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Greece in turmoil and pain - 8 days of rage, protests and riots


on the 5 of May 2010, I was reporting here on this site about a massive demo in Athens, definitely the biggest that I had ever been. It was a demo about the new labor laws and reforms. It was so big, that it could barely move, because basically the whole center of Athens was packed. That demo though was stained by a tragic incident as some people (we still don't know who they were) put a bank on fire resulting to the death of 3 people (4 counting the unborn baby of 1 of the victims as she was pregnant at the time). Since then, demos have not been so massive. The only other demo that I have been, that had a similar turnout of people, was last Wednesday. Hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streets of Athens, as well as other streets in various cities all around Greece, all protesting because of the train tragedy of the 28th of February.

Today was also a general strike in all over Greece. Demos had been organized in all cities. The turnout in Athens, was again massive. The people, are angry. We all are. At least 57 people died, the majority of them students, at the biggest train "accident" in Greek history. I use "" for the word accident, as in reality, it was waiting to happen. All those years of austerity had as a result the complete destruction of the Greek state services in all sectors (health, education, transportation etc).

What was the response of the state to this massive demonstration ? To find a way and brake it, as you can clearly see on the following video

Also there is a question of who these guys are, that you see on the attached photo. The same systems, that the police used during the 2008 uprising because of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos, are again in use here. The police decide to attack even peaceful demos, then the guys that you see on the photo start creating the first troubles immediately after that. We are now used to it.

I do not know yet how things will unfold. The feeling is not exactly the same as in 2008, but people are still demonstrating in all over Greece.

I will keep you updated.


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