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Has the Queen died?

Don't give a fuck as I don't get bank holidays off. I'm happy for her to die at her earliest convenience.
She better wait until the end of January at least. I've got shopping to do, mail to send, travel to undertake and all that sort of thing.
I hope she doesn't croak it when important sporting events are on. I still resent the Beeb relegating the 2011 Trump-Ding snooker semi-final to the website for that stupid wedding on every channel they had.
you can eat a swan now, if you want.

Hunting and Cooking Swans

Not legally in the UK , with the posible exception of the Orkney's

Last Updated: Friday, 18 March, 2005, 16:45 GM

Composer Sir Peter Maxwell Davies has hit the wrong note with police
The Queen's composer has ruffled feathers after police found the body of a swan at his home.
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Master of the Queen's Music, was cautioned over the discovery of the remains of a protected species at his house in Orkney.

He said the bird died after hitting a power line. When police called at his home he offered them swan terrine.

Police would not comment but confirmed that a protected bird has been removed from a property in Sanday.

Northern Constabulary said their enquiries were continuing.

Sir Peter said he did not believe he had done anything wrong but, given his position with the Queen, he was prepared to spend time in the Tower of London.

Swans are protected under UK legislation.

However, in the islands a Norse right called Udal Law is still assumed to hold sway, possibly making swans the property of the people.

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