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The Mayor of Hackney has declared war on a domestic violence charity?

Domestic abuse charity lodges formal complaint against Hackney mayor amid premises dispute


(Source: Facebook)

“We’re not going to give in. We can’t let down all those women who need our support and we know that the
Hackney community is standing with us in demanding a safe place for Sistah Space in Hackney.”


Oh no!

We have had a leaflet from Hackney Council about the rise in cases recently.
Although it wasn't specifically mentioned, I suspect it may relate mainly to the Orthodox Jewish community. I've been taking walks around the area alot for weeks and I must say they have never been very good with social distancing or wearing masks.
The children of all ages have been back at schools for a few weeks now as well.

I am not making any personal criticism and I understand and respect that their way of life involves mixing with their community all the time but I won't be very happy if I'm confined to the area!

I work in this area, based in Springfield Park but covering housing estates in Stamford Hill and Manor House, and I've been hearing reports that cases are increasing and a local lockdown might be coming for at least a couple of weeks now.

Shit, those numbers are high. :(

From memory, that figure of 79 per 100,000 is higher than those which led to a lockdown in Glasgow recently.
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The children of all ages have been back at schools for a few weeks now as well.
My neighbour and family had been shielding heavily since March. Children and mother hadn't been out once. Occasionally used our shared garden, but never out the front door. They decided to send their kids back to their (orthodox) school a couple of weeks ago. They were shocked to the bone how their was zero acknowledgement of Corona. No separating children, no masks, no nothing. As if the last six months hadn't happened.
He then went into a jewish shop, again first time since March. When he saw that nobody was wearing masks he called the police.
He is at a complete loss as to what to do. His kids need education and the family need the community, but the denial is doing his head in and he is super scared for his family...
The Council members for Stamford Hill West and Springfield (the Conservative corner of Hackney :D ) are all Orthodox so I hope they will exert some influence on their community.
There is only one councillor for Stamford Hill West, who I believe lives in New York.

The other councillor stepped down. Coincidentally after making homophobic remarks which were picked up in the local press.
The Council members for Stamford Hill West and Springfield (the Conservative corner of Hackney :D ) are all Orthodox so I hope they will exert some influence on their community.
my neighbour reckons that this is not something a politician or policy could fix. This goes to the very heart of their community. He thinks there will be religious interpretations dividing the community. And a change of attitude won't happen over night.
my neighbour reckons that this is not something a politician or policy could fix. This goes to the very heart of their community. He thinks there will be religious interpretations dividing the community. And a change of attitude won't happen over night.

I think that's spot on. There is a kind of rebellious spirit (famously with planning permission) and I have some affection for that although it can also be very irritating usually and especially now.

So it will need to happen through religious and community leaders - some of whom were still operating synagogues and schools as normal at the height of lockdown.
I think that's spot on. There is a kind of rebellious spirit (famously with planning permission) and I have some affection for that although it can also be very irritating usually and especially now.

So it will need to happen through religious and community leaders - some of whom were still operating synagogues and schools as normal at the height of lockdown.
at the school I was talking about they didn't have hand sanitisers until my neighbour raised the issue. there are about 600 pupils at a time.
Hackney Council emailed all staff this morning about rising coronavirus cases across the borough.

Here's a link to their website:

An update on rising coronavirus cases in Hackney

To help slow the spread of the virus residents in the N16 area are being asked:
• Not to meet people they do not live with inside a private home or garden, except where you have formed a support bubble
• Not to visit someone else’s home or garden
• Not to socialise with people they do not live with in other indoor public venues – such as shops, places of worship, community centres. However they may attend these venues with people they live with (or are in a support bubble with), but should avoid interaction with individuals or groups from other households.
Oh no!

We have had a leaflet from Hackney Council about the rise in cases recently.
Although it wasn't specifically mentioned, I suspect it may relate mainly to the Orthodox Jewish community. I've been taking walks around the area alot for weeks and I must say they have never been very good with social distancing or wearing masks.
The children of all ages have been back at schools for a few weeks now as well.

I am not making any personal criticism and I understand and respect that their way of life involves mixing with their community all the time but I won't be very happy if I'm confined to the area!
I've been walking around Stamford Hill a lot over Lockdown, I remember in April walking down some streets near Markfield Park, I was stunned at how many Orthodox were out and about & not socially distancing at all. I put it down to maybe not being aware of Lockdown (it was only a couple of weeks in ) We are just outside the area (near Clapton Station), we haven't been texted by our Doctor's yet , and were a month or so ago when there was concern raised .
N16 is actually quite a large area, it goes right down into Dalston on the right hand side roads as far as Balls Pond Road where N1 starts.
Been out to look at the controversial new traffic calming measures they have introduced around here :hmm: Brooke Road /Evering Rd, no left turn , blocked Maury Rd / Evering Rd (Cycle only) and Downs Rd (Rectory Rd end) Cycle only. They've put bollards and planters down to block the roads , but you can still drive through, so drivers were still going though. Cameras & fines will be next , does make driving to Stokie more of a faff , which I guess is the point of them.
Was in Stamford Hill yesterday. Big crowds of people gathering outside synagogues, no social distancing, no masks. Looks like the messaging isn't getting through. :(
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