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Golf. Do you hate it?

Do you hate golf?

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I'm sure it might be a laugh if you could have some beers as you're doing it, but urban golf really isn't a sport at all then, is it?

It's a sport simulator, not claiming to be a sport in itself... handy for learning/practicing when it's difficult to get to courses I reckon.

How much do you have to pay for this glorified arcade sim?

From about £10/hour.

Lessons are a bit more.
It is not a sport in its own right, no. I thought that was sort of obvious.

You understand cricket nets aren't actually the full game of cricket?


How many urban golfers end up on an actual golf course eventually?

How many cricketers using cricket nets end up on an actual cricket pitch eventually?

How many urban golfers end up on an actual golf course eventually?

How many cricketers using practise cricket nets end up on an actual cricket pitch eventually?

Quite a few people start in Urban Golf for lessons or practice when the weather is shit.

Living in a City it makes complete sense to use it as you can't exactly pop out to a driving range or course after work can you??

Whereas there are Cricket nets all over the place that are accessible after work.

How many urban golfers end up on an actual golf course eventually?

How many cricketers using cricket nets end up on an actual cricket pitch eventually?

I have no idea, both of the figure or why it would be significant.

Both replicate aspects of a sport, for alternative reasons, granted, but neither are sports in their own right.

You wouldn't use Urban Golf to practice* once you had the basic swing sorted as you can't assess the flight of the ball - the machine can only estimate. Golf requires accurate flight and distance control, which you can only assess by actually watching flight and distance.

*in the sense that you would need something additional, not that going to play Urban Golf would be useless.
Like I said on the other thread, Golf has far too high a overhead for a sport and not enough physical exertion.
Love it, just wish I didn't suck at playing it so much (but never had lessons). Don't play very much.

I love watching the majors, going to the Open is a great day out. I just wish there was more than one course near London it's played at, though I have been to a few in Scotland.
Hate the game, although if I'm honest it's golf clubs and all the associated twattery, rather than the sport itself, that I can't stand.
Shit poll. There's no 'boring to watch, fun to play' option. I once spent a very satisfying morning on a driving range with a broken heart and a hangover twatting balls to kingdom come.
What's different from simply throwing them?

I like hitting things as much as the next man. Indeed there's nothing I like more than delivering a sweet punch or crunching into a tackle, but there's an element of personal competition there.

Driving ranges might as well be competitive sessions of wet the pitta bread for all I care.
Not bothered, but not thrilled.

More bothered by the 'In the Hole!', 'You the Man!' shite comments from the people who go and watch.. the pros seem to be anonymous and anodyne or up themselves.. what's all the glaring at cameraman when a camera makes a shutter sound..

Seems ruined by commercialism and professionalism (like a lot of sports). Seemed ok when it was Watson and Nicklaus at Turnberry or Ballesteros.

Whacking a ball in the countryside is good..
I like hitting things as much as the next man. Indeed there's nothing I like more than delivering a sweet punch or crunching into a tackle, but there's an element of personal competition there.

Me and my mate were seeing who could hit it further. It was all about the personal competition element. Plus it's not as easy as it looks. Nothing worse than launching into a full blooded swing and having the ball land short of the first distance marker.
What's different from simply throwing them?

I like hitting things as much as the next man. Indeed there's nothing I like more than delivering a sweet punch or crunching into a tackle, but there's an element of personal competition there.

Driving ranges might as well be competitive sessions of wet the pitta bread for all I care.

'sweet' punch. 'crunching' tackle. Extend this line of thinking.
You can hit a golf ball with a club a hell of a lot further and higher than you can throw it – you've extended your levers with the club and can get much more speed through the ball.

Hitting a golf ball a long way is really satisfying – you look at it afterwards and can't quite believe that it was you that did it.
Golf's too dull to hate. Those idiots who shout 'In the hole!' deserve a very hard kick up the arse though.
As a spectator sport it's almost as bad as darts. As something to do for a couple of hours it's actually rather good. Unfortunately relatively expensive. Also unfortunately a rather high proportion of golfers are twats.
Me and my mate were seeing who could hit it further. It was all about the personal competition element. Plus it's not as easy as it looks. Nothing worse than launching into a full blooded swing and having the ball land short of the first distance marker.

A golf ball coming straight off the sweet spot of a driver and going straight as an arrow is the best feeling in the world.

I can still remember the best drive I've hit. I was playing shit and started taking irons off the tee and shortening my back swing to about hip high and still couldn't get a ball away.

Towards the end of the round I thought "fuck it" and took out the big stuff and leathered it full force. The perfect shot disappeared into the far distance. I nearly drove a par 4. I'd pay money to do that again.

It's like squeezing the best spot you ever had!!:D
A golf ball coming straight off the sweet spot of a driver and going straight as an arrow is the best feeling in the world.

I take it you've never had a line of the finest colombian off the back of a wild nymphomaniac just as you reach the vinegar stroke. :D
'hate' is utterly disproprtionate.

I associate playing the thing with being a bit 'nouveau' (soz, Kanda) - my Stevenage/Buldock relatives play.

watching it is just so far down the list of leisure time options as to be irrelevant. It would probably place lower than housework, but getting some leisure-sleep rates more highly than both, so who cares?
Putting Stevenage into it negates any kind of class issue!! :)

My cunt stepdad and his family were all Stevenage...
Putting Stevenage into it negates any kind of class issue!! :)

My cunt stepdad and his family were all Stevenage...

i think xes lives up that way, but otherwise, my entire hertfordhire experience is via my decidedly nouveau (well off but no education [hang on, sounds familiar]) paternal family.
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