Nonsense. They were elected to try to arrange a complete renegotiation of the Greek debt, while staying in the eu. They are trying to do that, but the eu won't let them. The Greek people - who aren't idiots - placed essentially contradictory demands on their government. They [the government] are forcing the issue, an issue that has needed forcing for years, not hiding away from.
What would you have them do? Accept the bailout terms that have only led to further recession over the last five years?
what I would have them do is deal with the reality
The IMF has a really shit record for helping countries they have "delved" into
Could not trust them to make a fucking cheese sandwich without it costing a few years of your income
I trust them like I thrust any snakeoil slaesman
what I am saying is what you with powerful shits like that who have your bollocks in their hands is argue with them using their language, their structures, etc
They key here is a borderline state and the difficulty it poses for the Euro
They don't seem to have sold it on the basis of the potential political instability caused by crushing people to point that, tho they have voted for us it was a close run thing between us and the Nazi types, look at how the right wing thing buying minds all over Europe - spectre of the 30s blah
Instead he seems to have simply made appeals to decency and fairness
This never works
You have to show the others that their arse is hanging out and they will be the next to be bitten
This is ENTIRELY political
There is NO economic argument - Greece is dead on it feet and some sort of fictional notion that they can collect tax of the rich is farcical at best, but to be fair is tragic for the people _ I cannot begin to know what it must be like
The salient point is that Greece should NOT be in the Euro, it introduces strictures they will never be able to survive with
If they stay in, well they will be Germany's kicking boy for the rest of time
He talks of pride
Its takes pride and a strength he has yer to show, to walk away from a deal, which by its very structure fucks you over for ever
Bite the bullet Geezer