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Gordon Brown savaged in a speech in the European parliament by Daniel Hannah MEP


Well-Known Member
An excellent speech by Daniel Hannah MEP, strangely absent from mainstream media in the UK,that were covering Gordos visit to Strasbourg :hmm:. Well worth a listen, rather depressing in content but unfortunately true.:(

Oh yes and Gordo new nick name, Winky McF&cknut.....:D

at the moment its the most viewed video today on you tube :confused:

nice to see someone giving it brown, shame it takes a trip the eu parliament for it to happen why can't our so called opposition do this?

here's the 3 minute eu length speech:

Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government
Prime Minister, I see you’ve already mastered the essential craft of the European politician: namely the ability to say one thing in this chamber and a very different thing to your home electorate. You’ve spoken here about Free Trade – and amen to that. Who would have guessed, listening to you just now, that you were the author of the phrase ‘British jobs for British workers’ and that you have subsidised, where you have not nationalised outright, swathes of our economy, including the car industry and many of the banks? Perhaps you would have more moral authority in this house if your actions matched your words? Perhaps you would have more legitimacy in the councils of the world if the United Kingdom were not going into this recession in the worst condition of any G20 country?

The truth, Prime Minister, is that you have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British child is born owing around £20,000. Servicing the interest on that debt is going to cost more than educating the child. Now, once again today you try to spread the blame around; you spoke about an international recession, international crisis. Well, it is true that we are all sailing together into the squalls. But not every vessel in the convoy is in the same dilapidated condition. Other ships used the good years to caulk their hulls and clear their rigging; in other words – to pay off debt. But you used the good years to raise borrowing yet further. As a consequence, under your captaincy, our hull is pressed deep into the water line under the accumulated weight of your debt.

We are now running a deficit that touches 10% of GDP, an almost unbelievable figure. More than Pakistan, more than Hungary; countries where the IMF have already been called in.

Now, it’s not that you’re not apologising; like everyone else I have long accepted that you’re pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for these things. It’s that you’re carrying on, wilfully worsening our situation, wantonly spending what little we have left. Last year - in the last twelve months – a hundred thousand private sector jobs have been lost and yet you created thirty thousand public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on for ever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt. And when you repeat, in that wooden and perfunctory way, that our situation is better than others, that we’re ‘well-placed to weather the storm’, I have to tell you that you sound like a Brezhnev-era apparatchik giving the party line. You know, and we know, and you know that we know that it’s nonsense! Everyone knows that Britain is worse off than any other country as we go into these hard times. The IMF has said so; the European Commission has said so; the markets have said so – which is why our currency has devalued by thirty percent. And soon the voters too will get their chance to say so. They can see what the markets have already seen: that you are the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.
It's apparently the most viewed and commented video on Youtube today.

It deserves more exposure though.
So is Gordon Brown. They always disagree with each other tories, whether in the same or twin parties.

He still gets the time of day though... if the Tories had been in for the past 12 years as this lot have, and done the same stuff, we would have had proper riots by now.
Free market fundamentalist attacks "spendthrift" corporatist for using different methods to control the working class.
This is news?
I was so impressed, I called my dad and let him hear the video over the phone. Great speech! Don't care who said it, but it needed to be said.

Perhaps David Cameron needs to listen and learn.
Loved this line "you are the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government. "

Sadly so very fucking true. :mad:
Why is it shit though? Just because the guy is a tory tosser?

The CONTENT of the speech and the way in which he said it was class!
Well, looking at someones motivations is part of the latent content, so the fact that he's a tory is relavent. And, looking at the text above - it's nothing really.
Why is it shit though? Just because the guy is a tory tosser?

The CONTENT of the speech and the way in which he said it was class!

I haven't seen anyone, Tory or Labour, mention 'crowding out' by the public sector for nearly 20 years. The very fact he's using that phrase gives a pretty good indication of where his thinking lies - private=good, public=bad.

It's just all so tired and lacking any real depth.
Why is it shit though? Just because the guy is a tory tosser?

The CONTENT of the speech and the way in which he said it was class!

Within reason I don't care which party the MEP who has made this comment has come from. Its a true reflection on how many see Gordon the Economic Morons handling of the economy. People from all parties and none warned of the dangers of having Britain in the position of having some of the highest personal debt in the world years and years ago but nothing was done.

Fuck Fred the Shred if anyone should be in the dock it should be the architect of the debt culture Gordon Brown.
I'm not - I'm dismissing it as shit because it's badly written, badly delivered and the content is nothing that I haven't read at least 20 times in the op-ed pages of most of the national newspapers. There's nothing new there, and coming from a Tory most of the criticisms about economic management and the stuff about '100000 private sector jobs have been lost' - yeah, because all your mates in the City have bankrupted themselves. ANY Tory who sets a stall out to criticise the City is an idiot - same thing goes for the expansion of personal debt, something that the Tories have been encouraging since the 1980s when they convinced every man and their dog that home ownership was the be-all and end-all of life.
Its a true reflection on how many see Gordon the Economic Morons handling of the economy.

Exactly :)

And if it was Mickey Mouse saying it, it would still be the same message that Cameron and friends have not thrown at Gordon with enough force.
Fucking hilarious speech... no mention of liberalisation of the financial markets and the selling off of Britains housing stock ...in contrast to the rest of Europe.

Well done Mr Tory Twat.
I'm not - I'm dismissing it as shit because it's badly written, badly delivered and the content is nothing that I haven't read at least 20 times in the op-ed pages of most of the national newspapers. There's nothing new there, and coming from a Tory most of the criticisms about economic management and the stuff about '100000 private sector jobs have been lost' - yeah, because all your mates in the City have bankrupted themselves. ANY Tory who sets a stall out to criticise the City is an idiot - same thing goes for the expansion of personal debt, something that the Tories have been encouraging since the 1980s when they convinced every man and their dog that home ownership was the be-all and end-all of life.

^ this
No, my point was - why dismiss this as shit purely because the fella is a tory.

It's not purely, but look at it - he doesn't actually say anything but plays on old old fears of a communist and KGB takeover. Is it news that the economy is fucked - helped by people like Hannah. And more to the point, the only substantive bit seems to be an argument for sacking public sectors workers and cutting back on the states social expenditures under the guise of helping the population. It's as dishonest an attempt at making a name for yourself whilst pushing a self-serving pro-bosses agenda as i've ever seen.
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