They need to be careful with that strategy - and I'm sure Labour MPs and candidates are being drilled in what to say and what not to say in the run up - 30pLee is a useful idiot for the Tories (oh, dammit it's working
) but he's not a fan of the strikers - or their reasons for striking - claiming that no one on £30k a year needs to go to a food bank, which is a self-inflicted wound for the tories, it reminds people that there are food banks (and a little digging reveals that the numbers of food banks have multiplied enormously under the tories) and it reminds people of the cost of living crisis - and working class people are union members too.
I've a feeling it will end in tears and he'll say something even more outrageous at some point and have to resign - he's mostly feathering his nest - hoping for a Lords gig and a GBnews talking head contract - he's one of the red wall Tory MPs who is likely to be a one -term MP.
Plus, he is ex-Labour and that doesn't seem to come out in the press much - he got into a pickle and was suspended over comments and actions against Travellers. The more he puts himself in the eyes of the media, the more likely he is to fuck up.