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Has the Queen died?

tbh, if you hate the royals, the last thing you want is a dead queen, otherwise you've got a state funeral to get angry about, followed by a state funded coronation to really blow your top. Best off sitting on your arse hoping she outlives you. god save the queen
Nah. the queen is mystifyingly popular. I don't understand it but there it is, she is. Give us another one and we'll see how that goes.
group photograph in Yekaterinburg to be announced. All royals required to attend,no matter how flimsly the genetic link. No sick notes or days in Lieu off allowed.
We don't want another one. We don't want a monarchy.
Monarchists are hard to fathom. WTF are they thinking?

Monarchists are hard to fathom, yes, but history tells us that unpopular monarchs make monarchy very unpopular, and that this can happen very quickly. this queen is popular. bring on another, just to see as much as anything else. Their popularity is not guaranteed.
Monarchists are hard to fathom, yes, but history tells us that unpopular monarchs make monarchy very unpopular, and that this can happen very quickly. this queen is popular. bring on another, just to see as much as anything else. Their popularity is not guaranteed.
We don't want another. Why call for another one, unless you're a monarchist?
We don't want another. Why call for another one, unless you're a monarchist?
Oh, I'm just cheering on the death of this one. The idea that changing the monarch isn't a big thing is wrong, imo. It's something none of us (bar perhaps sas) has experienced, but it's a change that can produce demands for change. Better than her not dying. Get gone, I say. Get gone asap.
Oh, I'm just cheering on the death of this one. The idea that changing the monarch isn't a big thing is wrong, imo. It's something none of us (bar perhaps sas) has experienced, but it's a change that can produce demands for change. Better than her not dying. Get gone, I say. Get gone asap.
Quite a lot of us have experienced it! Many of our parents and grandparents have.
Speculation also rife on M***net. Someone saying Theresa May due to make a statement at 8am! How they purport to know that I do not know.

:eek::hmm::eek::hmm: <mentally hums X Files theme tune>
Speculation also rife on M***net. Someone saying Theresa May due to make a statement at 8am! How they purport to know that I do not know.
There are some massive fibbers out there who like it to be known they have special knowledge that the rest of us don't have. They tend to be the kind of person who says they knew there was something fishy about someone, but only after learning of their disgrace.
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No we haven't. This one came to the throne in the early 50s. The vast majority of us have not experienced it. There were fears for the monarchy in the 30s. There are fears for it at various periods. Bring on another period of fear.
Loads of people are in their 70s and 80s - a couple of million at least in the UK.
There are some massive fibbers out there who like it be known they have special knowledge that the rest of us have. They tend to be the kind of person who says they knew there was something fishy about someone, but only after learning of their disgrace.

:D partner had hysterics when I told him the Theresa May thing (mirth, not grief, I hasten to add). Likened it to Paul McCartney and the cover of Sgt Pepper.
Yep, speaking to Urban on Urban.

My mum would not approve. She wouldn't approve of probably about 90 per cent of what I post on here. She's 84, btw. She would remember.
Indeed, that's why it's a bit daft to think our views are representative. The monarchy SHOULD end, but there are loads out there who remain deferent. Maybe cos some of them saw the Coronation in colour for the first time on a neighbour's telly and were blown away by it instead of disgusted by it. :(
Indeed, that's why it's a bit daft to think our views are representative. The monarchy SHOULD end, but there are loads out there who remain deferent. Maybe cos some of them saw the Coronation in colour for the first time on a neighbour's telly and were blown away by it instead of disgusted by it. :(
Lordy, after the tin foil, chemtrails & shape-shifting, we're now onto time travel! It'll be UFO connections to the RF next!
Content of post 444, page 15 on this thread : why I refuse ON PRINCIPLE to accept that the Queen is dead .... even if she is.

Taking the conspirapiss just encourages actual conspiraloons. Whose growing success in this thread as sleepers (using the general pisstaking as 'deep cover') just undermines us finding out the REAL TRUTH ;) :p
Lordy, after the tin foil, chemtrails & shape-shifting, we're now onto time travel! It'll be UFO connections to the RF next!
Forgive me, I'd got my wires crossed. That was Wimbledon in the 60s.
It was a huge live broadcast seen by millions though.
Content of post 444, page 15 on this thread : why I refuse ON PRINCIPLE to accept that the Queen is dead .... even if she is.

Taking the conspirapiss just encourages actual conspiraloons. Whose growing success in this thread as sleepers (using the general pisstaking as 'deep cover') just undermines us finding out the REAL TRUTH ;) :p
Double, double bluff, eh?
Every single conspiracy theory in the world ever has just been a CIA/MI5 (etc) conspiracy.

Don't give in to them, Pisstakers.

There's in any case no hope for you (actual) Loons on this thread who've been giving in to 'them', that is the real 'them', for years.

(Not there's any more than zero essential difference between conspirapisstakers* and actual conspiraloons* anyways).

**SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!!!!!????? :hmm:

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