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Hammersmith Bridge closed to motor vehicles "indefinitely"

You can’t because Hammersmith Bridge is grade 2 listed and has protected views that can’t be ‘ruined’ by having an unsightly second bridge.
Yes and no.
Alterations can be made to listed buildings with consent (LBC).
A protected view could be ruined for a justifiable reason such as to protect the historic bridge from damage caused by traffic. Solutions to minimise the obstruction such as glass sections or shit like that might make it more acceptable.

It's not grade 2 by the way. It's grade 2*(Pronounced two star).
If it was grade 1 it would make the LBC trickier but larger grants would be available.

I used to List buildings. My very first job as a matter of fact.
My mate still works on Listed Building Consent.
Yes and no.
Alterations can be made to listed buildings with consent (LBC).
A protected view could be ruined for a justifiable reason such as to protect the historic bridge from damage caused by traffic. Solutions to minimise the obstruction such as glass sections or shit like that might make it more acceptable.

It's not grade 2 by the way. It's grade 2*(Pronounced two star).
If it was grade 1 it would make the LBC trickier but larger grants would be available.

I used to List buildings. My very first job as a matter of fact.
My mate still works on Listed Building Consent.

Fair enough.

I still don’t see how it would be achievable without ruining the view though. That’s why I still prefer a tunnel.

Not least also because we can finally get much needed double deckers through it and stop the continual patch up job madness and expense of bringing the old bridge up to standard every few years.
They're not going to build a tunnel. Tunneling is stupendously expensive and needs a lot of space as you need the run in area. Its causing enough problems over in Silvertown where its mostly wasteland, trying to do that in Hammersmith?
I remember when it was closed, then re-opened then closed not long after when the bomb device went off. It was fine as a pedestrian bridge, although inconvenient for buses etc.
They're not going to build a tunnel. Tunneling is stupendously expensive and needs a lot of space as you need the run in area. Its causing enough problems over in Silvertown where its mostly wasteland, trying to do that in Hammersmith?

The cost of the bridge repairs is already stupendously expensive, and will only have to be repeated again and again and again.

I think it is possible. You just need to believe.

You need about 5-600m approach (if the Rotherhithe and Blackwall tunnels are any guide)
That would put the Northern end bang in the middle of Hammersmith town centre.
And the Southern end in the leafy front gardens on Castelnau.
Good luck with that.
I think the IoW hover ferry thing is still going. At least it was a year or two ago when I was taking an ill advised walk in Portsmouth*.

*Actually I lie. The walk was ace there was gaggles of Brent Geese everywhere.
You need about 5-600m approach (if the Rotherhithe and Blackwall tunnels are any guide)
That would put the Northern end bang in the middle of Hammersmith town centre.
And the Southern end in the leafy front gardens on Castelnau.
Good luck with that.
They could build circular on and off ramps at each end, gradually corksrewing down to the level of the tunnel. That would take up less space and act as a traffic-calming measure too.
They could build circular on and off ramps at each end, gradually corksrewing down to the level of the tunnel. That would take up less space and act as a traffic-calming measure too.
You work nights FBM…? Or just sleep weird, like me…? I’ve just drunk a bottle of Teacher’s (and I don’t even like whisky). Only a tiny one I hasten to add, one of those 100ml plastic bottles.

And I’m gonna get shot for posting off-topic again…
They could build circular on and off ramps at each end, gradually corksrewing down to the level of the tunnel. That would take up less space and act as a traffic-calming measure too.

There is a multi story behind HoF in Croydon. It has the tightest spiral ramp for cars that I know. It bears the signs of people who are unable to successfully negotiate it. I also know of people who
won't or can't use it, it does their heads in. It is fun seeing how fast you can negotiate it :thumbs:
There is a multi story behind HoF in Croydon. It has the tightest spiral ramp for cars that I know. It bears the signs of people who are unable to successfully negotiate it. I also know of people who
won't or can't use it, it does their heads in. It is fun seeing how fast you can negotiate it :thumbs:
Perfect - they could run a live feed so people could watch people come a cropper. :thumbs:
Haven't been down there for a while since fucking my foot up, but it will be irritating not being able to cross to walk on the south bank (which is much more pleasant than the horrible north bank full of gated communities).
There is a multi story behind HoF in Croydon. It has the tightest spiral ramp for cars that I know. It bears the signs of people who are unable to successfully negotiate it. I also know of people who
won't or can't use it, it does their heads in. It is fun seeing how fast you can negotiate it :thumbs:
I know that ramp at Colonades. It does my head in too.
I heard this being discussed on the radio. Someone was suggesting it could be moved to another river crossing! and a new one built. Bridges are a bit specific though aren't they :facepalm:
Some kind of long term solution does need to be found though.
People have staged a protest on the South side a day or two ago demanding action and a pedestrian bridge. They say they were promised this long ago. Estimated cost for temporary pedestrian bridge £25M. Local councils cannot afford it. TFL cannot afford it.
Knock it down and replace it with a pedestrian bridge, could bung some planters on it and make it fall short of one bank of the river, chuck us fifty mill and I’ll run a few feasibility studies and that, yah?
My consultancy group will gladly draft the necessary architectural proposals and conduct any surveys that might required to see this idea through. £26.9m should suffice as our fee.
People have staged a protest on the South side a day or two ago demanding action and a pedestrian bridge. They say they were promised this long ago. Estimated cost for temporary pedestrian bridge £25M. Local councils cannot afford it. TFL cannot afford it.

A row ferry, £2 per person should do the job. It'll be like the olden days and stuff.
A row ferry, £2 per person should do the job. It'll be like the olden days and stuff.
A zip slide across the river would be good - could have two so people could travel both ways.

Or build one of these:

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