mandatory for those who grew hemp to stay in the industry. Poor old bat. She must be soiling her Union Jack boxer shorts over there in the Berghof in the Berchtesgarden holed up in her Fuhrerbunker gazing longingly at those cyanide pills while the Red Army under Zhukova surge and storm into Berlin looking at dear old Adolf's terribly average little doodles and paintings of provincial street scenes -his degenerate Entartete Kuinst.
Did she get round to watching all those Downfall memes? Her trusted lieutenant Goebbels and his six sprogs has just slipped away from his one day post as Emperor and Eva is wondering why on earth Adolf had to put a Russian roulette bullet into his skull like wonderful old Kurt Cobain? Suddenly those glorious victories in the Falklands and Iraq and Afghanistan are drfitning away from her incredible memory and everything is becoming as blurry and confusing as a really weird acid trip under the supervision of David Nutt, Robin Carhartt-Harris and Rosalind Watts.
The walls are starting to melt and she is talking in tongues to the ghosts of Hunter S Thompson and John Lennon and seeing glimpses of the Ferryman Charon at the gates of Hades wondering if she will make it to the Elysian Fields as the police and the Red Army finally close in. Any minute now those cuffs will be on and poor old Julian Assange will be bundled out of the Ecudaroian embassy into the van. At the trial will she be so busy trying to work out Adolf and her's total carbon footprint from all those jolly little jaunts to see Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson's racist 'picannines' in her Imperium that she has not a single further word to say for herself?
And what is that cult of worshippers of Adolf who think he was God in Vanuatu going to make of seeing their glorious Empress defrocked and naked while the barristers cross-examine her and the poor old judges have to listen to the silence that comes out of her mouth - as silent as Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" or John Cage's music. Not a single little murmur or a single little rancid fart.
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