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Correct considers one in two (50%) the choice of Alexis Tsipras to resort to referendum, while about the same percentage (51%) in the total population say they will support the government's proposal by voting 'no' to the proposal of institutions. This proportion decreased dramatically after the announcement to close the banks (from 57% to 46%). The vast majority of respondents (86%) intend to go to the polls, intent demonstrates the high interest of citizens to the stakes of the negotiations.
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38% of citizens characterizing wrong option recourse to referendum, 7% "neither right nor wrong" while 5% said "do not know / no answer". In the total population, 34% choose "yes" and 15% said "D.X / DA." It will not go to the polls 8%, while 6% say "D.X / DA." To those who declare intention to vote 54% would vote 'no', 33% 'yes' and 13% answered "D.X / DA."
It is clear that the closure of banks intercepts a dynamic in favor of the "no" and strengthens the position of "yes". Prior to the closure of banks "no" supported 57% and "yes" 30%, following the closure of banks "no" drops to 46% and "yes" rises to 37%. The fact therefore that the bank holiday and the capital control will play a very important role in the final choice of the citizens.
Depending on their partisan positioning, based on the vote of January 2015, the voters of Syriza say 77% "no" and 15% "yes". In the other parties respectively: in ND 65% 'yes' and 22% 'no' River 68% "yes" and 21% "no," the KKE 57% "no" and 20% "yes" to AN.ELL. 60% "no" and 31% "yes", PASOK 65% "yes" and 21% "no" and the Golden Dawn 80% "no" and 20% "yes".
By age class, young people 18-34 years holding the lead in the "no" by 57%. Below are 35-54 years by 53% and the 55+ with 43%. In the "yes" preceded by 55+ 40%. On the educational level, in favor of the "no" calls for 53% of high school graduates, 51% of those who have finished Universities / TEI & higher educational institution followed by 50% primary - secondary and 43% post-secondary-technical education. In the "yes" preceded by post-secondary-technical education (37%).
By occupational category, entrepreneurs choose 33% "yes" and 46% "no" employees in the private sector 37% and 50%, public sector wage earners 29% and 56%, pensioners in the private sector 41% and 45% Pensioners of the State 43% and 46%, professionals, 32% and 52%, the unemployed 23% and 62% and housewives 34% and 41%.
Regarding what is the choice they have made, the devotees of the "yes" is as follows:
"My feelings for my country," 21% "my view of Greece's participation in the EU" 64%, "my opinion on this proposal for an agreement" 5% "my opinion on the government Tsipras '4%' something else '4%' D.X / DA "2%.
Similarly, followers of the "no":
"My feelings for my country" 41%, "my view of Greece's participation in the EU" 14% "My view on this proposal for an agreement" 28%, "my opinion on the government Tsipras '10%' something else '4%' D.X / DA "3%.
Assignment Authority: ProRata A.E. Public Opinion Research Company and Applications Communications Type and method: Quantitative telephone survey interviewed using a structured questionnaire Population: General population over 18 years Geographical Coverage: whole territory Population: 1,200 questionnaires Weighting: Regarding gender and age sampling method: Stratified sampling (with proportional representation of urban and rural areas) Tracking Error: Maximum +/- 2.8% at a 95% Date: 28-30 June 2015 Personal research: 14 researchers and 2 supervisors