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Hackney chitter-chatter &tc

I have dealt with this sort of case a few times over the decades, very difficult moving people from blocks about to be demolished (surprisingly) . Don't know the full facts but I'm surprised Hackney have started work with her & her family in the opposite block.

I was involved in moving a set of residents from a high rise estate in Tower Hamlets many years ago. A work mate was checking all the flats in a supposedly empty block and found a couple living there. They had been leaseholders, they had sold the flat back to Tower Hamlets and no one came to check it or collect the keys (arguably the couple could have just dropped them off) . They'd been living there for about 3 years , rent-free. They told my work mate they had been saving up to buy a place on the coast .
I have dealt with this sort of case a few times over the decades, very difficult moving people from blocks about to be demolished (surprisingly) . Don't know the full facts but I'm surprised Hackney have started work with her & her family in the opposite block.

I was involved in moving a set of residents from a high rise estate in Tower Hamlets many years ago. A work mate was checking all the flats in a supposedly empty block and found a couple living there. They had been leaseholders, they had sold the flat back to Tower Hamlets and no one came to check it or collect the keys (arguably the couple could have just dropped them off) . They'd been living there for about 3 years , rent-free. They told my work mate they had been saving up to buy a place on the coast .
A family with four kids. :mad: Sounds the place they were offered is in a very poor state so can't blame them for staying put in the hope it forces Hackney to sort things out.
ah, that's why everybody looked so joylessly depressed when I poked my head in at the Hart the other day.
Haven't been in the Hart for ages , went once over lockdown, last Summer , they had a pretty chaotic system so didn't bother again. The Billet is my favoured place after several years of alternating between the two, The Billet was more local-y .
Haven't been in the Hart for ages , went once over lockdown, last Summer , they had a pretty chaotic system so didn't bother again. The Billet is my favoured place after several years of alternating between the two, The Billet was more local-y .
was meant to say Billet but mucked that one up :oops:
A family with four kids. :mad: Sounds the place they were offered is in a very poor state so can't blame them for staying put in the hope it forces Hackney to sort things out.
Yep, they are in a strong position and there will be properties for them to move to. Hackney need to pull their fingers out , the press attention should see a suitable property offered soon.
I have dealt with this sort of case a few times over the decades, very difficult moving people from blocks about to be demolished (surprisingly) . Don't know the full facts but I'm surprised Hackney have started work with her & her family in the opposite block.

I was involved in moving a set of residents from a high rise estate in Tower Hamlets many years ago. A work mate was checking all the flats in a supposedly empty block and found a couple living there. They had been leaseholders, they had sold the flat back to Tower Hamlets and no one came to check it or collect the keys (arguably the couple could have just dropped them off) . They'd been living there for about 3 years , rent-free. They told my work mate they had been saving up to buy a place on the coast .
I don't anything about this Marian Court case, but part of Woodberry Down estate is currently being demolished with other blocks still in normal occupation just a few yards away.

The residents there have the prospect of living next door to a demolition/building site for years to come.

It's a shitty situation, and it's far from unusual, unfortunately.
I have dealt with this sort of case a few times over the decades, very difficult moving people from blocks about to be demolished (surprisingly) . Don't know the full facts but I'm surprised Hackney have started work with her & her family in the opposite block.

I was involved in moving a set of residents from a high rise estate in Tower Hamlets many years ago. A work mate was checking all the flats in a supposedly empty block and found a couple living there. They had been leaseholders, they had sold the flat back to Tower Hamlets and no one came to check it or collect the keys (arguably the couple could have just dropped them off) . They'd been living there for about 3 years , rent-free. They told my work mate they had been saving up to buy a place on the coast .
one thing which surprises me is that i know there was asbestos in the tower block i used to live in and i wouldn't be surprised if there was in marian court and surrounding (now demolished) blocks. so by demolishing while she and family in situ i wonder what they've been exposed to.
I don't anything about this Marian Court case, but part of Woodberry Down estate is currently being demolished with other blocks still in normal occupation just a few yards away.

The residents there have the prospect of living next door to a demolition/building site for years to come.

It's a shitty situation, and it's far from unusual, unfortunately.
I was involved in Woodberry Down in the early years (2003/4) the whole redevelopment had been going for several years before that !
Yes, I hope they are found somewhere better soon, I thought it was Woodberry Down for a minute but I see it's actually Homerton.
I was involved in Woodberry Down in the early years (2003/4) the whole redevelopment had been going for several years before that !
From what I hear, it will being going on for a few years yet. Wouldn't be surprised if I retire before it's completed
Is Marian Court the one near the junction of Homerton High Street and Ponsford Street?
I think it is , my lockdown walks have often taken me past them. I thought both blocks were empty tbh, amazed that someone was living there.
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I don't anything about this Marian Court case, but part of Woodberry Down estate is currently being demolished with other blocks still in normal occupation just a few yards away.
fuck yeah. I'm around there quite a lot, and it always amazes me how disrespectful the whole project is. Not only is a community being destroyed, but the remaining residents have to put up with all the noise and distraction for years to come, just to see their neighbours being replaced with the better-off. Disgusting.
From what I hear, it will being going on for a few years yet. Wouldn't be surprised if I retire before it's completed

Yes, that's going to take a long time before it's all finished, I often walk by the reservoirs, they've almost finished demolishing the two big white blocks now - interesting to watch!
fuck yeah. I'm around there quite a lot, and it always amazes me how disrespectful the whole project is. Not only is a community being destroyed, but the remaining residents have to put up with all the noise and distraction for years to come, just to see their neighbours being replaced by the better-off. Disgusting.

Not only the old residents but it's right next to some of the new blocks too!
one thing which surprises me is that i know there was asbestos in the tower block i used to live in and i wouldn't be surprised if there was in marian court and surrounding (now demolished) blocks. so by demolishing while she and family in situ i wonder what they've been exposed to.
no idea what it must be like living in one of the neighbouring flats, but the entire estate must be shaking and trembling. the noise and dust must be maddening, it surely can't be healthy!
not that the estate was particularly pretty or looked (to my untrained eyes) well built, but what's replacing it is surely not a sustainable model in terms of community building and residential planning. It's all so soulless.
one thing which surprises me is that i know there was asbestos in the tower block i used to live in and i wouldn't be surprised if there was in marian court and surrounding (now demolished) blocks. so by demolishing while she and family in situ i wonder what they've been exposed to.
It might have asbestos , but they are supposed to remove it prior to demolition AFAIK.
not that the estate was particularly pretty or looked (to my untrained eyes) well built, but what's replacing it is surely not a sustainable model in terms of community building and residential planning. It's all so soulless.

I know what you mean, I do wonder what these new high rise estates are going to be like years down the line.
I know what you mean, I do wonder what these new high rise estates are going to be like years down the line.
Well there's a load of scaffolding up on the (very expensive) high rise blocks at Dalston Junction. Not sure what for but they're not exactly old.
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