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Golf. Do you hate it?

Do you hate golf?

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good fun to play. it's like a nice countryside walk, with the added attraction of being able to hit balls as hard as you can. been a couple of times and finished 50 over par, but it's quite relaxing. crap to watch, mind
I watched my ex play once............ what a load of old shit! The only good thing was the 4 cans of stella on the way round.
So it's kind of golf with the walking bit taken out for extra laziness. A slightly more realistic wii style simulation

I like wii golf, turns out I'm really good at it :cool:

Never played real golf, apart from crazy gold. A bit too sedate for my liking. And yes, have a natural aversion to it because of what it does the countryside and the whole 'culture'.
Love (and hate :D) playing it, enjoy watching the majors on telly.

Watching Golf live doesn't appeal (and I live just up the road from Wentworth).
As for the sport - it's fine. Not my cup of tea, but I don't mind it.

But like bees said - its the surrounding culture, the "keeping up with the Joneses" attitude that makes it irksome.
Pitch and putt is good fun. I think golf could be a really good game if all the guff and bigotry that surrounds it was stripped away and replaced with something better.
I fucking hate golf. There's a club near my mum's and the resident pro drives a merc estate with his name plastered all over it.

Kill them, kill them all :mad:
Also, I think they are up to terrible perversions - jiggering about with their mashie niblicks, indeed. :eek:

And in public too. For shame!
Heath Park Cardiff, 12 hole pitch n putt with mates - love it.
Crazy golf - Love it.
Proper golf course with stupid outfits and stuckup pricks - Hate it.
Watching it on the TV - Used to love it when the TV tecnology meant you spent 2 hours playing spot the ball with the cameraman. Now with that element removed its pretty boring.
Golf is one of the most pointless of games out there - hitting a tiny ball round a field with a silly stick. Taking up loads of good land that could be better used by other people in normal clothing. And using ridiculous amounts of water in dry countries just so weirdos can hit a tiny ball round a field with a silly stick, wearing stupid clothes.
... And using ridiculous amounts of water in dry countries just so weirdos can hit a tiny ball round a field with a silly stick, wearing stupid clothes.

I think that's a really nasty thing about it. Something like the Old Course (and lots of others in British Isles) tend not to be exactly short of water :D but building the damn things in dry places where they waste resources is just evil, and the people responsible should be beaten to death with their own golf bats.:mad:
A gold course takes on average 111 acres of land in the UK. No doubt more in bigger countries.

Makes me wonder, as sports go, is that the biggest penned off area of any sport?
How many acres of penned off street does the London Marthon use?
Or is there a sailing competition that restricts a larger area of sea?

Which sports takes up the most goddamn space which could have been used for something else if sport wasn't going on right then?
It's hard to play golf without them [golf clubs] I think.

I think it might be fun to change the rules so that they all had to play with pool cues instead. Plus, So much healthier for the daft golfers - all that lying on the ground, getting up, walking a tiny bit, lying on the wet ground again ... :)
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I used to like mini golf and Crazy Golf as a kid but I've never tried to proper game. Clearly, if I did, though, I would hate it.
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