Bring back hanging
In fact, i'm pretty sure there's an argument for further deregulation of all aspects of the economy buried in that stuff about the private sector.
It's wrong not to ask yourselff what they're playing at and why.
In fact, i'm pretty sure there's an argument for further deregulation of all aspects of the economy buried in that stuff about the private sector.
Just stupidity, but thats what you get when you have chairman Brown shirt,The queen and others who sell us out. Bring back the noose for them. Albert of Alvelon
I haven't seen anyone, Tory or Labour, mention 'crowding out' by the public sector for nearly 20 years. The very fact he's using that phrase gives a pretty good indication of where his thinking lies - private=good, public=bad.
It's just all so tired and lacking any real depth.
First time I saw the video of the speach on youtube I was -very- impressed with the content and the delivery. Passionate, rationale and punchy. I nodded whilst I read some of the "you gave it to Gordy LOLz!!!!" type posts.
Hannah's vid is now amongst the most watched on the net. He rulz 'cos he 0wned Broon....
.. But thinking about it, it would be nice to have some /context/ of the speach.
- What was the platform or topic? Was it a "have a go at Br00n" day?
- Did any one have a chance to say anything against Hannah's comments, particularly Brown?
- Will Brown Rick-Roll Hannah in a counter action?
- Will Jackie "CCTV iz guud and I know vere you live" Smiff log commentors to have them lined up and shot?
- Will Hannah be Kellified? So one day he walks his dog and takes loads of tables, falls off a cliff and shoots himself?
Brown had just addressed the EUropean parliament. The various Euro political groupings put forward somebody to reply, plus a few Independants get called (Hannan is an independant), each has 3mins to say what they want without interuption. Hannan does not appear to be on the lists for reelection to European Parliament in May, imagine he will be standing for Westminster Parliament if we are allowed an election. Derek Draper was on Daily Politics reckoned his blog has taken it apart line by line so they are trying.
Hannan isnt an independent, he is a Tory.
In the ten years that I have been travelling to Iceland, I have watched an economic miracle unfold there ... Today, Icelanders are absolutely rolling in it. A people two generations away from subsistence farming have become international tycoons.
Look at the City of London, for heaven’s sake, which Brussels is doing its best to asphyxiate with its financial regulations.
Icelanders understand that there is a connection between living in an independent state and living independently from the state. They have no more desire to submit to international than to national regulation. That attitude has made them the happiest, freest and wealthiest people on earth.
people are responding to the tone, not the content imo.
Good assessment, ba.It's not purely, but look at it - he doesn't actually say anything but plays on old old fears of a communist and KGB takeover. Is it news that the economy is fucked - helped by people like Hannan. And more to the point, the only substantive bit seems to be an argument for sacking public sectors workers and cutting back on the states social expenditures under the guise of helping the population. It's as dishonest an attempt at making a name for yourself whilst pushing a self-serving pro-bosses agenda as i've ever seen.
Hannan said:"Fidel Castro lies in his sick bed in his sultry caribbean island, fading away, and not before time..."
Apologies if this has been posted on this thread before, but is a far better, and far cleverer, speech from last year in the Commons.
He probably reads Rand too.